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Everything posted by BondFanatic

  1. I didn't actually do them. A friend of mine from the Gundamwatch boards has photoshop, which allows you to combine multiple images. I requested it and he delivered. He combined the torso and legs of Wing Zero with the head and active cloak of D-Scythe Hell. Then for a finishing touch, he added Shenlong's arms, each with a dragon fang.
  2. I know Sepiroth would say this if he was on this thread, but, please! There are so many more Gundam series out there! You need to try and buy subbed or dubbed eppies of the better Gundam shows. GW is (in my opinion) a ripoff of MSG, so it sux.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mztik_Gohan10 [/i] [B]sumthin's wrong how come there that big smiley face there instead of the D?Weird?! [/B][/QUOTE] The letter symbol for a big smiley is a colon with a capital d next to it. The reason it is a smiley instead of the d is because there is no space between the colon and d.
  4. I change my vote. Gundam Ground Type from 8th MS Team.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B]Last,But not least,The RGM-79[G] GM Sniper [/B][/QUOTE] Strange, the gun its holding loks just like an M-16.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]some of you need to watch different series of gundam, I mean, voting for heero yuy as fave character? please.... [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with Sephiroth, Heero and the ohter Gundam pilots suck big compared to other pilots in [SIZE=4]much[/SIZE] better Gundam series. Take my new fave, Mr. Amada, for one.
  7. Y' know what? If stardust is going to be such a ****in ***** about it, screw the ****in Saturday Otaku! It is no longer operational! Finito! Fin! Finished!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]So why don'tcha let him be a reporter then? Instead of the 'presenter'? By reporter, I mean like Frote...and if that ain't good enough, we might as well have two newspapers,...double the info, twice the fun, and hal the complaints...now plz somebody close the topic, or atleast quit the arguing,..all I was tryinta do was find a solution, not make things worse![/b] [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you, at least one person supports me, somewhat!
  9. Why can't you address me as one of your former employees? * [I]Yes, folks, it's true. When AlmightySSJ4 was known as DOAR mmvboy1530, the DOAR stood for Daily Otaku Anime Reporter. Just another reminder from the great brain of AlmightySSJ4. Now, back to the show.[/I] *
  10. To **** with people caring about my paper! I don't care if peeps like the Daily Otaku more, I just want to have my own paper. So, all of you, shut the hell up! God damn!
  11. Jesus Christ, someone hasn't had their coffee this morning! Clam down, all I want is one day!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] how about yes, it is now called the [COLOR=red]WEEKDAY[/COLOR] Otaku. You can do Saturday. [/B][/QUOTE] Come on, say sumthin like that!
  13. :( :( :( Aw, come on, you hurt my feelings.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]Why did the chewing gum cross the road...it was stuck to the chickens foot........I suck at jokes. [/B][/QUOTE] Someone already said that. Though, you may have just said that to prove that you [I]do[/I] suck at jokes.
  15. Transtic: No duh! I was a reporter for it! How about this: I do the weekend edition of the Daily Otaku, and Stardust does the weekday edition. How does that sound?
  16. BTW, the app has only two questions.
  17. Please don't criticize my new board, it is still under construction. Also, if you want to be a mod or administrator, please email me, and I will send an application for you to fill out and send back. I am only accepting two mods per forum, and there are only six forums. [URL=http://pub96.ezboard.com/bgundamheavenboards]My Board[/URL] [EMAIL=mmvboy@home.com]My Email[/EMAIL]
  18. It is actually called a Heat [SIZE=4]Rod[/SIZE] .
  19. V2: King Vegeta/mmvboy 1530 V3: AlmightySSJ4, and it'll always be that way!
  20. How many posts do I have to get to become a junior member? And what are the post counts for the other ranks?
  21. Well, since this hasn't been posted in a while, there is a new newspaper here, headed by yours truly. And too late, Forte is the Megaman reporter for the Saturday Otaku! I'm taking over the news business here, and if you don't like it, leave.
  22. Oh, no! They are? Hey, I think we have something serious going on here! CN and Kids WB are sharing horribly dubbed shows!
  23. Hey, those are pretty funny. I'll try and post some myself sometime.
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