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Everything posted by BondFanatic

  1. Jose walked down to the bar and walked to the barkeeper. "Two shots of the best scotch you got, a margarita, on the rock, no salt and a Newcastle." The barkeeper handed Jose his drinks and left. Jose grabbed a table and sat down. He gulped the scotch and sipped his margarita. He thought for a second, then got up. "Ken! I think I know how we can stop the war. The French PR is the main cause of the war, right?" "Yeah." "And the British Government is after him, right?" "Right." "If we capture him and bring him to the British Government, we may stop the war and have a second opportunity at killing the PR." "Sounds good. We'll try it. Hey, everyone! Pack up! We're heading to France!"
  2. Jose put his stuff down and grabbed his guns. "Ken, I found a Russian Military outpost and they're looking for us. I'm going to attack. I'll call you if we need help." Jose walked out, carrying his guns. "Carlina! Let's go!" As the two got into the car, Jose put his sunglasses on. He drove to a small pawn shop and talked to the manager. They walked into the back room. Jose came out a few minutes later and walked out. He got back into the car and showed the contents to his sister. "Damn, how'd you get all of this?" "Saved that guy's life. He still gives me all of this after 3 years." A few minutes later, at a black building, an explosion ripped through the north wall. Jose and Carlina ran through the opening and opened fire. They had M-16's, Ak-47's, UAS-12's, and many other guns. A minute later, the last guard fell dead with a shuriken in his throat. "Ok, let's go." Jose grabbed 30 pounds of C-4 from the trunk and split it into pieces. He set it all around the building and linked them together with d-wire. He plugged the wire into a time fuse and ran to the car. "Go! Go!" Jose gunned the engine and flew out of there. A few seconds later, a huge fireball erupted from where the building was, lighting up the night sky. Suddenly, an alarm went off. Jose noticed 2 blips on the radar. "****! Migs!" He turned the car around and armed the missiles. A targeting screen popped up from behind the wheel. He acquired a lock on one and fired. The missile struck the Mig in the rear fuselage, sending it crashing to the ground. He locked on to the other one and fired. It struck near the nose, seanding a jet of flame back along the fuselage. The plane crashed a few seconds later. As Jose arrived back at the brothel, he sighed. "Why'd Jerry have to get me involved in this stuff?" He opened the door and walked in.
  3. "Ken, it's me. Let me in." "Oh, Jose! I take it this is your sister?" "Yeah. Carlina, Ken. Ken, Carlina." "Nice to meet you. Get in here." "So, boss. What's our next assignment? And when is Carlina going to have to "prove herself" to get in?" [I]Better be quick or she'll put a shuri in his head.[/I] "Don't worry. We'll take care of it.
  4. "I'm Jose's brother. I am a Jendou Assassin. I want to join him in your organization. Are you willing to hire me?" "I guess so. But you need to prove yourself first." " No problem. Jose's cell phone battery is almost dead. He will be calling you from my phone soon." "Okay." Carlina then hung up. She stepped into the garage and noticed Jose's Viper. She pulled a hairpin from her pocket and stuck it in the lock. It popped open. She then proceeded to rip open the fuse panel. Then she hotwired the car. It turned on and she hopped in. She closed the door and drove out to the front of the the Tower. She waited for about ten minutes and heard the dull roar of a plane's engines. She then noticed a plane flying towards the tower. She saw the plane fly into a building going very slowly. A minute later, Jose walked out. "Carlina! How's it going?" "Great. Ken said he'd hire me." "Alright!" Jose walked over to the car and lokked inside. "Aw, man! Why'd you have to hotwire it?" "Don't worry! I can fix it!" "Okay, then. Take care of it." Carlina pulled some duct tape out and got into the car. A few minutes later, it was fixed. "Damn, you're fast." "Thanks, bro." Jose pulled his keys out and turned the car on. He drove into the garage and found the head mechanic. "Did you get the weapon panels installed?" "Yep. I've got a ton of weapons to choose from." They walked over to the north wall and the mechanic pulled a remote out. He pressed a button, and the wall turned around. Jose picked out two torpedo launchers, a grapple gun, two gatling guns, a mine layer, and two missile launchers. He told the mechanic where to install them and left. He then headed to where Carlina was and grabbed her cell phone. He called Ken. "I know you might be pissed because I'm the reason why we've been connected to the French Government. The reason why is because I payed the top leaders to let me go after the bombing in '06. The British Government wanted to bring me to trial because the British-French Ambassador was killed. I was connected because the French Government sheltered me." "Carli, we're going somewhere. Get the Viper into the cargo plane in the hangar." "Got it, bro." Jose climbed into the huge aircraft and sat down at the pilot's controls. "Let's see. I need to find Ken's cell. Ah, there it is. Closest ariport: Guanzhou International." Jose programmed the cooridnates into the autopilot and turned the engines on. "Carlina! Get in the rear ball turret. I think we might get some unneeded "escorts"." A few hours later, they arrived at GIA. They got into the Viper and drove to where Ken's GPS signal was and knocked on the door.
  5. Jose picked up his cell phone and dialed Ken. "Ken? Where the **** are you? Aren't we gonna kill the PR?" "No, the hit's off. We've started a war. Nations are fighting because of the threat to the PR. We've been somehow connected to France, who the PR's trying to defeat." "Damn it! I knew it! They're saying we're connected because I'm in TPM. I bombed the Eiffel Tower a few years ago and killed 658 people. They consider me a terrorist." He heard someone yelling in Russian near where he was, and listened to what they said. He knew Russian, so he understood what they said. "Go. He's here. Find him!" [I]****! I'm leaving![/I] Jose leapt on top of the building and pulled a grenade out. He tossed it toward the Russian soldiers and got down. He heard the explosion and prepared to run. He leapt off the building and ran to his car. He sped away to where his plane was. Jose arrived a few minutes later and threw his stuff in the plane. He set some C-4 under the car and attached a d-wire to it. (D-wire means detonating cable.) He got back and blew the explosive. The car exploded and lay smoldering as Jose got in the plane. He entered the Tower's coordinates into the GPS Autopilot and turned the jet engines on. He dialed his sister. "Carlina? I'm heading home. Meet me in front of the tower. Get my car ready." "Got it, bro." As the plane lifted off, he heard an Ak-47 being fired. He pulled the door open and pointed his M-16 at his assailant. He emptied his cartridge and sent the man flying into a tree. The plane finally lifted off and flew away. Jose dialed his sister again. "Carlina, dial 523-3357. Tell Ken I'm heading home. I need to talk to him. My battery's almost dead."
  6. My new character. Name: Carlina Serrano Age: 24 Ethnic Group: Peruvian Weapons: 3x Shurikens, Her Body Special Talents: Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Jiujitsu, Karate Bio: Carlina is Jose's sister. She is a member of the elite Jendou (Zhen-dow) Martial Arts group. She is skilled in five different forms of martial arts and her favorite weapons are her shurikens.
  7. Jose drove back to Heathrow and got out of his car. He dialed Ken once again. "Ken? Don't worry about any guards at Heathrow. I'm about to take care of them." Jose hung up and grabbed some grenades from his belt. He walked into the terminal and pulled the pin on it. He threw the grenade at the X-Ray scanners and blew them to smithereens. He then proceeded to do this for the rest of the equipment there. He then unslung his M-16 and began to pick off the guards. He then saw three shurikens fly from behind him and hit three guards, one in the throat, one in the chest and one in the forehead. Jose turned around and saw a woman standing there. "Carlina? Why the hell are you here?" "Thanks for the warm welcome, Jose. Someone told me about an upcoming hit on the PR, so I came here. Why are you here?" "I'm one of the people who's going to killl the Prime Minister. Who are you working for?" "I'm a Jendou Assassin. I'm getting payed a heap of money for this." "I'm working for The People's Mercenaries." Jose noticed more guards coming and brought his M-16 up. He squeezed the trigger, and the guards fell dead. He then yelled, "Everyone out, and stay out! This place is wired to explode! I can kill you all if I want. Carlina, how much do you get payed?" "$50,000 weekly." "That's nothing. TPM could use your skills. We need a Jendou. You'll get payed at least $75,000 weekly." "Okay." They both walked off and got into Jose's Viper. Jose called Ken and said, "Ken, I think we got ourselves a new recruit." Jose put the phone down and grabbed a 9mm from Randall's bag. "Here. Take this. Get yourself a small plane and fly to these coordinates. All the planes around here have a GPS-programmed Autopilot. Program the coordinates in and it should take you there. When you get to the Tower, tell the guards Jose sent you." "Ok. Thanks, bro." [I]How the hell did my sister get into this stuff? I'm the one who liked the violence. She was the quiet one. I guess time away from home can do that kind of stuff.[/I]
  8. Jose picked up his cell phone and dialed Ken. "Ken, where the hell are you guys? I can't do this by myself." Jose hung up and stopped at the light. He noticed a Ferrarri sitting next to him. He smiled, and raised a wad of bills. The driver of the Ferrarri nodded. [I]Thank God I installed those nitros before I left.[/I] He gunned the engine and pressed a button on the steering wheel. He heard a click, which meant the nitros were open. He put his foot on the pedal, and pressed as hard as he could when the light turned green. Jose pulled ahead of the Ferrarri, and opened the nitros full bore. The speedometer got closer and closer to 200 m.p.h. as he raced, and it did finally. Jose thought about it, knowing that he could win anyways, and slowed down until he was even with the Ferrarri. He then began to bump the Ferrarri, until it began to swerve. Finally, it went off the road and flipped over. Jose stopped and got out of the car. He grabbed his 9mm and walked over to the car. He pointed it at the driver's window, which slid down a few seconds later. "Randall? You bastard! I killed you! Get out of the car, now!" Jose grabbed the man by the neck and shoved him against the Viper. "Why the hell are you here? Who hired you?" "It...it...it was the PR. He wanted me to protect him. Somebody inside a group called The People's Mercenaries who was working for him told him about someone trying to kill him." "****! He knows? Damn it!" Jose then threw Randall on the ground and pressed his gun to his head. "Who the hell put a double agent inside TPM? I work there, you bastard!" "I don't know much about him. All I know is his name has Donqua in it." "Donqua, huh? Give me everything in the car, now, or I kill you." "Go to hell, bastard!" Randall suddenly fell limp, as a 9mm bullet had just pierced his skull. "No, how 'bout you go to hell." Jose walked over to the now wrecked Ferrarri, and shot out the back window. He noticed a bag and three guns. He pulled them out and threw them in the car. He then called Ken again. "Ken. We've got a problem. I just found an old friend of mine here. His name's Randall. He told me some stuff. The PR knows someone's going to try to kill him. He also told me there's a double agent in TPR that works for a man named Donqua. Do you know anything about Donqua?" "No, but someone here does. Sabir, how much can you tell me abotu Donqua?" "Quite a bit."
  9. As Jose's plane came within a mile of Heathrow Airport, he switched the autopliot off and grabbed the controls. He flipped a switch, and the engines switched to stalk mode. He noticed a clearing, and maneuvered his plane towards it. He landed the plane, and got out. He opened his GPS Unit, and looked at where he was. He was 2.266 miles from the place where the PR's 'party' would be. He walked away from the plane, following the coordinates on the GPS unit. He walked away and soon found himself in London's industrial area. He saw a car rental place. He walked over to it. He coughed and changed his voice to a British accent. "Good morning. How may I help you?" "I would like to rent one of your best Dodge Vipers for 3 days. I have all the payment you need." As Jose said this, he pulled his backpack off of his back, and opened it. It was full of 1,000 pound counterfeit notes. "Can I see one of those bills?" Jose handed him one, and the manager examined it. "TPM! You're a mercenary!" The manager pulled out a .38 revolver and pointed it at Jose. Jose pulled his throwing knife out, and threw it at the manager's chest. The last thing the manager heard was "Die, bastard!" and the knife hitting his chest. Jose pulled a cell phone from his pocket and dialed Ken. "Ken. Don't trust anyone except other Mercenaries. I just had a car dealership manager try to kill me." "What did you do with him?" "I killed him. I guess you can rack up two kills for me: the clothes store owner and this guy." Jose hung up, and grabbed a set of keys from the back rack. He walked into the back room and found the Viper that matched his keys. He opened it and tossed the money in the passenger seat. He also pulled some nitro tanks from a panel under the floor and installed them. [I]Thank the lord for inside contacts[/I], he thought. He turned the car on and sped out of the room, crashing through a window to get out.
  10. [I]On Earth...[/I] Tenchi's father: Uh, Tenchi, where am I? [i]A man stands in a black emptiness, just sitting there.[/i] Tenchi: Dad, you're in a room with no lights on. *Tenchi switches the lights on.* Tenchi's father: Oh, yeah! I am!
  11. I'll take Touga. [edit]Woohoo! I'm a red-headed tall guy![/edit]
  12. "I guess I'll need to change my identity somewhat. I have the standard look of a Peruvian assassin. New name...Alistair Manchester... Age: 32...Ethnicity: British...Birthplace: Yorkshire, England...DOB: 5/8/1976. That seems to be good. Do I have a room or anything like that?" "Yeah, your quarters are third floor, room 3c." Jose stepped out of the room, and walked down to the garage. He opened his car up, and pulled the back seat up. Under it was a stash of all needed assassin's gear, including weapons, disguises, computer equipment, etc. He pulled the disguise kit and the computer equipment out and closed the car. He walked to his room and hooked the computer up. He turned it on and accessed the London Police Database. He saved three officers' faces on his computer, and then brought them up in an image editor. "Hmm. Combine faces into one." The computer hummed, and the three faces slid towards each other. Finally, the combined into one face. Jose opened the disguise kit and pulled out the plaster. He molded it into the shape of the man's face, then added details such as dimples and things like that. He then pulled out two small plastic boxes, and opened them. They contained eye changer contacts. He picked out the green ones. He then grabbed the black wig from the case. He put everything on, and looked in the mirror. He looked nothing like himself. He packed everything away, and made a phone call. He then left a few minutes later. He drove away from the tower, and to a clothing shop. He walked in wearing his disguise and fake driver's license. He grabbed the best British-looking clothing he could find, and walked out. "Hey, you have to pay for those! Get back here!" Jose slowly turned, and drew his gun. He fired a single shot, which pierced the shopkeeper's head. He fell to the floor instantaneously. He walked out and stuck the clothes in the back seat of his car. He then drove back to the tower. Two hours later, Jose boarded a small plane, which lifted off almost immediately. He set the autopilot to Heathrow airport, and sat back.
  13. "So, where do you want me to hack into?" "Let's see if you can pull off Fort Knox again." Jose pulled his face closer to the screen and typed in a code. The screen went blank, then turned to a screen that, in blue letters, said: [COLOR=darkblue]Fort Knox, KY, Security Grid[/COLOR]. "Wow. You are good." Jose minimized the security grid and pulled a disc out of his pocket. He stuck it into the computer and opened a file on the disc. "Let's see. Transfer file to Microsoft Internet Explorer Opened Window." He brought the window up, and saw the entire grid go offline. Then, the grid turned back on, and the computer began to beep. "****! They must have decomped the virus! They might have traced it! Let me check the communications systems." ...grid down...trace established...officers on way...how could they hack us?...virus eliminated...security online... "Holy ****! Everyone, get a weapon. We're about to be attacked!"
  14. "Just to let you guys know, it's not any Dodge Viper. I've got nitros, underwater systems, ejection seats, gatling guns and several other weapons that I need you guys to supply me with." "And what makes you think we're going to give you the weapons." "I'll show you." He left and came back a few minutes later carrying a suitcase. He put it on the table and pulled a key out of his pocket. Jose stuck it in the lock and turned it. The suitcase popped open, revealing several billion dollars. "I think this will be good payment."
  15. Jose found the underwater entrance and drove in. He turned off the propellors and let the water in the airlock drain out. He found himself in a garage. He drove around until he found a spot, and got out. He saw an elevator and entered it. He went up to the floor that Ken had taken him to, and asked someone, "Where's Ken?" "Fifth floor, briefing room? And you are?" "Jose Serrano. Silent Tiger. I'm a new recruit." Jose got back into the elevator and pressed the button marked 5. The elevator began to move, and quite fast. When he reached the fifth floor, he heard a beep, and the doors opened. He saw a door that said Briefing Room in large letters on the front. He also noticed a keypad to the left of the door. He entered the security code, 635100727, and the door opened. He walked into the room where everyone was sitting. Marth pulled his gun on Jose when he saw him, but Ken said, "Marth. Sit down. He's a new recruit. Everyone, Jose's going to be our silent assassin and computer hacker." "Do you guys remember the simultaneous heists on Fort Knox and the U.S. Mint two years ago?" Everyone nodded. "They had the top security systems there, and I disabled them from 3,000 miles away! You guys are seriously going to need my computer skills if you want to pull big stuff like this." "Welcome to The People's Mercenaries, Jose."
  16. Jose stood outside of the tower and waited for the car to arrive. When he heard a familiar screech, he turned. His car always made that sound when it turned at a high speed. He got into the car, and pressed a button on the steering wheel. The windows sealed airtight and the sonar screen came on. He turned towards the dock that was near the underwater entrance, and dorve stright off of it. As the car flew through the air, Jose pressed one more button. The rear axle extended outward and turned back. The tires slid down under the car, and several metal plates came out of the back wheels. They began to spin just as Jose hit the water.
  17. Jose gripped his throwing knife as he stepped into the elevator. He pressed a button, and the elevator began to move upward. When it stopped, Jose stepped out and noticed a steel door with a keypad on it. He entered the security code Ken had given him: 635100727. The door slid open, and Jose found himself in a small room. At the end of the room, there was a turned chair. Jose then spoke up. "Ken sent me to see you. My name is Jose 'Silent Tiger' Serrano. I wish to be hired." "Okay," the person in the chair said as he turned, "sign these papers, and let me see all of your weapons." "I only have three of my weapons on me. My fourth one is in my car, which I had to leave when Ken picked me up. Here's my 9mm, my throwing knife and my poison set. Do you have a computer?" "Yes. Why?" "Turn it on. I put a camera in the rear view mirror of my car, and I took another cell phone and rewired it. I have completely free internet access with no wires." "Okay, then, let me see it." Jose clicked on the Internet Explorer 21.0 icon and typed in a few keys. The image on the screen changed to a view of two seats in a blue Dodge Viper. "My M-16 is in the back seat." Jose tapped in a few more keys, and it zoomed in to an assault rifle lying on the back seat. "Well, there's the fourth weapon." Jose typed in a few more keys, and a light below the camera projected an image of Jose onto the front seat. The car began to move. "It's on its way here. I want some weapons to mount on it." Jose signed the last of the papaers and left the room.
  18. I would say Clint Eastwood is good, but 19-2000 is better. I first heard it when I got FIFA Soccer 2002 MLS for Christmas. 19-2000 is the song played in the beginning. I like, and you'll notice it's #2 on my list of greatest songs.
  19. Jose picked up a cell phone and dialed a number. "Get me Ken, now." A click was heard as the call was transferred to another line. "Uh, yeah?" "My name is Jose Serrano. I'm going to make this short, because my cell phone may be tapped. I have heard of your organization, and I wish to be hired. I am the best silent assassin there is. I will meet you at the corner of 53rd and Smith. You will know who I am." Jose then hung up, and stuffed the phone in his pocket. He took a set of car keys out of his pocket and opened the blue Dodge Viper bext to him. He got in and turned the nitros on. The car zoomed away.
  20. Name: Jose Serrano Age: 25 Ethnic Group: Hispanic Weapons: 9mm, M-16 Assualt Rifle, Poison Set, Throwing Knife Special Talent: Assasination involving poisons, computer hacking Bio: An assassin. Anyone else who knows more is dead. Description: A blue-eyed, lean man. He always wears sunglasses and a trenchcoat.
  21. I'll be Tenchi's idiot father.
  22. Here's one of my RPG's. I haven't had may peeps sign up, s plz sign up. Pimpin Da Gundam, the most original RPG ever! It's cops and robbers Gundam Style! [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7067]The Most Original RPG in RPG Entertainment![/URL]
  23. Almighty, still in the Tsunami Armor, pulls out his D-Tracker. "D-Tracker, Armor off." The armor flies off of Almighty and turns back into Tsunamimon. Almighty presses a butoon on his D-Tracker, and a blue light comes out of it. "Okay, I've wanted to try this for a long time. It might help. D-Tracker, Omni Digivolution!" "Tsunamimon Omni Digivolve to... MegaTsunamimon!" "Okay, I need to merge with you. This may bind us together forever, but heck. If it saves the Digiworld, let's try it. D-Tracker, Digimerge mode! MegaTsunami Armor!" There is a bright flash of light, and Almighty reappears, wearing golden armor with spikes all over his forearms and a huge sword twice the size of his body. "Bring it on."
  24. Just to let you guys know, it was in St. Petersburg, Florida, not Tampa Bay.
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