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Everything posted by BondFanatic

  1. Name: Garret Lione Age: 29 Bio: Born in Detroit and loved racing all his life. Found his way to the city and got a job as an undercover cop. As a racer, he's one of the best and usually beats anyone who goes up against him. He's out to stop Nate and his associates, and won't stop until he slaps the cuffs on their wrists. Appearance: Red hair, blue eyes, slighty buff musculature. He always wears black pants, a green shirt and a black leather jacket. Attitude: As a cop, very serious and concentrated. Undercover, he's very laid back and relaxed. Rank: Undercover officer. Other: Always carries a Glock 9 in his jacket. Head of Team Mirage and owner of Mirage Street Parts. Is a well-known street racing champion. The Car- Brand: Jaguar Model: 2003 S-Type R Color: Red Other: $70,000+ police-funded modifications, including middle front seat, nitrogen cooling system, 27-liter NOS system, Vortech supercharger system Other officers in Garret's crew: Julie Kelman Car: White Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Richie Franks Car: Black Honda Civic Eric Warner Car: Yellow Toyota Supra
  2. [b]Location[/b]: Somewhere off of the Western African coast [b]Date[/b]: Classified [b]Time[/b]: Classified [i]A lone guard, patrolling the deck of a ship, was just doing his rounds when a blunt object smashed into the back of his head, and a figure, cloaked in black, dragged his body away. Several ropes flew over the side of the ship, and several other figures climbed onto the deck.[/i] [b]???[/b]: Demo team, get down to the boiler room and set the charges. [i]Three figures walked away, carrying several packs of an unknown substance. The first man signaled to two others and walked away. They walked to the bow and looked around. One of them pointed up, to a ladder. The man signaled again, and all three climbed down the ladder. They stopped in a dark passage and slowly walked around a corner, where a lone guard was patrolling. The first man drew a silenced pistol and squeezed the trigger. The man fell to the ground with a hole in the side of his head. One of the men rushed forward and dragged the body into a small room and closed the door. All three advanced forward and saw a locked door. The second operative stepped forward and drew a small cylinder from their belt. He jammed it into the lock and removed it as a small pop echoed through the hallway. He pushed the door open and noticed three men sitting with their backs to them. All three went in separate directions, and all three guards fell to the floor, all three with broken necks. The leading man removed his mask and walked to the center console. He raised his radio and turned it on.[/i] [b]???[/b]: CT Command, this is CSM Linden. We've secured the bridge. Demo charges are set. Preparing to bring vessel to ordered demo point. [b]Command[/b]: Good. Evac everyone off the boat and head to the assigned pickup location. [b]Linden[/b]: Yes sir. [i]As Linden turned off his radio, the other two operatives removed their masks, revealing Private Madoline West and Private Major Ryan Schezar.[/i] [b]Linden[/b]: West, bring the ship thirty degrees southwest. Three knots. [b]West[/b]: Yes sir. [i]Several minutes later, the ship stopped. Several minutes after that, six operatives of the U.S. Department of Counter Hacking and Counterterrorism CT Team jumped over the side of the ship and swam away. After they were a good distance away, one of the operatives pulled a remote from his belt and pressed a button. As he did this, the side of the ship was torn apart as the explosives detonated. The ship began to list, and after a few minutes of falling on its side, it sank. As the ship slowly sank to the bottom, along with the large arms shipment in its cargo bay, a dull thumping resonated through the air. A green helicopter flew above the operatives and dropped lines into the water. Each of them climbed up, and the helicopter flew away.[/i] [center][size=14][b]DCHCT - Department of Counter Hacking and Counterterrorism[/b][/size][/center] [u]Several days later...[/u] [i]As CSM Linden was resting in his quarters, a man came in and shook him awake.[/i] [b]Linden[/b]: What? [b]McGregson[/b]: We've got a lot of chatter on their frequencies. They're going to attack again. [b]Linden[/b]: When do I need to mobilize? [b]McGregson[/b]: 48 hours. OOC: And so we begin...
  3. I know he has a name, but it's the same as Shikaku Kitoku's character's name.
  4. [size=8]Cloricus, I need your character's name![/size] Once I get it, I'll start the game.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red XIII [/i] [B][color=royalblue] Desert Eagle .35 (suppressor attached), MP5 Submachine Gun (suppressor attached)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You can only have one sidearm. Sorry.
  6. Sorry, Draagul, you're already signed up as CH. And, [b][size=]Counterterrorism Division is full![/size][/b]
  7. You can use the knives, because you are mainly a stealth agent. But if an agent doesn't have a specialty, they should choose from those weapons.
  8. Harlequin, I need a last name for your character. And there is space for one more Counterterrorism operative. Once I get the next signup for that division, I will not allow any more CT agents. And here are various weapons used by Counterterrorism Division. [b]Sidearms[/b] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/arfacts/blm9-2.htm]M-9 Handgun[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blm19.htm]M1911A1 .45 Caliber Pistol[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blsoc.htm]MEU (SOC) Pistol[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blmp5.htm]MP-5N Heckler and Koch 9mm Submachine Gun[/URL] [b]Main Weapons[/b] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/arfacts/blm4.htm]M-4 Carbine Rifle[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blm16.htm]M16A2 5.56mm Rifle[/URL] Also, equipment to be used in operations: [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blecwcs.htm]Extended Cold Weather Clothing System (ECWCS)[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blvest.htm]Individual Tactical Load Bearing Vest (ITLBV)[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blfplif.htm]Field Pack, Large, with Internal Frame (FPLIF)[/URL] [b]Vehicles:[/b] [i]Ground[/i] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/bllav25.htm]Light Armored Vehicle-25 (LAV-25)[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blaavp.htm]Assault Amphibian Vehicle Personnel Model 7A1 (AAVP7A1)[/URL] [i]Air Transport[/i] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blhercules.htm]KC-130 Hercules[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blhuey.htm]UH-1N Huey Helicopter[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blseaknight.htm]CH-46E Sea Knight Helicopter[/URL] [i]Air Attack[/i] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blcobra.htm]AH-1W Super Cobra Helicopter[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blharrier.htm]AV-8B Harrier II[/URL] The equipment is standard issue, so don't worry about putting it in your profile. The vehicles will come into play in the RPG when we need vehicular support or are parachuting into an area. The weaponry is what I'd prefer you to use. Please use them. Edit: I've divided the weapons into supgroups to make it easier. The MP-5N is listed as a sidearm because I know for a fact it can be carried with one hand.
  9. [i]The year is 2005. The United States' western seaboard has been devastated by terrorist attacks. Even with advanced security measures, the U.S. government was not even aware of these attacks until they happened. The reason: an elite team of hackers, funded by the terrorist groups who carried out the attacks, flooded the information database of every U.S. agency and department with hundreds of millions of spam messages. Millions of lives perished because of the hackers. After the government recovered from the hacker attack, they formed a secret agency: the Department of Counter Hacking and Counter Terrorism - the DCHCT. The operatives of this agency carry out their missions in secret and, by law, do not exist while on operations. They are divided into two divisions - Counter Hacking and Counterterrorism. Because of the precision of the team, they were able to capture or kill most of the terrorist leaders and all of the hackers except for one. The DCHCT has recieved word that the remaining hacker and terrorist leaders are planning another attack. This time, it will be concentrated on the East Coast, where most of the government is based. They have been ordered to stop the attack. The hacker's name is Alexei Vradonov. Formerly a Russian citizen, he now lives somewhere in the Middle East. He has access to almost any bit of information anyone could want and is extremely wealthy. His private estate is guarded by a private "Special Ops" mercenary group. He also is rumored to have several armored anti-aircraft SAM sites near his estate, making an air assault almost impossible. No one knows where exactly the estate is, but one of the dead terrorists had a piece of paper with him. The translated text reads "S. Ginkre". There is a restaurant owner in Venice named Samel Ginkre who has been known to make small donations to terrorist groups. He may have information, but he has not been seen for three months. The first part of your mission is to track down Ginkre or the information he possesses. Once you do this, you may be able to find Vradonov. Taking him out will only make it easier to take out the terrorist leaders. Along the way, the Counter Hacking team will assist you by giving you vital information and falsifying information to ease passage through hostile nations. Good luck.[/i] [b]Here's what I need for signup:[/b] Name: Age: Hair: Eyes: Height: Weight: Department: [u]Counterterrorism Agents:[/u] Rank: (Nothing above Command Seargent Major, please. My character can have an equal, but he is the leader, so no one higher.) Weapons: (Limit one sidearm and one larger weapon) Skills: (Make them realistic, and limit three) Strengths: (Limit three) [u]Counter Hacking Agents:[/u] Clearance Level: (Start at one. I will PM you if you've been promoted) Skills: (Make them realistic, and limit three) [b]My Profile[/b] Name: Eric Linden Age: 26 Hair: Red Eyes: Brown Height: 6' 7" Weight: 180 lbs. Department: Counterterrorism Rank: Command Seargent Major Weapons: Sidearm - Colt Model M1911A1 Main - Benelli M1 Tactical 12 Gauge Shotgun Skills: Lockpicking, Tae Kwon Do, Rappelling Strengths: Good eyesight, muscular strength, accuracy [b]Agency Operatives[/b] [u]Counterterrorism[/u] [b]FULL[/b] [list] [*]Command Sergeant Major Eric Linden [*]Private Major Ryan Schezar [*]Private Rune Syvestine [*]Private Madoline West [*]Private Ki Fox [*]Private Wesley MacLeagha [/list] [u]Counter Hacking[/u] [list] [*]Shinta Demuino [*]cloricus' unnamed guy [*]Vincent Hawking [/list]
  10. What does [spoiler]Joey do when he's possessed?[/spoiler]
  11. Not to copy, but yes, I'd go with the T-34. Just cuz it was well made, fast and hellapowerful.
  12. 8. In the first Springfield Isotopes baseball game, who sings the National Anthem?
  13. Name: BondFanatic Magic Type: Light Type: Warrior Picture: My Avatar Effects: Q's Lab - Increase the attack of this card by 500. Gadgetry Weakness - Flip six coins. If you call all of them correctly, decrease the opponent's attack to 0. If you call any of them wrong, decrease this card's attack by half. Description: The ultimate possessor of James Bond knowledge, he knows everything about James Bond.
  14. Name: ****** Age: 18 DOB: 08/18/02 Location: *********, ********** One Word: Strategery Describe yourself in one word: Demanding Occupation: Applied for a few jobs, but no word yet Color: Red Food: Chicken Noodle Soup Beverage: Cranberry Juice Alter Ego: Timmy from [i]The Fairly Oddparents[/i] :p :p Dream Job: Owner of a worldwide gourmet restaraunt chain Self-Proclaimed: Egotistical Gundam Freak and Bond Fanatic :p Ethnicity: Can't say Extracurricular: Orchestra Hobby: Nothing, really Dessert: Frozen Cranberry Juice :p Musician: None Group: The Hives, Linkin Park Mac or PC: PC Nics: Gundaman, BondFanatic, The Smart One Religion: Can't say Book: None Collections: None Sport: Soccer Won't Eat: Seafood TV Show: Any Gundam show Words to live by: I didn't ask for your opinion, so shut up. Addicted to: Nothing Comic: None Movie: SW Ep II, CCA
  15. [list] [*]3 of each Yu-Gi-Oh starter deck [*]5 of each Yu-Gi-Oh booster packs (plus 5 more Pharoah's(sp) Servant packs for a gift exchange) [*]Raigeki card [*]Gamecube with Super Mario Sunshine [*]Star Wars Eps I and II on DVD [*]Every single James Bond film available on DVD [*]Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack on DVD [/list]
  16. I enjoyed the film. It had good action, and a very interesting plot. [spoiler]It was crazy how the Police Chief was the one who set him up, not the government agent.[/spoiler] Plus, my friend was an extra in the pool scene.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MaxSonic [/i] [B] crest: King of Diamonds [/B][/QUOTE] The King of Diamonds isn't a crest of the Shuffle Alliance. The Diamond crest is the Jack of Diamonds. Name: Shin Pa-Tzo Age: 23 Colony Name: Neo China Gundam Name: Dynasty Gundam Team Members: Shi Long and Zao Moon (If you've seen the newest James Bond movie, you'll know where that name comes from) Crest: Club Ace
  18. Has this ever happened to you? I was walking to my friend's car after school (mine's in the shop right now), and three guys, who I have only seen once in school, came up to me and jumped me. I have a fractured ankle, so I'm having trouble walking, and that lessened my chances of getting away. I couldn't fight back, so I got the crap beaten out of me. Luckily, a security guard came over and broke it up. So now, I've got a bruised face and body, and am having an even harder time walking. Plus, I lost twenty or so bucks that the guys nicked from my wallet. Luckily, I just got a phone call telling me that the guys are being expelled from school (this isn't the first time they've done something like this), so I won't have to go through that again. I'm not expecting any sympathy from anyone. I just want to know, has this ever happened to you?
  19. Next time, don't double post. Click the button that says 'edit' and add that to your original post.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B] Dragon: Black Skull Dragon (3200/2500) [/B][/QUOTE] The Black Skull Dragon is not the most powerful Dragon! The BEUD, Master of Dragon Knight and Five-God Dragon are all Dragons and are more powerful than BSD.
  21. I'd have to go with lowering the opponent's. There are specific reasons that I keep to myself, (past deuls in which there were mistakes even n00bs would laugh at), so don't ask.
  22. If you speak the language of my region: Five Dollar = Very stupid, so saying 'That's five dollar.' means that's stupid. Fugly = *ahem*-ing ugly More to come...
  23. You're incorrect in the Dark Magician and BEWD being the strongest of their subtypes. Dragons that are stronger than BEWD: Black Skull Dragon, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Five-God Dragon, Master of Dragon Knight (I think that's a dragon). Spellcasters that are stronger than DM: Only one: the Magician of Black Chaos. So, there are monsters stronger than BEWD and DM.
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