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Everything posted by BondFanatic

  1. I guess I'll be a Jedi. Who to be, though?
  2. The security guard stopped Sala. "Identify yourself." "Sala Zend. Central Intelligence Agency, United States." Sala flashed her badge and walked past. She walked into a dimly lit room. A man spoke in a British accent. "And you might be?"
  3. I've played Viola since for 8 years and still going.
  4. Daykob jumps onto his Yamaha bike and heads towards Cardow Road. While he's driving, Daykob notices a man riding towards him on a Harley. Daykob notices a symbol tatooed on his arm. [I]A Snakesmith![/I] The man pulls a 9mm out and slams a clip into the gun. Daykob notices this and pulls his P99 out. Just as the man pulls his gun up, Daykob ducks and kicks outward with his left leg, stunning the man. He raises the P99 with his right arm and fires one round. It pierces the man's forehead, killing him instantly. [I]Hey, it's in my job description.[/I] Daykob soon arrives at the Road and notices the chopper. He rides it right into the chopper. Daykob sits down and cleans his P99.
  5. Name: Daykob Hacten Age: 17 Grade: 12 Firearm: Walther P99 Bio: Daykob is a new student in the area. Not much is known about him.
  6. Name: Jurok Hostek Age: 29 Description: Brown hair, blue eyes Rank: Captain Wing #: Rogue Leader Home Planet: Alderaan R2 or R5 Name: R2-D9/Boltstrim
  7. Jose walked into the intel room and saw Carlina sitting. "How are those recon photos coming?" "Got them printed out. I had the computer enter the most effective strategy with the members of the Crew." "Good. Send it to Ken and the Boss." "Got it." Jose walked out and dialed Ken on his cell. "Ken. Carlina's sending some intel to your PC. I think we should move out ASAP." "I'll think about it. I don't think some members of the Crew are ready." [I]Some hours later...[/I] Jose entered the firing range, all of his pistols loaded. He put on his goggles and went over to a wall computer. He typed in the guns he would be using, and grabbed his 9mm's. When he heard a ring, he unloaded both clips into the target. He repeated this until all of his guns' rounds were expended. He went back to the computer and looked at it. His score was 55/60. [I]Good, I'm getting better.[/I] He reloaded all of his guns and walked out. He went straight to his quarters and went to sleep.
  8. Just in case any of you are wondering what Mercenary Guards are, they're soldier versions of the Crew. No Jose gadgets, though.
  9. I just found out some things about the next Bond Film. Name: Die Another Day Director: Lee Tamahori Producers: Michael G. Wilson, Barbara Brocolli Theme Song Performed By: Madonna (Who will also have a cameo in the movie) Bond Actor: Pierce Brosnan Bond Girls: Jinx - Halle Berry Miranda Frost - Rosamund Pike MI6 Members: M - Judi Dench R - John Cleese Villains: Gustav Graves - Toby Stephens Zao - Rick Yune If you don't believe me, here's the movie's official site. [URL=http://www.jamesbond.com/bond20/index.php]Die Another Day Homepage[/URL] [COLOR=darkred][b][SIZE=4]Release Date: November 22, 2002[/SIZE][/b][/COLOR]
  10. Jose got up and stood near the door. He had heard the shots and was wondering what was going on. He turned around, and when he turned back, he noticed Sabir, the injured Neil and Siren. "Ay! Neil! You need any help?" "No, I'll be fine." "Ok." Jose walked back to the lab and picked a remote up. He pressed a button, and the north wall flipped over, revealing a cache of weapons. Jose threw his M-16 into a bag and grabbed several handguns from the racks. First, he grabbed a second silenced 9mm. Next, he grabbed a Walther PPK. He then grabbed two Colts and attached specially made supressors on the muzzles. He also grabbed two Smith and Wesson .38 revolvers. Last, he grabbed two Glock semi-autos. He placed these all on his belt and walked to the boss' office. "Hey, boss. I heard someone's offering 10 million for blowing a British intelligence base. If this is true, I'm going to need several Mercenary Guards and most of the crew." "Ok. I'll see if I can do that." "Thanks, boss."
  11. As Jose drove into a clearing, he heard a dull thumping. He looked up and saw the cargo chopper just about to land. He got out and started to wave his hands. A few seconds later, it landed. Jose got back into his car and drove in when the cargo hatch opened. When he was locked in, he gave the pilot a thumbs-up. The chopper then lifted off. [I]Back at TPM HQ...[/I] Jose didn't say anything as he got off the chopper. He went straight to his quarters. When he came back out, he was holding his cell phone. He dialed a number, and waited. [I]Somewhere in the Bahamas...[/I] A man picked up his phone and held it to his ear. "Ok. I'll get it to you. Out."
  12. As Jose climbed out of his hole, he heard voices. They became louder until Jose realized they were getting closer. He grbbaed his rope and rappeled down a side of the house. He found the fuse box he had seen later and ripped it open. He attached the overloader and turned it on. A few seconds later, the house began to rise. He saw the doors open, and turned back to the fuse panel. He flipped all of the switches off, and grabbed his 9mm. Jose also grabbed his cell phone and flipped the dial panel up. He pressed a few buttons, and put the cell away. When the house finally rose out of the hole, he ran towards the fence. He immediately pulled his cell phone out and called Ken. "Ken? The mission was a fake. My friends aren't here. I'm heading back. Can you send me a cargo chopper to these coordinates?" Jose pressed some buttons and typed a set of coordinates in. "No problem. I'll send in a strike team to back you up." "Thanks. Get my lab ready." "Ok." "Out." Jose put the cell phone away and noticed a guard rushing him. He raised his 9mm up and put a round through the man's sternum, killing him instantly. He noticed several other guards, and looked at his clip. He had three rounds left, and six guards. If he tried to change the clip during a firefight, he'd die. Jose pulled another pistol, this one gleaming with titanium, out and placed one round in it. [I]I hope this works.[/I] He was holding a prototype rail handgun, firing explosive rounds. He started to pull the trigger and saw the bright red explosion before he noticed the trigger was all the way back. He saw all the guards lying, dead, on the ground, and ran. Jose ran through the hole in the fence he cut earlier and ran until he got to the cliff. He barely saw the Viper, with its titanium armor engaged, sitting on the ledge. He flipped the dial panel on the cell up again and pressed some more buttons. The car's lights turned on, and the grapple gun extended out from beneath the car. It pointed upward, and fired. The titanium cable easily pierced the ice, and held. Jose pulled a set of Y-looking pieces of metal from his pocket and stuck them together around the cable. He grabbed his pack and slid down, jumping off right before he hit the car. He jumped in, pulled the cable in and drove off.
  13. As Jose walked down the hallway, he noticed a metal box. [I]What the hell is that?[/I] He pulled it open and noticed a list of weapons with switches and phone numbers. [I]This must be a military base.[/I] Jose also noticed a viewscreen, next to the box. He turned it on, and noticed each camera was rotating in a room. There was a camera for each room. He looked at all of them and didn't notice his friends. [I]Oh, hell no. They tricked me![/I] Jose turned the screen off and started to run. [I]Time to return to TPM.[/I]
  14. Touga took the sword. "I guess I'll take it. Utena, thank you for a great deul."
  15. Ooh, I love that game! I'm an amateur (Just started a few months ago). It's lots of fun.
  16. As Garret stepped off the boat, he pulled both of his Browning 9mm High Power Mark 2 Pistols out and loaded them. "Any of you damn dinos want some of this, come and get it."
  17. Name: Garret M. Age: 26 Height: 6' 11" Weight: 259 lbs. Weapons: 2x Silenced 9mm; 6x Throwing Knife; Lindstradt Air Rifle, Armed with [I]Conus Purpurascens[/I] neurotoxin Bio: A hired guard, he's payed to protect everyone on the boat. Appearance: Sunglasses, black shirt, black pants Disposition: Quiet, strong
  18. [I]The next day...[/I] Jose was wearing heavy snow gear. He was trying to find a large mansion, where John had said his friends were being held. Jose didn't see a mansion where he was. All he saw was a glacier. [I]Well, time to climb.[/I] Jose grabbed two picks from his pack and ice spikes for his shoes. He put the spikes on and stuck one of the picks in the ice. He continued in this manner until his spikes were off the ground. He stuck the spikes in the ice and began to half walk, half climb. [I]One hour later...[/I] Jose grabbed onto the ledge and pulled himself up. He noticed a huge building with a fence, guard towers and several other security systems. Jose walked towards the fence and stopped. H picked a rock up and threw it at the fence. He watched as it hit, and as a blue-white bolt of electricity crackled across the fence and turned the rock to ashes. [I]Damn.[/I] Jose grabbed another piece of equipment out of his pack. It was a small box with two miniature jumper cables attached. Jose stuck them on the fence and flipped a switch on the box. He waited until he heard a click. [I]Ok, overloader works.[/I] Jose took out some wire cutters and snapped the fence. Jose climbed through and pulled his ski mask over his face. He walked towards the building and didn't notice the security beam right in his path. A second later, Jose broke the beam, setting an alarm off. "Damn!" Suddenly, shots rang out as the building began to lower into the ground. "So it can be lowered into a bunker. No problem." Jose picked off the guard that was shooting at him and ran to the building. It was already underground and huge steel doors were closing over it. Jose jumped on top of the doors and and threw his rope down. He grabbed it and began to slide down. Jose looked down, than up. He was about fifty feet above the building. When he looked up, the doors were inches apart. [I]****. This is really going to hurt.[/I] The doors closed, and Jose's roped snapped. He began to fall. A few seconds later, he hit the roof. "Damn. Ow, my leg!" Jose packed what was left of his rope back into his pack and pulled his special pen out. However, this wasn't any pen. Its tip held a small explosive that could stun an enemy or punch through metal. Three seconds after the first click, the projectile launched. The explosive detonated five seconds after impact. Jose clicked it and aimed it at the roof. The tip stuck into the roof, and Jose took cover. Five seconds later, a small explosion hit Jose with several tiles. Jose got up and started to tear the hole's sides farther apart. Soon, the hole was big enough for Jose to climb down. Jose left his equipment by the hole and grabbed his 9mm. He jumped down and started walking down a hallway.
  19. Jose drove to a tunnel and drove in. He got out of the car and locked it. "John? Where are you?" A figure stepped forward and looked up. "Jose, good to see you again. You have the money?" "Yeah." Jose opened up the case he was holding and showed it to John. "Good. Here are the documents. They're being held in Vladivostok." "Thanks." Jose walked back to his car and turned the cell on. "Dial Carlina." "Yeah?" "Tell Ken I'm leaving the Merecenaries for a few months. I need to take care of some stuff. Until I get back, you are assuming all of my work." "Ok, bro." Jose drove off and headed to the airport. [I]Back at the HQ...[/I] "Ken!" "What?" "Jose says he's left TPM for a while. I don't know where he is, and I've lost the transmission on his cell." "Damn! We need--" Ken was cut off as his cell rang. "Ken." "It's Jose. Don't try and trace this line. I'm going to Russia. It's personal business. Some bounty hunters who are after me have captured some of my friends. I'm going to rescue them. Do not send help unless I ask for it." "Fine." Ken hung up and slowly put his cell phone down. [I]First, Neil, now this.[/I]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Utena_Tenjou [/i] [B] But Touga, you are the victor, you now officaly own the Sword of Dios..you should know that.. [/B][/QUOTE] The Sword of What-os? What's the sword of Dios?
  21. As Jose got up from his bed, he heard the shots. He grabbed his 9mm and ran to where everyone was. "What the hell just happened?" "Neil's injured, he's in surgery right now." "Tell him I hope he gets better. I've gotta go somewhere." Jose walked down to the garage and jumped into his Viper. He turned the cell on and dialed Carlina. "Carlina, track my cell phone signal. I've got some personal business to take care of." "No problem, bro." Jose hung up, and pressed the pedal. A few minutes later, Jose was on the mainland. He turned, and drove off.
  22. Touga shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but that belongs to you, Utena."
  23. Sorry for not posting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As Trunks was training in the Gravity Room at Capsule Corp, he sensed something. He waited for a second, and left. He then headed for New Namek. [I]I'm coming, father.[/I]
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