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Everything posted by BondFanatic

  1. Here's another, more altered Virgo II.
  2. Piromunkie! Can I be the reporter person who reports from outside of the house, please?
  3. God! When it was delted, it wasn't very good either. I haven't put up some stuff, so [B][SIZE=4]WILL YOU SHUT THE HELL UP![/SIZE] [/B]
  4. I am officially reopening my Gundam site, so please visit! I had to close it down because of technical problems. I just finished the design today, and I added some gifs! Please visit the site! The link is in my sig.
  5. I put Epyon instead of Sandrock in Gw because in GW, Epyon is so much better then Sandrock.
  6. Which weapon is your favorite weapon from the Gundams in GW and EW?
  7. My fave is Wufei, because he has the coolest Gundam in my opinion (I have not seen any MSG, so don't get angry). The dragon fangs, flamethrowers, beam glaive, those are just cool weapons! (Edit, I just saw some eppies of 8th MS, so I have a change of mind. I now say Shiro Amada, all the way! RX-79(G) rocks!
  8. Okay, I have heard a lot about Zeta and ZZ Gundam being worse then GW, so I want to know, what are the good and bad points to the two shows?
  9. I have a dog named Abigail. She is 4 months old, and she is a doberman/german sheperd mix. She is really cute and playful, but can be[B][SIZE=4]VERY[/SIZE] [/B] disobedient sometimes.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saturn_Healer [/i] [B]I voted Dekim to stab, such an A$$ for creating operation meteor. I would want to stab him. [/B][/QUOTE] One problem. If Operation Meteor never happened, the good stuff in GW would not have happened.
  11. Cream Cheese Wontons! :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty:
  12. Virgo II with Beam Rifle! All the way!
  13. My favorite is Altron from EW and Leopard Destroy.
  14. Kottonmouth Kings feat. ICP and Twiztid: Wicket Clowns.
  15. I am known as MicroMoneyViper on AOL Instant Messenger.
  16. I dunno... most of the pics i get are from Gundam Project, but I can find other sites. Any specific series?
  17. does anyone here build their websites with yahho pagebuilder? If you do, I need to know how to add a sidebar thing with other areas of the site like theotaku.com, plus some other things.
  18. I don't know what it was, but I had between 130 and 150 posts.
  19. This is the link to my new Gundam site. I need links to other Gundam sites, so if you have any, email them to me. Also, please sign my guestbook. [URL]www.geocities.com/kracker92056/Gundamheaven.html?998270751970[/URL]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=4][U][I][B]Well, vote on who you would most like to stab in the back.[/B] [/I] [/U] [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  21. My AIM name is MicroMoneyViper, hence my email address being [U]mmv[/U]boy@home.com
  22. Oops, I pressed submit before I finished the last one. It is supposed say Womens Title.
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