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Everything posted by BondFanatic

  1. Here's my Zeon fleet. Group Designation: Delta Bravo Combat Armada Group Affiliation: Principality of Zeon - Late OYW Era Area Of Operation: Earth Sphere (Heavy Combat Fleet) Commanding Officer: Commodore Liodore Zerfrant Group Composition: · 1 x [i]Zanzibar[/i] Class Mobile Cruiser ([i]Jerebweno[/i]) - Task force flagship. Capable of carrying up to six Mobile Suits. · 1 x [i]Chivvay[/i] Class Heavy Cruiser ([i]Hergenta[/i]) - Provides heavy support fire for Mobile Suit forces. Main MS carrier. Capable of carrying up to eight Mobile Suits. · 6 x [i]Musai[/i] Class Cruisers ([i]Haclion[/i], [i]Pudentz[/i], [i]Gerrard[/i], [i]Florotica[/i], [i]Oberon[/i], [i]Draconias[/i]) - Provides flank protection for fleet. Capable of carrying up to three Mobile suits each. Mobile Suit Composition: [i]Jerebweno[/i] · 5 x MS-14C Gelgoog Cannon - Close fire Support unit · 1 x MS-14A Gelgoog ? Frontline battle unit [i]Hergenta[/i] · 3 x MS-09RII Rick Dom II ? Frontline battle unit · 3 x MS-14Jg Gelgoog Jaeger ? Frontline battle unit [i]Haclion[/i] · 3 x MS-09RII Rick Dom II ? Frontline battle unit [i]Pudentz[/i] · 3 x MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai ? Combat Air Patrol [i]Gerrard[/i] · 3 x MS-06R-3 High Mobility Type Zaku ? Fast attack unit [i]Florotica[/i] · 3 x MS-09RII Rick Dom II ? Frontline battle unit [i]Oberon[/i] · 3 x MS-14Jg Gelgoog Jaeger ? Frontline battle unit [i]Draconias[/i] · 2 x MS-09RII Rick Dom II ? Frontline battle unit · 1 x MS-06R-3 High Mobility Type Zaku ? Fast attack unit Deployment Procedures: · All [i]Musai[/i] class cruisers deploy in circular formation around [i]Jerebweno[/i]. [i]Hergenta[/i] provides cover fire for Mobile Suit forces. · All Mobile Suits engage enemy, except for [i]Pudentz[/i] Zaku Kai's, which stay back with the fleet and defend ships against other Mobile Suits. Ships: 8 Mobile Suits: 32
  2. Not to be mean, but you didn't give enough info.
  3. ga bowed back and shook Utena's hand. "Thank you for that great fight." Touga then walked out of the ring, his Greatsword at his waist.
  4. I've already posted the IC thread.
  5. Erin: Sorry, but you can't do that. Rengend: What? Why, Ms. Streamwise? Erin: You don't have a search warrant. The Constitution protects against unlawful search and seizure. Aside from Culinary Arts, Forensics and Criminology, I'm studying U.S. History. Honors, Professor Tretlinn. I've got the Bill of Rights memorized. Rengend: Very well then. Now that you bring that up, the search of Niko's apartment will be called off. Niko: Ca-ching!
  6. I don't have much time to post a start thread, so everybody start and I'll join in later. I also have some writers block. Sorry.
  7. Touga clenched his hand in a fist, and pulled it back. "Now, I've really won!"
  8. Ok, I will admit I have a habit of bringing topics from other boards to here. This one is called 'Design a fleet'. You can use any ships and Mobile Suits [U]from the U.C. era[/U]. That means [U][B]no A.C. fleets![/B][/U] As you can see, some of the Mobile Suits and ships in this fleet aren't One Year War material. Also, one of the Mobile Suits isn't a real suit. The RX-79[GC] Gundam Command Type is a Mobile Suit I made up myself. As the name says, it's a command type of the RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type. And if you real Gundam fans who know the U.C. universe like the back of your hand are wondering hwy Ground Gundams are doing in space, I have the answer. If this was an actual fleet, the Gundams would be modified to be used in space. Group Designation: Earth Federation Silver Flame Fleet Group Affiliation: Earth Federation Space Forces, OYW Era Area Of Operation: Earth Sphere (Long Range Patrol) Commanding Officer: Commander Harold Smith Group Composition: · 2 x [i]Pegasus[/i] Class Assault Carrier ([i]Marhoni[/i], [i]Warhammer[/i]) - Task force flagships and main MS carriers. Capable of carrying up to six Mobile Suits. · 2 x [i]Columbus[/i] Class Transports ([i]Rogue Flight[/i], [i]Revolutionary[/i]) ? Converted for carrying mobile suits. Maximum capacity of eight mobile suits. · 2 x [i]Magellan[/i] Class Battleships ([i]Copernicus[/i], [i]Dadealius[/i]) ? Provides support fire for MS forces and carriers. · 2 x [i]Salamis[/i] Class Cruisers ([i]Altaris[/i], [i]Madaris[/i]) ? Provides flank protection for fleet. · 2 x [i]Birmingham[/i] Class Battleships ([i]Hikoro[/i], [i]Denju[/i]) ? Provides support fire for MS forces and carriers. Mobile Suit Composition: [i]Marhoni[/i] · 1 x RGM-79[E] GM Type ? 9th MS Squad Leader - Long Range Precision Strike Mobile Suit · 1 x RGC-83 GM Cannon II ? 9th MS Squad ? Close Fire support unit · 1 x RGM-79GS GM Command Space Type ? 29th MS Squad Leader ? Frontline battle unit · 2 x RGM-79 GM ? 29th MS Squad ? Frontline battle unit · 1 x RGC-83 GM Cannon II ? 29th MS Squad ? Close Fire Support unit [i]Warhammer[/i] · 1 x RGC-83 GM Cannon II ? 67th MS Squad Leader ? Close Fire Support unit · 2 x RGM-79[E] GM Type E - 67th MS Squad - Long Range Precision Strike Mobile Suit · 1 x RX-79[GC] Gundam Command Type - 83rd MS Squad Leader - Command and Combat Unit · 2 x RX-79[G] Gundam - 83rd MS Squad - Heavy Firepower Combat Unit [i]Rogue Flight[/i] · 1 x RGM-79GS GM Command Space Type ? Frontline battle unit ? 5th MS Squad Leader ? Combat and Command Unit · 5 x RGM-79L GM Light Armor ? 5th MS Squad ? Fast attack unit · 2 x RGM-79SP GM Sniper II ? 5th MS Squad ? Long Range Precision Strike Mobile Suit [i]Revolutionary[/i] · 1 x RX-79[GC] Gundam Command Type - 2nd MS Squad Leader - Combat and Command Unit · 5 x RX-77D Guncannon Mass Production Type ? 2nd MS Squad - Close fire Support unit · 1 x RGC-83 GM Cannon II ? 2nd MS Squad ? Close Fire Support unit · 1 x RGM-79 GM ? 2nd MS Squad ? Frontline battle unit Deployment Procedures: · 2nd Squad remains on the [i]Revolutionary[/i] until needed. · 5th Squad deploys directly forward of the fleet, GM Command staying behind. · 9th Squad splits in half, one bringing up the rear of the fleet, the other backing up the 5th. · 29th Squad flanks fleet. · 67th Squad guards [i]Marhoni[/i] and [i]Warhammer[/i]. · 83rd Squad provides cover fire for 5th and 9th Squads. · Standard fleet deployment is [i]Marhoni[/i] and [i]Warhammer[/i] at front with [i]Altaris[/i] and [i]Madaris[/i] flanking. [i]Altaris[/i] is on right, [i]Madaris[/i] on left. [i]Rogue Flight[/i] and [i]Revolutionary[/i] follow directly behind [i]Marhoni[/i] and [i]Warhammer[/i], flanked by [i]Copernicus[/i] on left and [i]Dadealius[/i] on right. [i]Hikoro[/i] and [i]Denju[/i] follow behind [i]Rogue Flight[/i] and [i]Revolutionary[/i]. · In fleet actions [i]Marhoni[/i], [i]Warhammer[/i] [i]Rogue Flight[/i] and [i]Revolutionary[/i] stay behind. [i]Copernicus[/i], [i]Dadealius[/i], [i]Hikoro[/i] and [i]Denju[/i] engage with MS Squads, while [i]Altaris[/i] and [i]Madaris[/i] back up [i]Marhoni[/i], [i]Warhammer[/i], [i]Revolutionary[/i] and [i]Rogue Flight[/i]. All Mobile Suit forces engage enemy forces as written. Total Amount of Ships:10 Total Amount of Mobile Suits: 28
  9. Professor Reinstine: So, if the entry wound is surrounded by blue powder, what does that usually mean? Ms. Streamwise?" Erin: It means that the round was made from teflon. Professor R: *Pauses as the bell rings.* Class dismissed. Erin runs out of the classroom to her dorm. She pulls her laptop and turns it on. Erin: Welcome to Java Hutt. Alright! Computer: Password please. Erin: *Types in *********, and waits.* Erin: Ok, who's here? Oh, only Niko. *Types in 'Hey Niko. Sup?*
  10. This is a message to everyone. I'm sorry if my character is a bit too 'James Bond-ish'. I apologize for that and the length and confusingness of my posts. I will tone it down as best as I can.
  11. As Jose got up, he walked back over to the car and reeled the cable back in. He pushed the ejector seat back down and swung the roof section back over it. He drove the car over to where evryone had gone in and began to shell the place. "Call Ken. Ken, take cover. Lotsa stuff is about to go boom." "Oh, ****." Jose hung up and locked his missiles on. [I]Good thing the missile capacity was increased.[/I] He aimed at the hangars and guards towers and let hell fly. The buildings exploded in giant clouds of red and orange while Jose watched. "Cool. High explosives. Damn!" He noticed several guards coming, and switched to the gatling guns. He fired and took them all out. "Ok, let's see. Activate titanium armor, autopilot and open sunroof." Jose climbed up as soon as the roof opened, and saw the body paneling had flipped over to reveal the glistening titanium. He pulled up his M-16 and put it on the post in front of the sunroof. He pressed a button, and the car advanced forward. It drove right towards a building. Jose disengaged the safety and waited. When the car entered the building, all became dark. Jose pressed another button, and the car's lights turned on. He noticed he was in a giant undergound factory the size of a city. There were other cars driving around. "What the hell? They must have some underground city here. Dial Carlina." Nothing. "Damn, they must be jamming. No wonder this is so secret." He drove on.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]Wears a special suit made by Q (easy to move in). [/B][/QUOTE] Don't you mean S, my character? This is after The World is Not Enough, which is Q's last movie.
  13. Ok, nevermind. From now on, if something in my posts is in italics, it means Touga is thinking it, not saying it. Got it?
  14. Wait a minute! Utena has telepathy? Touga was thinking thwe words 'I win!' in his mind, not saying them.
  15. Nooooooooo! You can't delete these boards! I'm so close to being a member! I don't want to lose my post count!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]:devil: :devil: :devil: name Sala Zend age 26 agent#013 sex female bio born in former soviet union. she is a cia oprative assigned to help miI6 with this case she speaks russian, spanish and english. she is a martial arts expert and is married to jack ryan description 5 feet 11 inches tall brown hair ,blue eyes, :devil: :devil: :devil: [/B][/QUOTE] You realize that by saying she's for this mission only, you're out of the RPG after the first mission is accomplished.
  17. Jose watched as the shckwave flew towards his Viper. He just had enough time to attach the grapple hook to the ground and eject himself from the passenger seat, then the wave hit. The car shook heavily and the hook almost came out, but it held. [I]Damn, what the hell was that?[/I] He ran over to the car. "Dial Ken." "Yeah?" "What's going on? What were those? Is everyone ok?" "Your first two questions, I can't answer. Neil's not ok. You should get over here." "Sure. Out."
  18. Jose continued looking for the base until he reached an area covered in asphalt. He saw a large, wdie building and a tower. He also saw six Migs sitting on the end. [I]I guess I'm here.[/I] He pressed the pedal as far as it could go, and looked at the speedometer. He noticed it hit 200 m.p.h. [I]Holy ****! That's without the nitros![/I] Jose spun the wheel a few feet from the Migs and stopped inches from one of them. "How'd I know that was you, Jose?" "Ken! How do you like it?" Ken walked over to the driver's side and looked in. "It's better." "Who's the kid?" "Her name's Narna. I'll explain later. Right now, you need to hide the Viper." "No. My car's just as good as an Apache." "Oh, fine. You provide ground support." "Ok. Who's that guy by the Mig?" "His names Travis. He's a Pilot, 3rd Class." "Good, we need a new pilot. Warlock can't fly for beans and neither could those 747 pilots." Just then, the cell rang. "Answer. TPM Agent, Jose Serrano." "Bro, it's me. I just detected a large amount of radiation rising towards the surface. They're launching!" "****!" "Ken! Tell the others to get ready. I'll try and shoot the missile down. Carlina, you still there?" "Yeah." "Hack into the guidance systems. Tell me where it's headed." "Just a minute. Holy ****! It's being launched at Tokyo!" "Ok, thanks. Out." Jose turned the missiles towards the three openings to the silos, and waited.[I]All hell is about to break loose.[/I]
  19. Calm down. We don't have enough people yet.
  20. I've seen some scenes. I've seen better, though.
  21. Jose stood in the clearing and waited. A minute later, he heard a ear-shattering screech. [I]So they were able to hijack a Concorde. Cool.[/I] He saw the white plane fly above him at a blinding speed and drop a large box out of its rear. [I]Oh, so it was a cargo type.[/I] He walked over to the box and pulled his 9mm out. He blasted the locks off and watched as the panels fell over onto the ground. Inside was his brand new Viper. He climbed in and noticed something new. He saw a slot the size of his cell phone and a note. It said, [I]Hands free communications with voice dial. From C.S.[/I] He flipped his cell open and plugged it in. "Call Carlina." He waited for her to pick up, then said, "Carlina, anyhting else besides this hands free cell unit?" "Yeah. Titanium plating. This Viper's not getting blown up again by a Mig. And I relocated the weapons systems. Just pull the steering wheel apart and you should see the weapons. This one's been modified after some Bond cars. The silver panel on the left of the wheel covers the button for the ejector seat. Use that to get rid of the passenger seat. The panel on the right covers the self destruct button. Press that, and you've got ten seconds to get out of the car and run." "Sounds good. I'm becoming more like James Bond by the minute. Out. Dial Ken." "Yeah?" "I just got the new car. New weapons, stronger armor, and if I'm correct, a more powerful engine." "Good. Now, get going." "I am." Carlina's back at base giving us mobile intel. Expect a call from her now and then." "Ok. Out."
  22. When Jose woke up, he was lying on the ground. "Where the hell are we? Last thing I remember, my Viper got blown to pieces." "We're in a forest. There's a village nearby. They make cars." "Yeah, but I can't drive a regular Viper around. I need the modifications. That's why I've decided to find a plane and head back to HQ. I'm going to get some more equipment. This is much larger than I expected." "How the hell are you going to get a plane?" "The reason the 747 was shot down is because it was a Mercenary jet. I'm going to get a civilian aircraft." [I]A few hours later...[/I] At an airport a few miles away, shots rang out. A Hispanic man, wearing a trenchcoat and sunglasses, was blasting guards this way and that. A minute later, he found a plane and lifted off. He opened his cell and called the Boss. "Hey, Boss. We've got a problem. The 747 was shot down. They're stranded. Quite a few people are injured. They need reinforcements. I'm heading back to HQ to pick up some new equipment." "Ok." [I]Later...[/I] A small single engined plane landed at TPM HQ. Jose walked out and headed to his lab. He worked for a few hours and then loaded his stuff on a cargo plane. He told the mechanic to get his new Viper ready, and got onto the plane. He noticed two dozen armed guards sitting in the plane, ready to fly. "Hey, Ken! I got the new equipment and some reinforcements. Twenty four Mercenary Guards." "Good. What's your ETA?" "Six hours. Out." [I]Six hours later...[/I] Jose located Ken and the others with the GPS unit and found the closest clearing. He brought the plane down and opened the cargo door. The Guards ran out right over to where Ken was. "Good. They're in order." He pulled a large crate out and brought it over to the Mercenaries. "Now, you see here an attache case. This is very similar to the case in the James Bond film 'From Russia With Love'. How ironic. This carries a handheld rocket launcher in a false bottom and several mini-rockets on the bottom. Just unscrew these posts. Now, press this button, and a knife pops out. The top carries false passports and travel documents for each of you. These straps carry several dozen Rubles, so you should be able to buy some equipment here in Russia." Everyone took their case and walked away from the plane. Jose held Carlina back. "Carlina, I need you to go back to HQ." "Why?" "You know just as much about communications as I do. I need to stay here because of the equipment. You need to monitor that base. We have no idea of what's in there. You need to give us mobile information." "No. I'm staying here." Jose whipped his 9mm out and held it to Carlina's head. "If you value your head and your life, go." "Bro, why the hell are you doing this?" "It's for the safety of the team." Carlina didn't answer as she dissapeared into the plane. A few minutes later, the plane lifted off.
  23. Touga repeated his attack, which sent Utena to the edge of the ring. Touga smiled, and charged. [I]I win![/I]
  24. "Oh, yeah?" Touga swung his sword around while muttering something under his breath. A bright red lightning bolt appeared in front of Touga, who began to swing his sword in a circle. The bolt began glow blood red. He thrust his sword forward a second later, and the bolt flew forward. It struck Utena in the torso and threw her back.
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