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Everything posted by BondFanatic

  1. I'd have to agree. As quoted from Digimon, 'You can't have light without darkness.' It's impossible to achieve complete peace. There's always going to be someone who's going to break the peace.
  2. :bellylol: :bellylol: :bellylol: That is soooooooo funny!
  3. Just to let you guys know, that's not Tsunamimon. Its me with Tsunami Armor. Digimerging turns the Digimon into armor for the human.
  4. "Time to stop this. X-Blade Slash!" Almighty separates the sword into two blades, crosses them into an x, and thrusts them forward. A blue X flies out of the blades and hits TRM, sending it flying. "Just to let you know, my Tsunami Armor is more powerful than any Digimon. Don't try anything."
  5. Almighty sits looking at the posts by the fic Digis. "Bortoromon, we need to go." He grabs his D-Tracker. "D-Tracker, DNA Split!" Bortoromon splits into two versions of himself. "You guys know the drill." "Bortoromon Mega Armor Digivolve to... Kalentamon!" "Bortoromon Golden Mega Armor Digivolve to GyroWarpmon!" "GyroWarpmon!" "Kalentamon!" "DNA Digivolve to... Tsunamimon!" "D-Tracker, Digimerge Mode! Tsunamimon Armor, Activate!" Tsunamimon dissapears and blue armor appears on Almighty. A double bladed sword appears in his hand. "Let's go."
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonfire1477 [/i] [B]Druid:Raziel Weapon: war hammer I'll take Kuja's example. I'm gonna be a transforming druid for the most part, so I need Lycanthrope and werewolf or werebear. [/B][/QUOTE] You can only have one level one spell, so you can either have Lychanthrophy or Werewolf. Werebear isn't level one.
  7. Just one question about your Amazon. What spell is it using for starters?
  8. This RPG is going to be based on D2: LOD, as the title says. You can be any of the seven character classes. Everyone starts off at level one with a simple weapon or weapon and shield and 10 gold. You may have one level one spell. DO NOT TRY AND CHEAT WITH THE SPELLS, I HAVE THE STRATEGY GUIDES FOR BOTH GAMES. Necromancer Weapon: Wand Amazon Weapon: Short Bow Paladin Weapons: Short Sword and Buckler Sorceress Weapon: Short Staff Barbarian Weapon: Hand Axe Druid Weapon: Club Assassin Weapon: Katar I will have an Assassin. Name: Elaylia Spell: Fire Blast
  9. I think I'm going to join. Name: Almighty Age: 17 Weapon: Pair of Blade Talons Affiliation: Members ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Almighty, the self hiring Assassin, walks through a devastated forum. "Dang, this place looks like a tornado hit." "Halt! Who goes there?" A single guard stands by a bunker, surrounded by smoking metal. "I seek the one called Kuja. I have come to assist the revolution." "Follow me." The guard leads Almighty into the bunker, which has but one room, with a door. He presses a button, and it slides open with a click. It is an elevator. "Hmm. Where could I find Kuja?" A map appears on a screen in the elvator. A voice says: "Kuja's room is located on the fifth floor, room 2b4." Almighty presses a button that says five, and the doors slides closed. It begins to move.
  10. I'm not obsessed! Not all of those things match me!
  11. who do you think was the worst. This question came to mind a few days ago. Who was or is the worst: Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin or Osama bin Laden?
  12. And I also said in my character's bio that he took over McGonnagal's position. My character should be doing the Sorting!
  13. Did you guys read any of my posts? :flaming: :flaming: Apparently not. :flaming: :flaming:
  14. "Headmaster, when should I go out to the Entrance Hall to welcome the First Years?" "Go now. If I am correct, they will be arriving in five minutes and 33.54 seconds." "Yes, Headmaster." The men who were talking were Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and Professor Elss Greenweld, both of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Yes?" "It's me." "Oh, Hagrid, come in." "Albus, we have a problem. I was at Hogsmeade, waiting for the train, and it didn't come. That train is always on time, except for when the Dementors were here." "What do you mean, it wasn't there?" "It just wasn't!" "Okay. Elss, please go to Hogsmeade and check out what happened." "Yes, Headmaster." Edit: Sere, the PSX game doesn't involve the Hogwarts Express. My little bro has it. He's the one who got me into HP.
  15. No, that's not what the question actually is. This is: Which do you like better, Star Wars or Star Trek?
  16. Blackworld Prologue "Cevalo? Where are you?" "Here, Mother." A short elf-like creature walked out of some bushes to find himself facing a creature that looked the same, only shorter. "Yes, Mother?" "Heraghadt is here to see you." "Alright! He's finally here!" Cevalo walked towards the stone dwelling that was a few feet away. He pulled the wooden gate open, and walked towards the door. As he reached for the handle, something jumped at him and tackled him to the ground. "Heraghadt! You're back!" Cevalo's friends Heraghadt, who was a Verander just like him, had been gone for the past few months. Him and six other members of his family had gone on a hunting trip. "So, did you catch anything?" "Yes, we caught several small animals, but our main ctahes were three beautiful young deer. We're really proud of them. We caught enough game for the whole village to feast on, so we talked to the Elders, and there's going to be a banquet tonight!" "Well, let's go and prepare!" "Yes, let's." As Cevalo and Heraghadt walked away from the house, a bright blue gem floated out from behind a tree and flew into Cevalo's pocket. He didn't notice it.
  17. Name: Professor Greenweld Subject: Transfiguration Age: 52 Bio: Professor Elss Greenweld replaced Professor McGonnagal as the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is an old friend of Albus Dumbeldore's, and is a former Auror. Elss is a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes. His wand is made of oak wood and contains a Dragon Heartstring.
  18. Here are the main character descriptions. Cevalo Race: Verander Age: 15 Description: A short Verander, he is the main character. He posesses the Gem of Boritka, which allows him to use magic against the Ghwraiths. Grevatin Race: Verander Age: 57 Description: Cevalo's father, he looks exactly the same, but taller. He is a farmer, and holds a high position in the society. He is killed later in the story by a Ghwraith. Sessanna Race: Verander Age: 56 Description: The mother of Cevalo and wife of Grevatin, she lives a moderate life. She leaves the village after Grevatin is killed. Heraghadt Race: Verander Age: 15 Description: This Verander pretends to be Cevalo's friend, but is actually working for the Ghwraiths. He reveals the location fo the Verander village to the Ghwraiths. Soonfrai Race: Ghwraith Age: Unknown Description: This merciless Ghwraith does not even care for his family. He is a mindless soldier who thinks about nothing but killing. He serves under the Ghwraith King, Bartto. Gerhg Race: Ghwraith Age: Unknown Description: This Ghwraith is the first to attack Cevalo after he finds the Gem of Boritka. He is changed by a blast from the gem, and changes his ways. He then protects Cevalo wherever he goes. Bartto Race: Ghwraith Age: 76,000 Description: This old Ghwraith is over 70,000 years old and has controlled all the Ghwraiths with his magic. He is the ruler of all the Ghwraiths, and longs to find the Gem of Boritka, which would allow him to control every single being on the Earth. Now, these are the main characters. I'm not going to put all the characters, because I wouldn't have enough space. Cevalo's village has a population of about 6000.
  19. Ok, I'm going to try a new fanfic here. This one has a fantasy plot, because most of the RPGs/Fanfics I've done recently are Anime. In the mountainous regions of a land far away, a mysterious race of half elves, half humans live in secrecy, hidden away from the world. They are called Veranders, (pronounced Vehr-and-urs). The Veranders live without contact with pure humans, choosing to ignore them and carry on with their lives. They live alone, except for one other race: The Ghwraiths, (pronounced gwuh-raiths). The Gwraiths are dark beings who use Dark Magic to conquer the land. The Veranders have no magic, so they must constantly move from area to area to escape the Gwraiths. However, one Verander has happened upon a magic gem that allows him to use magic and combat the Gwraiths. His name is Cevalo. In finding the gem, his destiny has been written. He must fight the Gwraiths and save his people. This is the story of Blackworld.
  20. I would like to see it, sort of, but I also really want to see G Gundam. From what Sephiroth has said about it, it sounds great.
  21. Christmas Main Reason: Its the time of year my family spends the most time together.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psycho [/i] [B]2x RGM-79[G] GM Sniper-Gene Firoyami, Keith Mantegana 2x RX-79[G] Gundam-James Hawking, Steve Karsonamo 1x Type 74 Hovertruck-Spike(just spike,ok?), Dash Starhord Is that good? Please tell me its good, it was very hard thinking up these names. [/B][/QUOTE] Sounds good. Here's one of my teams. I'll try to get the names for my other two teams up soon. 9th MS Team Commander: Harris Fermei Units: 3x RX-79[G] Gundam-Harris Fermei, Garret Ster, Al Ford 2x RGM-79[G] GM Sniper-Gabriella Fry, Nina Gripp, John Gripp 3x RGM-79[G] GM-Gunny Arris, Freddy Hertz, Hallie Germaine 1x Type 74 Hovertruck-Joseph Trece, Michael Greats 2x Ball-Shawn Derkins, Lana Sertz
  23. I don't know the pilot amounts for the Dodai II's and Dopp's. Let's just say the Dopps have one pilot and the Dodai II's have two.
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