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Everything posted by BondFanatic

  1. Does anyone play either of those two games? I have Back To Nature, (for PSX) and I'm currently using my new Gameshark on it. I have All the Extensions (Chicken Coop extension, 1st House extension, Barn extension, 2nd House extension and Hothouse) and I have 9999999g, 999 wood, 999 fodder, 999 chicken feed, 10 Chickens, (One lays golden eggs) 10 Cows, 10 sheep, My dog has 10 hearts (I don't have a horse because it was taken away) and I'm married to Ann. Oh, I'm in Summer of the 2nd year. One last thing: Did you know there's going to be a Harvest Moon 3? It's called Harvest Moon 3: Save the Homeland. My friends showed me a pic of it in a magazine.
  2. 4th or fifth grade? That's impossible. Last time I checked, to be a Tae Kwon Do Black Belt, you had to be at least 16 years old.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]those pics were taken from the japanese doujinshi of gundam wing, or manga, the second pic is the cover of issue 3.... [/B][/QUOTE] The people who did the animated version must have changed it, because Wing Zero looks like its hand is inside the TBR. Hey, that gun is a good idea for a new weapon for the MS I'm designing.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]that looks like the stuff i see at [url]www.gundamproject.com[/url] [/B][/QUOTE] You go to GP? Cool, so do I! They look like it because he got the images from there. Yes, he did have Mark's permission.
  5. No can do Saturday. Anyways, I don't fight. I design the suits used to fight. I will have as many suits produced as I can by then.
  6. 8th MS Team Zaku Weights Zaku II: 74.5 t Zaku Prototype: 77.5 t
  7. If you do, please tell me whta your belt is and what type of Martial Arts you do. I am a second-degree brown belt in Tae Kwon Do.
  8. Broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago. Still haven't gotten over it.
  9. Finally, someone agrees with me.
  10. Since you obviously couldn't vote those four out of a tie, the nominees are: Gundam Digimon Dragonball Evangelion Rouruni Kenshin Please PM with your votes within the next week. I will announce the winner next Saturday.
  11. I hope you all know that any Gundam besides the GW Gundams could easily destroy all five. Take the Devil Gundam for example, it could kill Epyon, Zero, D-Scythe, Heavyarms, Sandrock and Altron pretty quickly.
  12. It's on Fox at 9:00 Pacific Time. Change the time to whatever time zone you're in, and watch Fox at that time.
  13. I personally wouldn't care if my one of my friends was gay or lesbian. They're still my friends, their personality is just a bit different.
  14. Nothing my town is famous for, but last year was my High School's Baseball Team's third championship win in the league.
  15. Has anyone seen the show called 24 on Fox? I have, and the idea of the events occuring in real time is great! It also has a great storyline. So, tell me what you think.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by _Shiro Amada_ [/i] [B]The salute was for mere humor, "I salute you." Watch Austin Powers. Moving on... MP is fine thank you. Sag is just a MS Doll? Oh, it sounded cool enough, and 18 punds is a cool weight for your MS suits. Rather than the clunky Zaku's now how much do thos weigh. Unfortunately I didn't do as well in the MS Engineering part of the academy. I aced space and ground combat training and I also excelled in strategy and hand to hand combat, just in case. Hey I'm the newbie, remember that, ha ha ha! well the I hope I didn't bore you ensign. I think your mobile suits are in prime condition. [/B][/QUOTE] Damn straight.
  17. The main way the arms move is with thrusters. I didn't add that in the description because it's too minor of a detail. (BTW, you are the leader of this group. You shouldn't salute me, I salute you.) And also, you can't use the Sag. It's a Mobile Doll. You can use the MP though. The Deathblade and DS are mine.
  18. Okay, since I have been appointed to the position of Master MS Technician, I have two things to say. 1.) I will need an assistant and Construction Crew. 2.) I have some MS' and ships I've already designed. Here are the stats. Mobile Suits Model Number: EAMSGC-015G Codename: Deathblade Hell Manufacturer: Earth Alliance North America First Day of Use: December 18, A.C. 350 Pilot(s): Lieutenant Sean Durham Main Control System: Standard Earth Alliance System Type: Customized Mobile Suit, Gundam Class Custom or Normal: Custom Weight: 18 tons Head Height: 5.2 Meters Torso Height: 10.3 Meters Leg Height: 9.7 Meters Reactor: Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor, output rated at 85,000 kwts. Thrusters: Vernier Leg Pack x2 (Vernier Leg Pack consists of 4 miniature Verniers on the back of the leg), Apogee Motor x4, Maneuvering Verniers x60 Sensors: Visual Sensors x2, Radar Receiver x1 Ground Walking Top Speed: 45 mph Ground Running Top Speed: 70 mph Atmospheric Flight Speed: 90 mph Space Flight Speed: 105 mph 180 Degree Turn Time: 0.3 seconds Armor: Neo Gundanium Super Ceramic Metal Alloy Color(s): Gold, Red, Yellow, And Black Hand Weapons: Double Bladed Beamsaber x1 This is just two Beamsabers attached to each other. With the extra blade, the Gundam is able to fight two blade-wielding opponents at a time. Beamspear x1 The Beamspear is a long beam-emitting rod. It is basically a throwing version of a Beamsaber. Fixed Armaments: Head Mounted 90mm Vulcan x2 A basic automatic shell-firing weapon. The lightest weapons on the Gundam. Wrist Mounted Dragon Fang x2 These are sets of claws mounted on a cable attached to a reel inside the arms. They can latch onto enemy Mobile Suits, and are used in conjunction with the Flamethrower. Wrist Flamethrower x1 This is what its name says. The Flamethrower works the same way that a car's engine works. A jet of flammable liquid is shot through the barrel and ignited with a spark, sending liquid death at the enemy. Back Mounted Hellfire Missile Launcher x1 This has a missile capacity of 20 missiles. They are locked on by the pilot, and are guided to the target by a laser. Sensor Jammer Package x1 (Hyper Jammer x2, Radar Jammer x3, Visual Jammer x3) A Sensor Jammer Package carries devices which emit waves at different frequencies, which disrupt the enemies sensors, giving this suit a hit-and-run capability. Active Cloak x1 The Active Cloak, when opened, serves as wings. When it is closed, it serves as an extra layer of armor, making the Deathblade Hell Gundam more armored then the regular Deathblade Gundam. Optional Hand Weapons: Dual-Barreled Rapid Fire Buster Rifle x1 This fearsome beam weapon delivers enough power in two of its blasts to destroy an entire space colony. This version has a slight difference. It can fire much faster then the original, making it even better. 150mm Heavy Machine Gun x1 This large gun can fire enough shells in a few seconds to destroy a fairly large amount of mid-sized Mobile Dolls. Special Features: Zero System This system links the pilot's mind directly to the Gundam, giving him maximum reaction time, but also has chilling side effects. Self Destruct Mechanism This allows the pilot to destroy his Mobile Suit from the outside, using a powerful explosive inside the Mobile Suit. Fighting Levels Fighting: 180 Weapon: 180 Power: 170 Armor: 170 Speed: 190 Model Number: EAMSMDV-01n4 Codename: Sagittarius Manufacturer: Earth Alliance Europe First Day of Use: December 24, A.C. 350 Pilot(s): None Main Control System: Earth Alliance MSAPS Program Weight: 16 tons Head Height: 4.1 Meters Torso Height: 8.3 Meters Leg Height: 5.3 Meters Reactor: Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor, output rated at 70,000 kwts. Thrusters: Vernier Thruster x2, Apogee Motor x4, Maneuvering Verniers x60 Sensors: Visual Sensors x2, Ground Walking Top Speed: 40 mph Ground Running Top Speed: 65 mph Atmospheric Flight Speed: 80 mph Space Flight Speed: 95 mph 180 Degree Turn Time: 0.8 seconds Armor: Neo Titanium Alloy Color(s): Green, Red Hand Weapons: Beamsaber x1 A single version of the Double Bladed Beamspear on the Deathblade. Heat Rod x1 A large metal chain which is heated by the reactor. It can cut through anything, as the chain is made of Gundanium. Fixed Armaments: Head Mounted 80mm Vulcan x2 These are just light machine guns mounted on the head. Shoulder Mounted Beamcannon x2 These laser type weapons are low powered versions of the Deathblade's TBR. Fighting Levels Fighting: 150 Weapon: 150 Power: 140 Armor: 145 Speed: 160 Model Number: EAMSCC-15sd6 Codename: Durham Sagittarius Manufacturer: Earth Alliance North America First Day of Use: January 24, A.C. 351 Pilot(s): Lieutenant Sean Durham Main Control System: Standard Earth Alliance System Weight: 18 tons Head Height: 5.2 Meters Torso Height: 10.3 Meters Leg Height: 9.7 Meters Reactor: Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor, output rated at 85,000 kwts. Thrusters: Vernier Leg Pack x2 (Vernier Leg Pack consists of 4 miniature Verniers on the back of the leg), Apogee Motor x4, Maneuvering Verniers x60 Sensors: Visual Sensors x2, Radar Receiver x1 Ground Walking Top Speed: 45 mph Ground Running Top Speed: 70 mph Atmospheric Flight Speed: 90 mph Space Flight Speed: 105 mph 180 Degree Turn Time: 0.3 seconds Armor: Neo Titanium Alloy Color(s): Blue, Red Hand Weapons: Double Bladed Beamsaber x1 Same as Deathblade. Beamspear x1 Same as Deathblade. Fixed Armaments: Head Mounted 90mm Vulcan x2 Same as Deathblade. Hellfire Missile Launcher x1 Same as Deathblade. Optional Hand Weapons: 150mm Heavy Machine Gun x1 Same as Deathblade. Fighting Levels Fighting: 180 Weapon: 180 Power: 170 Armor: 170 Speed: 190 (As you can see, since the designs for the DS were pulled from the Deathblade, it has the same weapons.) Model Number: EAMSMPV-14h6 Codename: Sagittarius MP Version Manufacturer: Earth Alliance North America First Day of Use: December 18, A.C. 350 Pilot(s): Jeremy Dukovski, Daren Cloudenreesz Main Control System: Standard Earth Alliance System Weight: 18 tons Head Height: 5.2 Meters Torso Height: 10.3 Meters Leg Height: 9.7 Meters Reactor: Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor, output rated at 85,000 kwts. Thrusters: Vernier Leg Pack x2 (Vernier Leg Pack consists of 4 miniature Verniers on the back of the leg), Apogee Motor x4, Maneuvering Verniers x60 Sensors: Visual Sensors x2, Ground Walking Top Speed: 35 mph Ground Running Top Speed: 60 mph Atmospheric Flight Speed: 80 mph Space Flight Speed: 100 mph 180 Degree Turn Time: 0.6 seconds Armor: Neo Titanium Alloy Color(s): Green, Red Hand Weapons: Beamsaber x1 Same as Saggitarius Mobile Doll Fixed Armaments: Head Mounted 90mm Vulcan x3 Same as Deathblade, but with an extra cannon. Wrist Grenade Launcher x1 This weapon fires a small explosive charge which detonates on impact. Optional Hand Weapons: 120mm Medium Machine Cannon x1 Slightly smaller than the DS's Cannon and less punch. Fighting Levels Fighting: 160 Weapon: 170 Power: 190 Armor: 150 Speed: 150 (Edit: Weapons descriptions for the Sag's are up.) Ships Columbus Class Carrier Length: 1.59 kms Height: 1.5 kms Mobile Suit Capacity: Sagittarius Mobile Doll x600 Sagittarius MP Version x650 Weapons: Fixed Beamcannon x20 Turret Mounted Single Beamcannon x50 Turret Mounted Double Beamcannon x30 Fixed Mega Particle Cannon x5 Hygridia Class Battlecruiser Length: 2 kms Height: 1.25 kms Mobile Suit Capacity: None Weapons: Fixed Beamcannon x30 Turret Mounted Double Beamcannon x 75 Turret Mounted Single Mega Particle Cannon x4 Ghypehmis Class Carrier Length: 2.75 kms Height: 2.75 kms Mobile Suit Capacity: Sagittarius Mobile Doll x700 Sagittarius Mobile Doll x725 Weapons: Fixed Beamcannon x50 Turret Mounted Quad Beamcannon x20 Fixed Single Mega Particle Cannon x7
  19. *drumroll.............*My vote goes to..............Android 18! Why? Because she is one of the hottest Anime Charcters I have seen (mind you, I've only seen horrible U.S. Dubs), and she is extremely strong!
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]It's just a mathmatical formula. (Sailor Moon+Sailor Venus)x(Gundam)=Nobel Gundam. Easy as Pi. [/B][/QUOTE] I just looked at the pic, and it says Moon+Venus[SIZE=4]+[/SIZE] Gundam = Nobel Gundam, not Moon+Venus times Gundam = Nobel Gundam. *Damn keyboard, doesn't have a symbol for multiplication.*
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]ahahaha you dare ask the forbidden question.... well... lets starts.. First and formost, the most beautiful boy in all of anime is Shinji from Evangelion... ok yes I have an obessesion. Anyway, onward... i think the folowing are cute... not cute like I want to have sex with them, well not all, but cute as in adorable. Li from Card Captor Sakura Chibi Trunks from DBZ Mirai no Trunks from DBZ Chibi Mirai no Trunks from DBZ Trunks from DBGT Gohan from age 9-16 from DBZ Older Goten from DBZ and GT Quatre from GW Trowa from GW Heero from GW Van-sama from Escaflowne Ashitaka from Mononoke Hime The guy from El Hazard Yahiko from Kenshin Sanosuke from Kenshin Yutaro from Kenshin Chibi Sanosuke from Kenshin (KAWAII!) Aoshi from Kenshin (yes Kenshin has alot of hot guys) Jim from Outlaw Star Recca from Flame of Recca Vash from Trigun the main male character from the manga I's Almost forgot Kaoru from Evangelion And finally... this extremely Kawaii boy seen below. His name is Kirrua... i dunno what anime he is from though... or manga or whatever... [/B][/QUOTE] He almost looks like a cross between Chibi-Dou and Chibi-Quatre.
  22. Sepiroth, could you please open up my other nomination thread? I posted that because I can't do two polls in one thread, and that one is for a different award. Thanks. Okay, so far, Dragonball is in the lead. Evangelion is in close second, and we have a four-way tie between Gundam, Digimon, Rurouni Kenshin and Other.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]can someone put GundamX on the list? [/B][/QUOTE] When I say Gundam, I mean every single series.
  24. Ok, next nomination poll is up. It is for Dubbed Anime of the Year! Some other awards I shall do are: Best Male Character In an Anime Best Female Character In an Anime Mecha of the Year Mecha Show of the Year Mecha Character of the Year Cutest Anime Boy of the Year Cutest Anime Girl of the Year more to come!
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