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Everything posted by BondFanatic
Ookawara's doing the mecha? [SIZE=4]SWEET![/SIZE] He's my fave mecha artist. I consider him better than Katoki. I can't wait till it comes out. *Runs off ranting about the greatness of Kunio Ookawara's mecha designs*
That movie has to be hard for Mike Myers to do. He's playing four parts in that movie: Austin, Dr. Evil, Fat *****rd, and Goldmember.
The age isn't important. I believe Vega Obscura was only about twelve.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Name: Frederic Von Cleft Age: 21 Rank: Lance Jack Weapons: Field knife, snipper rifle and any thing required for a Saboteurs mission. Specialty: Demolitionist, Saboteur, Snipper and techie. Bio: Crack military specialist, he was fast tracked though nearly all courses except hand to hand combat where he lacked behind the others of his classes. Description: Wears long black leather coat, and if on a mission that requires it he wears cams. Pail white face and about 6'2". Personality: He doesn't like people who repeat them selves. [/B][/QUOTE] You can't be demolitions, my guy already is.
Name: Erich Von Dietrich Age: 30 Rank: Commander Weapons: Navy SEAL's Machine Gun, C4 Blocks Specialty: Demolitions Bio: Erich was one of the first to witness the Soviet invasion. He was able to hide and escape to the last group of Allies, who were leaving for the moon. They were short on soldiers, so the Allies Trained Erich in Demolitions as a Navy SEAL. He is the commander of the Allied Strike Force. Description: Erich has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is medium height and weight. Personality: Erich is a man who likes fighting and despises the Soviets. He's ready to whoop some Red ***.
Pyro_kai, I belive you have miscalculated. With your weapons payload and armor, you should have 33,300 Credits remaining, and you should have spent 16,700 Credits. On a much lighter note... If all of the team spots haven't been taken by Saturday 12:00 noon Pacific Time, I will start giving spots to current team owners. They will be allowed to have more than one character, but their new character will not be able to be a Junk Seller or someone in the cafe. You will start out with a brand new budget for your character. Thank you. [b]Edit:[/b] If you are given a second team and both of your teams end up in the same match, you may select a member of one of the teams to head it while you head the other. If this comes up, one of the alternates will take your place.
I'd like someone to draw a picture of GoldenGlaciermon, the Mega of my ficdigi, Bortoromon. He's a bipedal (two-legged) version of Bortoromon, and the horns on his head are facing forward. He is covered in golden armor and he has a giant gatling gun on one of his hands. On the other hand are two very large spiral horns, like a ram's. It's like a Digimodification. In my story, (which I haven't worked on in months) the D-Trackers (Digivices in the story) are able to take parts from a Digimon without any card swipe (In this case, Bortoromon's Armor Hope form Ariesmon) and give them to the Digimon as a weapon. Ariesmon's horns are used for the Aries Punch attack. See [URL=http://www.theotaku.com/digimon/otakumons/set2.jpg]Otakumons Set 2[/URL] for the pic of Bortoromon.
I'm in. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Altaurus Dinosaur: Tyrannosaur Weapon: Claws Of Might, basically, the head of the Dino form attaches onto the left hand of the transformed Dino and is used as an extremely powerful tearing weapon. Description: He has blood red armor. Nothing else, really. He's not that special looking. Side: Dinoknights Strength: Attack Power Weakness: Speed Personality: Altaurus is the leader of the Dinoknights, and doesn't like being messed around with. He is an extremely powerful fighter. Where Found: Deep underneath the Himalaya Mountains.
Name: Kevin Wos D-comp color: Gold Plated Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality: He's an extremely rich kid who has been with Bortoromon for four years. When he was sucked back into the Digital World, Bortoromon came with him. Appearance: Kevin has blue eyes, blonde hair and is about medium height. He wears just your average clothes you'd see on anyone. A t-shirt and beige shorts. He may be rich, but he doesn't show off. Digimon: Bortoromon See Otakumons [URL=http://www.theotaku.com/digimon/otakumons/set2.jpg]Set Two[/URL] for info on Bortoromon.
I just recently watched Char's Counterattack [i]again[/i] (Hey, it's my favorite) but some questions are still unanswered. I never quite understood how a psycommu system works. Can someone please explain that to me? Second, the reason that Char and Amuro disappeared is because 'So many minds were concentrating on stopping Axis from falling on Earth that the Psycommu systems of the Sazabi and Nu Gundams went berserk, enveloping both in a bright light.' That I cannot comprehend. Please explain.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B] Its okay Arkadyz. I guess us three are the only Gundam fans at the Otakuboards...lol [/B][/QUOTE] I disagree. I'm a [SIZE=4]HUGE[/SIZE] Gundam fan. I believe there are actually [i]nine[/i] Mobile Suits used by the Crossbone Vanguard. They are: XM-01 Den'an Zon XM-02 Den'an Gei XM-03 Ebirhu-S XM-04 Berga Dalas XM-05 Berga Giros XM-06 Dahgi Iris XM-07 Vigna Ghina XMA-01 Rafflesia Here are my [i]two[/i] questions: What was to be the original ending of the word "Gundam"? Also... Was the Hi-Nu Gundam of Char's Counterattack featured in the movie or the novelization version of the story?
It has been hundreds of years since the Royal Cup victory by the Blitz Team. Several changes have taken place on Planet Zi. There is no longer a Zoid Battle Commission. There are no more judges. The battle ends when one Zoid Team is left standing. You may do whatever is needed to defeat the other team, even if it means killing your enemies. People scrounge together Zoids from whatever parts they can afford, so no two Zoids are ever alike. A tournament is being held. If you choose to play as a Zoid Battler, you have already been invited. :Rules: 1. If you die, don?t complain about it. I don?t want this game to become spammed up. 2. [B]NO GODMODING![/B] 3. If a weapon is hit four times in a battle, it is damaged and must be replaced. Example: My Zoid carries a few MultiMissile Launchers. Say all 16 missiles hit an enemy's Shock Cannon. That Shock Cannon would be disabled and would have to be replaced. 4. The cash prize for winning a battle is 10,000 Credits per person. :Zoid Battlers, Attention!: You will be on a starting budget of 50,000 credits. You receive your Zoid?s basic body for free, but no weapons. There aren?t many weapons, so you?ll have a lot of money left over. You have a limit of eight weapons. Ammo is automatically replenished, free of charge. Bodily damage is also repaired, free of charge. (There is a catch. Your armor will lose its structural integrity over time. You must replace your armor every 4 matches.) However, if a weapon is damaged, you must buy a new one. :Non Battlers, Attention!: You also start with 50,000 that you may spend when you are hired by a team. If you play as a non-battler, you will either be in the Cafe talking all the time, or you will own one of the three Junk Shops that the players may buy new weapons from. The money goes straight into your pocket, so players starting out a Junk Sellers will have an increased budget when they start battling. I will randomly select a Cafe talker to take the job of the Shop's owner if the job is empty. :Weapons: Gatling Gun ? 500 Credits A basic gun. Very light power. Shock Cannon ? 600 Credits More powerful than the Gatling Gun. Still not very powerful. Wrap Cable ? 500 Credits This doesn?t do damage, just pulls a Zoid closer if you?re out of range. Long Range Shell Cannon ? 1,000 Credits The gun with the most range. No need for a Wrap Cable if you?ve got one of these. MultiMissile Launcher ? 1,200 Credits This weapon is very powerful, firing sixteen heat-seeking missiles at one target. Shrapnel Cannon ? 1,500 Credits The only weapon with splash damage. This damages all the sections of a Zoid. Charge Particle Cannon ? 48,000 Credits The most powerful and most expensive weapon, this will take out almost any Zoid in a few shots. [B]Note: [/B] I?d go against getting this unless you have diamond armor, because if you have one of these and steel armor, you?ll find yourself broke pretty quickly. :Armor: Steel ? Free Comes with all Zoids. Can be replaced with stronger armor. Titanium ? 1,000 Credits Slightly stronger than steel. Adamantium ? 5,000 Credits Much stronger than Titanium. Diamond ? 10,000 Credits The strongest armor, this will stand up to quite a few shots from a Charge Particle Cannon. Each Zoid is divided into six parts: Left Back Leg, Left Front Leg, Right Back Leg, Right Front Leg, Body and Head. Disable at least five of these parts and the Zoid is out of the battle. :: Sign Up :: :Personal Information: [b]All[/b] Name: Age: Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair: Personality: [b]Zoid Battlers Only[/b] :Team Starter Info: (The first seven people to join besides me will be able to create their own team. You may join any team you want, but if a team or teams become(s) too crowded, I will either switch members to other teams or remove them from the game. I want this to be fair. Once you, the team starter, have enough money, you may buy other members from other teams, as long as the other team's leader agrees to the deal.) Team Name: Emblem: (After the teams have been founded, just post what team you're in under Team Info, and if you want to be a starting member or an alternate.) The limit on team members is four. You may also have two alternates. If a member of your team is killed, one of the alternates will assume the dead member's position and may use the same Zoid configuration if they want. However, they must pay for it out of their own budget. The dead person's remaining budget will be divided equally between the three original starters, the new starter and the alternate. Feel free to try and find new alternates. :Zoid Info: Zoid Name: Weapons: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Armor: :Financial Information: Current Balance: Money Spent On Parts: [b]Junk Sellers Only[/b] Shop Name: Items Sold: (The first two shops sell 4 items, the last one only sells three. That's how it divides out. Once one shop has claims on a certain item, you may not sell it in your shop.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :Personal Information: Name: Aaron Burich (pronounced byoor-ick) Age: 25 Height: 6' 5" Weight: 180 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Personality: Quiet when he's not battling. When he battles, he goes into a Yu-Gi-Oh! like state, except he doesn't do a transformation sequence. He is an extremely skilled battler. :Team Info: Team Name: Mirage Team Emblem: A red circle with a half-blue, half-green lightning bolt across it. :Zoid Info: Zoid Name: Deathblade Weapons: 1. Shock Cannon 2. Shock Cannon 3. Long Range Shell Cannon 4. Long Range Shell Cannon 5. Shrapnel Cannon 6. MultiMissile Launcher 7. MultiMissile Launcher 8. MultiMissile Launcher Armor: Diamond Armor :Financial Information: Current Balance: 34,100 Credits Money Spent On Parts: 15,900 Credits ::Shop Owners:: 1. Bit's Zoid Parts Shop Owner: Bit Cloud VIII 2. I FX It U Buy It Owner: Orion
Hey everyone, I'm back on the net! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [SIZE=4][b]Spoiler Warning!!![/b][/SIZE] I saw Minority Report two days ago, when I was in Puerto Rico, so the movie had Spanish subtitles. (My mom's not too happy about that because now I know quite a few cuss words in Spanish) It was a great movie, but the ending was stupid. Abolishing PreCrime was a bad idea. The crime rate in the city would go back up. One of my friends was an extra in the pool scene, which I thought was cool. I give Minority Report a 7 out of 10.
I've decided to bring this RPG back. Everyone, let's start again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- As the plane lifted off, Jose gripped his sack of handguns tightly. He closed his eyes and leaned back. Before he knew it, he was asleep. [i]6 hours later,[/i] Jose was suddenly awakened by a rumbling. There were two British fighter aircraft on each side of the plane. "Identify yourself." "I'm transporting some food." "Please transmit your manifest." The pilot pressed a button on the seat, and waited. A few seconds later, the planes broke off. "Please proceed." A few minutes later, the plane touched down and everyone clambered out." "It's good to be back in London." Jose walked to the back of the plane and unloaded his Viper. (Gotta have it!) He turned the GPS unit on and located the base. "It's 30 miles north of here." "Let's go." Everyone climbed into their cars and drove off. When they arrived, they noticed that there were hundreds of guards patrolling the base. "****. Ken, I think we're going to have a problem." "Damn, you're right." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- So, let's continue from here. We're all at the intel base, and we're outnumbered by 1 to 100.
I [i]do[/i] use turbo, but I either use it for too long or I don't use it enough. One other thing: What car should I use?
England's going to take the cup, no questions asked.
Okay, I got the Power Plant cube. I can't seem to get the Prison Passage level. Every time I try to get on the building, I either fly off or don't make it. Anyone else have advice?
If you've played this game, I need some help. I've unlocked all the characters, including Minion, but I'm having trouble unlocking two multiplayer battlefields. They are the Power Plant and Prison Passage. I've tried everything, but nothing seems to work.
Obviously, my other Bond RPG was a failure, so I'm starting it over. New plot, new system, new everything. [i]A man rumored to be Bond's old nemesis from Connery days,[/i] [URL=http://www.jamesbond.com/mmpr/vh/mmpr_vh_esblofeld_1.html#1]Ernst[/URL] [URL=http://www.jamesbond.com/mmpr/vh/mmpr_vh_esblofeld_2.html#1]Stavro[/URL] [URL=http://www.jamesbond.com/mmpr/vh/mmpr_vh_esblofeld_3.html#1]Blofeld[/URL], [i]has resurfaced and is working with some old associates from SPECTRE. He has stolen a top secret US military satellite and loaded it with high explosives. He can drop the satellite on any spot in the world. The destruction would be equal to several nuclear devices detonated simultaneously. The US has launched several efforts to destroy the satellite, but to no avail. Whatever they send at it just dissapears. The CIA and MI6 have decided to start a joint effort to find out what happened to the other satellites and possibly get the stolen satellite back.[/i] Sign Up:: Name: Gender: Codename: Age: Weight: Height: Agency: (CIA or MI6) Nationality: Hair: Eyes: Personality: Weapons: (You are limited to three weapons from the following list.) [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/arfacts/blm9-2.htm]M-9 Pistol[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/arfacts/blm4.htm]M-4 CARBINE Rifle[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blm19.htm]M1911A1 .45 Caliber Pistol[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blmp5.htm]MP-5N Heckler and Koch 9mm Submachine Gun[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blsaw.htm]Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), M249 Light Machine Gun[/URL] [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blsoc.htm]MEU (SOC) Pistol[/URL] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Aaron Burich Gender: Male Codename: Mirage Age: 32 Weight: 180 lbs. Height: 6' 2" Agency: CIA Nationality: American Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Personality: Quiet. Not much else. Weapons: M-9 Pistol, MEU (SOC) Pistol, MP-5N Heckler and Koch 9mm Submachine Gun
Name: Eric Von Dietrich Codename: Bloodhound Rank: 2nd Lieutenant (Just below Lieutenant Russo) Dog Tag #: 759302 Age: 19 Height: 6' 5" Weight: 180 lbs. Field: Communications Weaponry: 1x M-16 Assault Rifle 2x Colt .45 Pistols 1x Uzi Submachinegun 1x Long Range Sniper Rifle Additional Equipment: Crowbar Standard Army Flak Jacket Night Vision Goggles TAC-SAT Mobile Field Communications Unit Description: Blonde hair, brown eyes History: No one else in the squad knows of Eric's past.
The show [I]was[/I] on FOX Tuesdays at 9:00 PM Pacific Time. [URL=http://www.fox.com/24/home.html]Here[/URL] is the link to the official [i]24[/i] website.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emma [/i] [B]G Gundam will be on CN in the summer or fall. CCA DVD will be out August 20. [/B][/QUOTE] Do you mean the dubbed English DVD? I saw the subbed CCA movie and I want to see how cut up the dubbed version is.
If you guys want, I can find some real suits that are of this era and extremely well armed. Here's my sign-up. Name: Antonio Gerbera Side: Earth Federation Special Forces Rank: Commander Age: 25 Height: 6' 10" Weight: 210 lbs Current Suit: RX-78-3 Gundam G3 Model number: RX-78-3 Code name: Gundam G-3 Unit type: prototype general purpose mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: UC 0079 First deployment: UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso with Core Block System using FF-X7 Core Fighter Dimensions: overall height 18.5 meters; head height 18.0 meters Weight: empty 43.4 metric tons; max gross 60.0 metric tons Construction: lunar titanium alloy on semi-monocoque frame Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1380 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 55500 kg total Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.93 G; 180-degree turn time 1.1 seconds Equipment and design features: sensors, range 5700 meters; magnetic coated joints Fixed armaments: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x beam saber, power rated at 0.38 MW, stored in recharge racks in backpack, hand-carried in use Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargable energy cap; 380 mm hyper bazooka, clip-fed, 5 rounds per clip plus 1 round in chamber, can be stored on rack on rear waist armor; shield, can be optionally stored on backpack Bio: Antonio is an extremely skilled Mobile Suit pilot. He has piloted his current Gundam G3 for his entire career and only has had to get minor repairs. He has never lost a battle and hopes to completely destroy each Zeonic soldier he comes up against.
Sign Up Deep Blue Sea: Terrors of the Pacific (A C&N Production)
BondFanatic replied to Chaos's topic in Theater
[b]Name:[/b] Captain Eric Von Dietrich [b]Codename:[/b] Stone [b]Age:[/b] 40 [b]Height:[/b] 7' 0" [b]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] 2x Silenced [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blm9-2.htm]Beretta M9 [/URL] handguns, several 15 round magazines carried on belt [b]Note:[/b] Each of Eric's M9's are specially modified to carry extra attachments that greatly improve the handguns' performance. However, they also have cons to them. [b]Another Note: These attachments were manufactured by Eric himself, so do not take them for yourself.[/b] 1. Snap-On Range Enhancer: Basically a long tube that, when attached, increases the round's speed. The suppressor can be attached onto the end of the enhancer, but this makes it much harder to conceal. 2. Stun Dart Launcher: This attachment shoots a small dart which, when it comes into contact with a living organism, releases a toxin which induces sleep within 6.5 seconds. The noise this attachment makes also gives away the shooter's position. It clips onto the underside of the muzzle. 1x [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blm16.htm]M16A2 5.56mm Rifle[/URL] , equipped with suppressor and [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blinfrared.htm]AN/PAQ-4A/4C Infrared Aiming Light[/URL], 10 magazines carried in carrying case on back (Think Tomb Raider Movie handgun clip thingy) 1x [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blmp5.htm]MP-5N Heckler and Koch 9mm Submachine Gun[/URL] 1x Standard SWAT Flak Jacket 1x [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/marinefacts/blnvg-2.htm]AN/PVS-7B Night Vision Goggles[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Eric has never failed a mission. He is a hardened officer who doesn't like to be messed around with. People who get on his bad side are physically unable to talk about it for months. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, muscular. Not a guy you want to pick a fight with. [b]Squad History:[/b] Eric has been in the Special Missions squad for nine years and has ascended to the rank of Captain. He trains all of his subordinates for months before even sending them into skirmishes. He doesn't like losing and doesn't plan to fail this mission. Oh, and he's one hell of a shot. Edit: As you may notice, my weapon descriptions are from the same site as CWB's. -
[i]24[/i] is one of the best shows I have ever seen. For thoes of you who haven't seen the season finale, it's got a major twist. I won't tell you any more.