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Everything posted by BondFanatic
Sorry, no. I don't want to wait for someone else to make a team.
Lauren, you still need one more member, and your team is full.
Since no one is signing up for team spots, I have a proposition. To fill the remaining spots, please create your own team members.
Altaurus transforms and stands in his ready stance. Altaurus: You want that life force, you're going to go through us. Everyone ready?
OOC: Sounds good. IC: Kevin/GGM: That won't do anything. Golden Cross Slash! As Chatsuramon was running around Kevin/GoldenGlaciermon, the attack slammed into her side, flinging her against the wall. Kevin/GGM: You may have speed, but I am the ultimate fighter. Time to finish this. Golden Sabre Tornado! He began to spin around, kicking up dust all around, momtentarily blinding Kitty. She looked up to see the tornado begin to spew out small blades at Chatsuramon, who was lying on the ground. Kitty: Chatsuramon! OOC: Your turn.
OOC: I'm going to use a technique used in the old days of OB. In a story penned a popular member, this was the main digivolution of the four evil Digidestined. IC: Kevin: Then you leave me no choice. D-Tracker, Digimerge activate! (It's nothing like Biomerging.) K&GGM: GoldenGlaciermon Digimerge Activate! A bright white light surrounded Kevin and GoldenGlaciermon, and when it cleared, Kevin was standing there, wearing GoldenGlaciermon's armor. In his hand, he held what looked like a double bladed sword. Kevin/GGM: You have forced me to use my ultimate weapon. I will not need to ask you to surrender this time. I will throttle the life out of your Digimon. He pulled the two blades apart and crossed them in an X. Kevin/GGM: Golden Cross Slash! The swords began to glow, and a large golden X shot out of them, straight at Chatsuramon. When it hit, she fell to the floor. Kevin/GGM: Do not make me do anymore damage. Give up. Kitty: Never! Kevin/GGM: Not a good idea. He turned and prepared to attack again. Kevin/GGM: Golden Cross Slash! OOC: Your turn.
No, because what if you had to get parts from your own shop? You'd be getting them for free, which would be unfair to the other players.
That'll leave a team spot open. If you want to, you can, but it'll take longer to start the game.
No problem. Don't worry about it.
No, sorry. This isn't anything like the show. As it says in the first paragraph of my first post, this is hundreds of years after the Blitz Team's victory. And please don't double post.
Kevin: Then you leave me no choice. D-Tracker, GyroWarpmon Armor Activate! GGM: Warp Slash! This attack sent Shiisamon flying through what was left of the wall and out of the room. Kevin: I said, surrender. You can't win. GoldenGlaciermon, keep attacking. GGM: Gyro Kick! Warp Slash! GoldenGlaciermon continued to pummel Shiisamon while Kitty looked on in horror. Kevin. This is the last time I'm going to say this. Give up!
Kevin: This battle's over. GoldenGlaciermon, attack! GGM: Ice Destroyer! GoldenGlaciermon' Guns began to spin at a high speed, and shards of ice began to fire out of them, and each and everyone hit Shiisamon, throwing SM against the wall. Kitty: Shiisamon! Are you okay? SM: I'm okay. Shiisamon looked up to see GoldenGlaciermon standing over her, pointing one of his Gatling Guns at her head, ready to use his Glacier Claw attack. Kevin: Surrender. Now.
Kevin: So, my first fight. You think you have a chance? Kitty: Of course I do. Kevin: Then, let's start. D-Tracker, Mega Digivolution Activate! Bortoromon: Bortoromon Warp Digivolve to... GoldenGlaciermon! Kevin: D-Tracker, Needlemon Armor Activate! Kevin: Let's see how you deal with that. GoldenGlaciermon, attack! GGM: Thunder Bomb! A huge yellow ball formed between GoldenGlaciermon's hands/guns and flew forward straight at Labramon. Labramon jumped out of the way just in time, avoiding the attack, which destroyed the wall that Labramon had been standing in front of seconds before. Labramon: Kitty, I need to digivolve! OOC: Your turn.
As Kevin and Bortoromon, who was back on his feet, walked towards the mountain, they looked up, and noticed they were already there. Kevin: Are you ready? B: What do you think? Of course I am! The two walked to the base of the mountain and saw a huge building. They decided to walk in, and when Kevin passed through the door, a bright beam passed over him. Voice: Identity verified. Please proceed.
WM13, I didn't know that. I apologize. If they want to join, I'll need their info. Goven, they'd have to come back anyways. You're the only one who sells those three items.
Starlight and pyro_kai, please put your characters in other teams. I'd like this to be even.
Altaurus rises, looking very tired. "Why'd you go and wake me up? I thought I told you not to wake me up!" "Well, it was 65,000,000 years ago." "That doesn't matter! Now, back to business. You said you sensed Dragozaurs?" "Correct." "Well, we need to find out who has the other Dinodaggers, because only Titan can transform." "That's just peachy, boss."
Why would you want to have sales? You'd get less money! Remember, all the profits go into your pocket, which means when you battle, you have an increased budget.
Is anyone going to do my request? I believe my request was made before some of the ones which have been drawn.
Lauren, sorry, I can't accept your application. Cloud Strife and Sacred Warrior are new members so they get the spots. And Goven Man, no. You must pick four parts that aren't chosen and sell them. And we still need people to join the teams. We have a long time to go until we can start. Each team needs three new members and two alternates. And we need one more Junk Seller. Please ask people to join. ::Tournament Matches:: 1st Round Match 1: The Mirage Team VS. The Igniters Match 2: The Pack VS. The Blazers Match 3: The Fukanowa Dragons VS. The SwiftCats Match 4: The Blurrs VS. The Revolutionaries Quarterfinals Match 5: Winner of Match 3 VS. Loser of Match 2 Match 6: Winner of Match 1 VS. Loser of Match 4 Match 7: Loser of Match 3 VS. Winner of Match 2 Match 8: Loser of Match 1 VS. Winner of Match 4 Semifinals Match 9: Winner of Match 5 VS. Winner of Match 7 Match 10: Winner of Match 6 VS. Winner of Match 8 Consolation Match Match 11: Loser of Match 9 VS. Loser of Match 10 Final Match Match 12: Winner of Match 9 VS. Winner of Match 10 The winners of Match 12 will forever be known as the Champions of Zoids: Futura. Oh, and they'll also get a cookie.
Name: Durrsn Kevak Race: Half-Elf Gender: Male Age: 200 Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Bio: -Stone- Element: Water Placed: Durrsn keeps his stone embedded in the hilt of his Greatsword. Spells: 1. Sea of Destruction - Basically surrounds the target with a column of water, which then crashes down on top of them, killing them instantly. 2. Tidal Storm - Summons a huge storm which doesn't make lightning, it makes the entire area near the target flooded, killing all evil life there while Durrsn and company float above the flood. -Equipment/Gear- Weapon: Greatsword (Note: No one ever touches my char's Greatsword. It has his stone in it.) Armor: Mithril Scale Mail Gloves: Gauntlets Boots: Greaves Partner: Gryphon called Ubtombicus.
As Kevin and Bortoromon were walking toward the mountain, Worthless Peon, aka Gryphonmon, (I take it the great evil is much higher than Mega, so I made a worthless peon a Mega.) flew down from atop the trees and attacked. "You have been brought here to battle. But not with your own Digimon. He is coming with me." "Not a chance, birdbrain. D-Tracker Online! Mega Digivolution Activate!" "Bortoromon Warp Digivolve to... GoldenGlaciermon!" "If you think I'm going to submit to you, you've got something else coming! Legendary Claw!" GoldenGlaciermon easily evaded the attack and struck back. "Glacier Claw!" Three icy blades emerged from the barrels of the guns on GoldenGlaciermon's hands and shot forward, nearly hitting Gryphonmon. "Kevin, I can't beat him. Activate one of the Digiegg's armors!" "D-Tracker, Ariesmon Armor activate!" As Kevin said this, one of GoldenGlaciermon's guns was replaced with two very large horns, which belonged to Bortoromon's Armor Hope form, Ariesmon. "Aries Horn!" The two horns struck Gryphonmon directly in the head, cracking his skull and turning him into Digibits. "D-Tracker, Dedigivolution activate." Kevin turned to GoldenGlaciermon, but he wasn't there anymore. In his place sat a very exhausted Bortoromon. Kevin walked over to him and picked him up. "Good job, buddy. Let's go." As Kevin held Bortoromon in his arms, he started to walk again, towards Infinity Mountain, and the Tournament. [i]What will come of these two? Find out in the next post by AlmightySSJ4! Brought to you by BonBon Productions and Hit In The Head Studios.[/i]
"Hmm, this one seems to have his own Digimon. We didn't give him this one. Worthless peon, bring me that Digimon." Kevin woke up lying down on the ground. "Kevin? Kevin, are you okay?" Kevin instantly recognized the voice as his Digimon, Bortoromon. "I'm fine. What's this?" He picked a small envelope off the ground and opened it. It was written in some kind of code. "That's Digicode! I can read it! It says you have been invited to a Digibattle Tournament." "Okay. Let's see, I've got my D-Tracker (A type of Digivice that only works with Bortoromon.) and this small computer. Cool, it's gold plated!" Inside the computer, Kevin found a note, this one written in English. "It's directions to someplace. It says, head to Infinity Mountain. You will find more directions there." And so they walked in the direction of Infinity Mountain, not knowing that a certain Worthless Peon was following them.
It's 12:00 Noon Pacific Time, Saturday. You all know what that means. The last three spots haven't been filled, so they are going to be given to current members and then we can start recruiting members. The first two people to PM me with their new characters and team data (After that, post them up) will get the remaining two spots. I will take the first of the three. And Sirven_2002, it looks like you're the only Junk Seller. Please update your shop stats to include all of the parts. Here's my new character and team. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :Personal Information: Name: Eric Von Dietrich Age: 27 Height: 6' 2" Weight: 175 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Personality: Eric is a loud-mouthed, trash talking battler. He has a particularly violent history, with his mother being killed shortly after his birth and his father leaving him for dead in an alley. He is good friends with Aaron Burich, who can be considered his brother, seeing as though Aaron's family found Eric. :Team Info: Team Name: The Revolutionaries Emblem: A black circle with a silver fist rising upward through it. :Zoid Info: Zoid Name: Revo Unit 1 Weapons: 1. Long Range Shell Cannon 2. Long Range Shell Cannon 3. Long Range Shell Cannon 4. Shrapnel Cannon 5. MultiMissile Launcher 6. MultiMissile Launcher 7. MultiMissile Launcher 8. MultiMissile Launcher Armor: Diamond Armor :Financial Information: Current Balance: 29,500 Credits Money Spent On Parts: 20,500 Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
I've gotten a peek at the CBS fall lineup and apparently, CBS is adding another CSI series: CSI Miami. If anyone has seen the episode 'Cross Jurisdictions' you will already know the cast. CSI will remain on at the same time, and CSI: Miami will be on at 10:00 on Mondays. Anyone else heard about this? [URL=http://www.cbs.com/primetime/fall_preview_2002/]This[/URL] is the new lineup.