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Everything posted by BondFanatic

  1. Yes, I know it's a Thursday.
  2. Wolf Maximas 13 and Cloud Strife, I need your stats [u]now[/u]!
  3. Can I say something about an ending of a T.V. show? Because I hated the ending of the first season of [i]24[/i], because [SIZE=4]***SPOILERS***[/SIZE] Teri dying was a stupid idea. She was a good character. [SIZE=4]***END SPOILERS***[/SIZE]
  4. I'd have to say the ending of CCA. It's not bad, it just leaves you hanging. I hate it when the end of a series does that.
  5. Umm, chances are this is going to get moved to the RPG forum or closed. I think you should read the rules. And welcome to the boards!
  6. What...the...? That's crazy! Got anymore psychiatrist tricks?
  7. pyro_kai wouldn't listen to me, so I let him. This is the only time I'll allow a one person team, though, so don't get any ideas.
  8. I've seen a bit of X, but I have to disagree on one part. The animation isn't [i]that[/i] bad.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yusuke [/i] [B]Name: Max Zorin Gender: male Codename: Piranha Age: 28 Weight: 175 Height: 6'2'' Agency: MI6 Nationality: English Hair: blonde Eyes: blue Personality: He has his ways of killing people, funny sometimes butwhen it comes to it, he means buisiness Weapons: M-9 pistol Koch 9mm submachine-gun M-4 CARBINE rifle [/B][/QUOTE] I take it you got your character's name from the main villain of [i]A View To A Kill[/i]?
  10. WM13 and Cloud Strife, I need your team stats ASAP. Edit: pyro_kai has decided to battle on his own, so I have closed his team to new members.
  11. Our first full teams: The Mirage Team, led by AlmightySSJ4 The Blurrs, led by Lauren The Revolutionaries, led by AlmightySSJ4 The Blazers, led by Sacred Warrior The Fukanowa Dragons, led by pyro_kai and the SwiftCats, led by Ykonis. We're more than halfway there! I still need the remaining members for the Pack and the Igniters.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ykonis [/i] [B]ok. ill make some people for my team. here they are. Name: Kyle Age: 16 Height: 6' 0 Weight: 179 lbs Eyes: blue Hair: blonde Personality: rich's older brother. they are inseparable and love to pretend to fight. Name: Dale Age: 20 Height: 6' 0 Weight: 179 lbs Eyes: blue Hair: blonde Personality:kyle and rich's older brother. after their parents disappeared he became like a father figure and is very protective of them. Zoid info on kyle: Zoid type:sabre tiger (all black) aka shadow. same weapons and credits as rich Zoid info on dale: Zoid type:sabre tiger(all grey) aka smoke same weapons and credits as rich [/B][/QUOTE] You still need one more person
  13. This looks very funny. I'm in. Name: Professor Bon Bon Boy Equipment: Bon Bon Launcher Bio: Sorry, I don't like bios, so I'm not going to post one.
  14. Just to let you know, Jaws is from [i]The Spy Who Loved Me[/i] and [i]Moonraker[/i]. Baron Sammedi is from [i]Live And Let Die[/i] and [i]The Man With The Golden Gun[/i]. And Blofeld is James Bond's archrival. He appears in [i]You Only Live Twice[/i], [i]On Her Majesty's Secret Service[/i] and [i]Diamonds Are Forever[/i]. If you guys want more info, [URL=http://www.jamesbond.com/index.html]here's[/URL] the official James Bond website.
  15. You don't understand. If Cloud Strife joins your team, that'll leave a team spot open and delay the starting of the RPG even more!
  16. I will post the play thread as soon as everyone's teams are full.
  17. The teams are as follows. 1. The Mirage Team [b]TEAM FULL-NO MORE SPOTS OPEN[/b] Leader: Aaron Burich (AlmightySSJ4) Zoid: Deathblade Member 1: Orion (Goven Man) Zoid: Razor Blade Member 2: Alex Burich (AlmightySSJ4) Zoid: Deathblade Member 3: Gina Burich (AlmightySSJ4) Zoid: Deathblade 2. The Pack [b]TEAM FULL-NO MORE SPOTS OPEN[/b] Leader: Wolf Maximas (WolfMaximas13) Zoid: Command Wolf, aka Akami Member 1: Iyasu (LoneWolf) Zoid: Saber Wolf, aka Hikari 3. The Fukanowa Dragons [b]TEAM FULL-NO MORE SPOTS OPEN[/b] Leader (and only Member): Jamison Frost (pyro_kai) Zoid: Z-Fox 4. The Blurrs [b]TEAM FULL-NO MORE SPOTS OPEN[/b] Leader: Lauren (Lauren) Zoid: Liger Zero Jager Member 1: Ted Jade (Lauren) Zoid: Lightning Psyches, aka Lighter Member 2: Ked Jade (Lauren) Zoid: Lightning Psyches, aka Psycher Member 3: Alex Kords (Lauren) Zoid: Hellcat, aka Devil 5. The Revolutionaries [b]TEAM FULL-NO MORE SPOTS OPEN[/b] Leader: Eric Von Dietrich (AlmightySSJ4) Zoid: Revo Unit 1 Member 1: Roger Torrington Zoid: Revo Unit 2 Member 2: John McCale Zoid: Revo Unit 3 Member 3: Roy Becks Zoid: Revo Unit 4 6. The SwiftCats [b]TEAM FULL-NO MORE SPOTS OPEN[/b] Leader: Rich Kuston (Ykonis) Zoid: Sabre Tiger Member 1: Kyle Kuston Zoid: Sabre Tiger Member 2: Dale Kuston Zoid: Saber Tiger Member 3: Stan Zoid: Liger Zero, aka Flame 7. The Blazers [b]TEAM FULL-NO MORE SPOTS OPEN[/b] Leader: Ryowa Davis (Sacred Warrior) Zoid: Shadow Fox Member 1: Zee Kibler Zoid: Blade Liger Member 2: Zack Fraiser Zoid: Ginosaur Member 3: Kye Rissel Zoid: Shield Liger 8. The Igniters [b]TEAM FULL-NO MORE SPOTS OPEN[/b] Leader: Axel Nessron (Cloud Strife00) Zoid: Death Zaberfang Member 1: Hiro Koranowa Zoid: Stealth Gun Sniper Member 2: Sidney Nessron Zoid: Lord Tortoise Cannon Member 3: Tom Red Zoid: Storm Sworder My new team members for one of my teams: Name: Alex Burich Age: 25 Height: 6' 5" Weight: 182 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Personality: Aaron's twin brother. They are inseparable and are impossible to tell apart. Name: Gina Burich Age: 28 Height: 6' 6" Weight: 175 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Red Personality: Aaron and Alex's older sister, she is protective of both, and is an experienced battler.
  18. Sean Connery was in [i]Thunderball[/i]. He also starred in [i]Dr. No[/i], [i]From Russia With Love[/i], [i]Goldfinger[/i], [i]You Only Live Twice[/i], and [i]Diamonds Are Forever[/i]. George Lazenby starred in [i]On Her Majesty's Secret Service[/i], which came in between [i]You Only Live Twice[/i] and [i]Diamonds Are Forever.[/i] Roger Moore starred in [i]Live and Let Die[/i], which has my favorite theme song, [i]The Man With The Golden Gun[/i], [i]The Spy Who Loved Me[/i], [i]Moonraker[/i], [i]For Your Eyes Only[/i], [i]Octopussy[/i], and [i]A View To A Kill[/i]. Timothy Dalton starred in [i]The Living Daylights[/i] and [i]License To Kill[/i]. Pierce Brosnan, the current Bond, has starred in [i]Goldeneye[/i], [i]Tomorrow Never Dies[/i], [i]The World Is Not Enough[/i], and the next Bond, [i]Die Another Day[/i], which premieres November 22nd of this year. You can obviously tell I'm not just a Bond fan, I'm a fanatic.
  19. They'll have to do that before the game starts, because as it says, after the tournament starts, only I can assign people to shops. So if they want to run one, they better do it now. 2:34 Pacific Time. July 20th. When it's 12:00 noon Pacific time, July 25th, the tournament is officially started. I will be expecting pms from all the members with their team member stats. I want to get this RPG off the ground on time, so if no one joins your team, create new players to fill those spots.
  20. All I can say is I loved this game! The controls were a bit hard at first, but I got used to them.
  21. That's what sirven is doing. He's going to sell all of the items.
  22. Yes, Goven Man opened a shop, but he decided to join the Mirage Team.
  23. Everyone, please PM me the stats for your team members. I will add them to the list, and once every spot is filled, I will start the game. And sirven_2002, looks like you're sellling everything.
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