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Everything posted by BondFanatic
Jose got up and hobbled over to his Viper. "This...is....one...of...the reasons...I brought it." He opened the door and opened the weapons panel. He armed the missiles and locked onto one of the Migs. He pressed the fire button, and the missile flew upward. It made a screeching noise as it flew, and when it hit, it completely obliterated the Mig's left wing. It crashed a few seconds later with an ear-shattering explosion. Jose turned the car around and prepared to fire. He pressed the fire button, but got an alarm instead. He looked at the display and saw he was out of missiles. [I]Uh oh.[/I] He opened the door and leapt out just as a missile struck the rear of the car. He ran away and hit the ground as the gas tank blew up. "Oh, hell no. They did not just blow up my Viper. Ow!" Jose noticed his arm was broken and his leg was bleeding. He noticed a pool of blood on the ground, and fell unconscious. (Blood loss.)
RPG Revolutionary Girl Utena RPG- Deulists Tourtament- Play.
BondFanatic replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Theater
Touga dodges and charges again. He nicks Utena's shoulder, which bleeds. "Ow!" Touga just smiles. "This is why the call me the Greatsword Dragon!" Touga charged a third time, slicing his sword over and over at Utena. -
This I've had in mind for a while. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12:27 P.M. 6 March, 2005 The world is in danger. A group known as ZICAD has stolen a mobile nuclear launch vehicle, the launch codes, and several missiles. Your mission is to find out their target, stop them from lauching and recover the weapon. (This is the first mission. Others will be posted later.) Profile Format Name: Age: Agent Number: Sex: Bio: (Optional) Description: (Optional) Since I'm the creator of this RPG, I'm the only one who has two characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Harrison Goldstein Age: 32 Agent Number: 001 Sex: Male Bio: Harrison has been working with MI6 since James Bond first joined. He is a veteran and stops at nothing to accomplish his missions. Description: Blue eyes, black hair, tuxedo, Name: Frederick Smith Age: 34 Agent Number: S Sex: Male Bio: Frederick is the third generation "Q" at MI6. He is extremely talented with electronics and supplies the team with the best equipment. Description: Looks like a taller version of Harrison, but with blonde hair.
Jose walked into the cockpit and tapped the pilot on the shoulder. "Hey, how much longer 'till we get there?" "ETA's 30 minutes." Jose walked back to where everyone was and grabbed the microphone. "I just talked to the pilot, everyone. We'll be there in thirty minutes, so get ready."
Jose was the only one who didn't get out of his car. "I'm not leaving my Viper again." He punched the gas and drove the car right into the 747. "I'm ready. Everyone got their GPS watches and cell phones?" "Yeah." "Well, in that case, let's go."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko_el-miez [/i] [B]WOW i never knew so many ppl cared [/B][/QUOTE] Why wouldn't we care? You're a member, right?
"You want black, you got it." Jose got into the Boxster and put the top up. He punched some buttons in on a panel next to a huge machine the size of an 18-wheeler. He drove the car in, and came out about a half minute later, driving a black Porsche Boxster. He drove back to Marth and got out. "You need any modifications to these cars, besides the music upgrades, you need to do that yourself, see me."
I'll take Chibi Trunks.
[I]The next morning...[/I] Jose walked over to his new quarters, which held several closet-type things of mechanical objects. [I]Ooh, being the head mechanic is going to kick butt.[/I] Jose took a quick look around and set to work. About three hours later, he was done. He set the equipment down and headed to the mess area. "As soon as you guys are done, I need yyou all to come to the Electronics Lab. I've just been appointed to the position of Head Mechanic." "Cool! So, in other words, you're going to be designing all our gadgets?" "Yes. For this mission, I'm done." Jose walked back to the lab and waited. A half hour later, everyone was assembled. "Ok. I've put together quite a lot of stuff. Most of the equipment you see here is modeled after some of my equipment and will be used from now on." He walked to a clear bottle full of white pills. "First. Intel doesn't know if they're using unprotected radioactive material, so each of you needs to take one of these every six hours that you're there. They'll protect you from the radiation. Next, these cell phones have a GPS transmitter and tracker and a video link." "I've also assembled a fleet of vehicles for you. You have a choice of BMV Z3s, Dodge Vipers, Lamborghini Diablo SVs, Ferrari 550 Maranellos, Porsche Boxsters and several other vehicles. These cells work on any of them. They've got all the equipment. Grapple guns, missile launchers, gatling guns, torpedo tubes, GPS equiment, sonar, underwater equipment, etcetera." "You will also be using these Rolexes. They've been modified, so the GPS signaller can't be located using electronic equipment. Just flip the face up and press the button. That'll turn the transmitter on. That's how Ken found me after the Russians took me. Everybody grab one of each and do what you need to do with them. If you have another cell phone or watch, I suggest you get rid of them. There's no point in having them. This equipment is top value on the black market. That's how I got my stuff. Oh, and by the way: all of the old cars you've all been driving can still be used. They had the modifications installed overnight. The manuals for operating the extra systems are in the passenger side visor." Everyone grabbed their equipment and walked out.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Yup! G-Gundam uses the Trace system in it's Gundams. Sadly, I don't have a picture of God Gundam right now... (Dammit, Gundam Project, why did you close down!?) [/B][/QUOTE] Ooh, you went to GP? So did I!
Name: Erin Streamwise (Yes, for the first time, I'm going to have a female character.) Age: 18 Year: 1 year from finishing her three courses Major Subjects: Culinary Arts, Criminology, Forensic Science Appearance: Blond hair to her shoulders, blue eyes, green shirt, black pants, sandals Bio: Erin is hoping to have a double career, working her own restaraunt in the daytime and working in a crime lab at night. She is an excellent chef.
RPG Revolutionary Girl Utena RPG- Deulists Tourtament- Play.
BondFanatic replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Theater
As Utena takes her sword from Anthy, Touga charges. He swings and is blocked by Utena. "You're good." He pulls his sword away and lets Utena make the next move. -
Hey, people! I was wondering, since Jose is the computer expert, can I also be this RPG's "Q" (In other words, the gadget guy.)? I've got my next part in mind and it will work out really good if I have that position.
Sorry. *Cowers in bedroom.* :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :( :( :(
RPG Revolutionary Girl Utena RPG- Deulists Tourtament- Play.
BondFanatic replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Theater
Sorry, Internet's been down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Touga steps out from behind a tree carrying a fivefoot long Greatsword. "You were waiting for me? Let's begin." -
Jose got up and opened his cell. He found that the Viper had gotten to Kobe. "Ken, I'm leaving. I'm getting my Viper." "Yeah, whatever." "Carlina, stay here." He walked to the nearest road and threw a grenade into the traffic. The explosion caused several cars to stop, one of them being a Ford Excursion. He walked over to the driver's side and pulled the door open. "Get out, now!" The driver complied and ran the hell out of there. Jose got in and pressed the gas. He drove for about 3 hours until he reached Kobe. He checked the GPS again and found the car. He got out of the Excursion and got in the Viper. He turned the car's GPS signal locator on, and looked at it. "Hey. That's strange. I thought Sabir said she had GPS transmitters in her earrings. Oh, ****!" Jose grabbed his cell phone and dialed Ken as fast as he could. "Ken, get up now! Neil and Sabir are in trouble. Those GPS transmitters won't stop signalling unless they're destroyed or turned off. I lost Sabir's signal, and I can see every GPS transmitter here. Where the hell did they go?" "I don't know. We'll find them though." Jose then drove off. [I]Damn! Two of our best Mercenaries! What the hell is going on? [/I]
Name: Carey Gerad Age: 36 Rank: Private Weapon: Grenade Launcher Soldier class: Pilot Appearance: Blue eyes, brown hair, thick muscles Bio: Carey grew up in Europe not knowing who his parents were. He thought they had abandoned them until he found they had been killed by the bugs when he was six. He found out about the new bugs and vows to kill all of them, even if it costs the lives of others.
Name: Gheruvidonn Age: 23 Personality: Gheruvidonn, or Gheru, is a bounty hunter. Nothing else is know about him. Description: Brown hair, large muscles, blue eyes, spiked gloves on his hands Weapon: Repeating Crossbow, Double Greatsword, Double Giant Axe, 2x Blade Talons Companions: Deras Type: Wolf Element: Ice and Lightning Main Attacks: Claws, Teeth Perinto Type: Phoenix Element: Fire Main Attacks: Talons, Razor Feathers
As Jose sat down, he realized something. "Damn! We left my Viper!" "Jose, don't worry! We can get it!" Jose flipped his cell phone dial panel up and pressed a few buttons. The screen above the buttons flickered on, and it showed the Viper's seats. "Let's see. Access control systems. Where in Japan are we headed?" "Kobe." "Prepare underwater systems. Travel from Gangzhou, China to Kobe, Japan. Okay, all taken care of." Jose sat down and closed his eyes. [I]Life sure is strange. First, I get captured by Russians. Then, I almost get killed by a tank. Now, I almost lose my most expensive purchase ever![/I]
I'm sorry, but what do you mean by that?
As Jose sat eating a tortilla and some super-duper-mega-ultra-hot salsa, he wondered how the job would go. A half-hour later, Jose was sitting in the car, waiting for Ken. Jose honked a few times, then Ken came out. He got in and Jose sped away. He drove to the store and saw six armed Russian soldiers and three German soldiers. "Grab some guns." Jose turned to the backseat and grabbed his 9mm and his M-16. He turned the car around and fired the gatling guns at the soldiers. Most of them got to cover, but two Russians and one German lay dead. Jose stepped out and began to empty cartridge after cartridge on the soldiers. Pretty soon, Jose and Ken ran out of ammo. They took cover behind a car. "If we try to get to the Viper, they'll shoot. There's a back entrance to the store through that alley. Go, I'll meet you there." Ken then ran off through the alley. Jose grabbed his 9mm and began to shoot, but was stopped by a whooshing sound. He saw a large black missile strike the car he was standing by. The explosion threw Jose several feet. The last thing he heard was his head hitting the pavement. [I]Later...[/I] Ken stepped out of the store carrying a gun, ready to fight, but saw no soldiers. Jose's Viper was sitting where it had been, but Jose was nowhere to be found. Ken walked over to Jose's car and noticed the keys were still in the ignition. "****! They took him!" He threw the very heavy bag he was carrying into the back seat and drove back to the brothel. [I]At the Brothel...[/I] "People! We've got a problem! Jose's gone. He's been taken prisoner by either the German or Russian forces. I'm going to try and establish a lock on his GPS signal. Everyone else, gear up. We're going to get him back and kill anyone who gets in our way." [I]Somewhere many miles away...[/I] Jose opened his eyes and found himself laying on a bench. He was surrounded by metal bars. All of his weapons were gone, but his watch wasn't. He flipped the face up and pressed the button under it. He flipped the face back down as two Russian guards came into the room. Jose said in Russian, "You idiots are getting better by the day. If I had more ammo, you'd be dead by now." "I think not. We had backup troops, you know." And with that, they left. [I]Meanwhile, back at the brothel...[/I] "Alright, Jose! You remembered the GPS transmitter that I had installed in your watch! Guys, I got a trace! 3419 Qin Chiang Road! It's an abandoned Chinese base. Move out!"
"Hey, Ken. Let me come with you. I have a friend who runs a shop around here. He gives me free merchandise that he doesn't sell to people. I saved him a few years back. I can tell him you're with me. I know the place, so we can take my Viper." "Ok. We'll see tomorrow." [I]Meanwhile...[/I] Carlina noticed the arm wrestling match and began to wrestle against Ash. Carlina almost looked like she would lose, seeing as though her hand was inches from the table, but she turned the tables and slammed Ash's hand into the table. "Cash please. Any challengers?" Ash then walked away, a look of intense pain on his face.
"Ken, that's what I'm talking about! If we bring the French PR to the British, we might be able to get near the PR, because we'd probably be in London to get the PR there! Do you see what I mean?"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Ken's not feeling too well......... He's dealing with some............problems... He'll check this out in a bit... [edit]AlmightySSJ4, the entire British, Russian, and company know our faces, voices, and fingerprints. Hackers, you know. TPM doesn't have too great of defensive blocks.[/edit] [/B][/QUOTE] Ah, but do you remember Jose's disguise? He could change anyone's face to anyone's! He could make the corpse of George Washington (or what's left of it) look like George Dubya.
1. My char is a friend of the PR of France. He could capture him on his own. 2. No one is going to attack the PR from the British/Allies side if Jose says he's working for them. Making a fake idea would be very easy in 2008.