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Everything posted by BondFanatic

  1. Umm, why are you posting this in this thread? Edit: Plus, why don't you read the RPG rules? It says to use a spellchecker. No offense, but you need it.
  2. I'd have to say Char's Counterattack. The ending leaves you hanging, because Amuro and Char's fates have yet to be told in any series.
  3. When are we going to start this RPG?
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B] [COLOR=blue]I found that to be absurd too. We have more childish shows out there on CN than Gundam Wing and yet they didn't allow this show to use the word kill or damn. They ended up saying destory instead. I remember in one show they used that word like 7 times in one sentence! From what you said Asuka, it looks like CN will edit anything dealing with religion.... Just hearing about the renames of the Devil and God Gundams for G Gundam this fall and Trieze's speech is proof. *Sigh* Its reasons like this that Japanese verison anime is always better. Thanks for your input Queen Asuka, as always your input makes alot of sense.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] What are the renames for the God and Devil Gundams?
  5. Anto loads one of the Medabots' weapons into his Medawatch and sits down. Anto: Being third ranked in the nation is tough. *turns to Asuki and hands him a slip of paper.* If you need my help again, Asuki, call this number. And I know a shop some miles north of here. Thay can fine tune our Medabots. Should we go? Asuki: Whatever.
  6. Name: John Markovic Gender: M Age: 55 Where they work: The Mayor Reason for murder: The old coot tried to steal his position.
  7. Hudafa fires his Seeker Missiles, sending one Medabot against the wall and wrecking half of the room. Anto: Your move, Asuki.
  8. Anto steps into the room with Hudafa. Anto: I believe you need some help. *Mr. Referee comes crashing through the roof.* Mr. Referee: Medabots, robattle!
  9. The original RPG was unsuccessful, so I made some changes. For instance, I will be making all of the Mobile Suits. If you join, tell me what you want the suit to be like and I will make ASAP. GWGF is sort of like Patlabor but different. There are two sides, the gangs and the cops. You pick the side to join but try not to make it too uneven. Everyone has their own personalized character. The setting is a Metropolis that is in the midst of a battle between the two gangs, The Kobraz and The Flamekillers. Both are trying to take control of the entire city. Naturally there are probably some things members are going to want to vote on so we will do this in the planning stage. After every mission/skirmish the team will come up with a report that has basic info such as winner, damage report, enemy damage report, and such. If you guys want, we can develop a sort of official point system that awards points for certain things and could be even maybe traded for upgrades. Police Side Ranks Chief: Me (Alvin McDonald) Captain: Sergeant x2: 3-4 Officers: 5-8 SWAT Team Members: SWAT Team Commander: Name: Alvin McDonald Affiliation: Hariston City Police Department Rank: Chief Age: 32 [b]Police Suits[/b] Model Number: HPD1021-MS01CHF Codename: Chief Striker Manufacturer: Hariston City P.D. First Day of Use: 1/24/2060 Pilot(s): Police Department Chief Alvin McDonald Type: Law Enforcement Mobile Suit Weight: 43 tons Head Height: 21 Meters Torso Height: 9.3 Meters Leg Height: 11.7 Meters Reactor: Ultracompact Fusion Reactor x1, output rated at 80,000 kwts. Thrusters: None (No thrusters are needed. This is all on the ground.) Sensors: Visual Sensors x2, Radar Receiver x1 Walking Top Speed: 80 mph Running Top Speed: 115 mph 180 Degree Turn Time: 0.6 seconds Armor: Titanium Alloy Flak Jacket (No Gundanium or Neo-Titanium) Color(s): Blue, Red and Black Hand Weapons: 900mm Barreta MS Pistol x1 Nightstick x1 Fixed Armaments: Shoulder Mounted Tear Gas Launcher x2 Forearm Mounted Riot Shield x1 Optional Hand Weapons: M-16 MS Assault Rifle x1 1200 Gauge Benelli MS Shotgun x1 Optional Equipment: Equipment Pack Flares Model Number: HPD2123-MS02SWT Codename: SWAT Gunner Manufacturer: Hariston City P.D. First Day of Use: 5/12/2059 Pilot(s): Hariston P.D. SWAT Officers Type: Law Enforcement Mobile Suit Weight: 43 tons Head Height: 21 Meters Torso Height: 9.3 Meters Leg Height: 11.7 Meters Reactor: Ultracompact Fusion Reactor x1, output rated at 80,000 kwts. Thrusters: None (No thrusters are needed. This is all on the ground.) Sensors: Visual Sensors x2, Radar Receiver x1 Walking Top Speed: 80 mph Running Top Speed: 115 mph 180 Degree Turn Time: 0.6 seconds Armor: Titanium Alloy Flak Jacket (No Gundanium or Neo-Titanium) Color(s): Black Hand Weapons: 900mm Barreta Silenced MS Pistol x1 Fixed Armaments: Head Mounted Tear Gas Launcher x1 Forearm Mounted Riot Shield x2 Optional Hand Weapons: MS Sniper Rifle x1 1200 Gauge Benelli MS Shotgun x1 Optional Equipment: Equipment Pack [b]Kobraz Suits[/b] None [b]Flamekillers Suits[/b] (Steven, I still have the stats for your suit.) Model Number: FKMS01-C4G56 Codename: C-4 Gundam Manufacturer: Unknown First Day of Use: Unknown Pilot: Steven Type: Flamekillers Demolition Mobile Suit Weight: 39 tons Head Height: 19 Meters Torso Height: 8.3 Meters Leg Height: 10.7 Meters Reactor: Ultracompact Fusion Reactor x1, output rated at 80,000 kwts. Thrusters: None Sensors: Visual Sensors x1, Radar Receiver x1 Walking Top Speed: 90 mph Running Top Speed: 125 mph 180 Degree Turn Time: 0.3 seconds Armor: Titanium Alloy Flak Jacket Color(s): Green, Black Hand Weapons: 900mm Barreta MS Pistol x1 MS HK-5 x2 Fixed Armaments: Hip-Mounted Grenade Launcher x2 Back-Mounted 4,000 Pound C-4 Block x1 Optional Hand Weapons: M-16 MS Assault Rifle x1 UAS-12 Automatic MS Shotgun x1 Optional Equipment: None [b]After a battle:[/b] Winner: Loser: Damage to Winner: Damage to Loser: Points Awarded to Winner: Points Awarded to Loser: (For awarded points, each MS is divided into 5 parts: The torso and head, the right arm, the left arm, the right leg and the left leg. You score one point per disabled area. I will decide if the hit disables the area, and yes, I will be fair. You also score an extra five points for a win. There can only be five suits per battle. So, if you disable all five areas of all the suits, that team wins, so they get 30 points.)
  10. BondFanatic


    Djan quickly raises an arrow to his bow and enchants it with ice. He shoots it right at the dragon's heart. It strikes and the dragon roars in pain.
  11. You guys, go easy. As you can see, he's only got three posts.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Quatre's_gurl [/i] [B]I'm Monka Cowak. O_O''' Interesting... [/B][/QUOTE] That sounds like Kowakian Monkey Lizard. The little laughing guy from Jabba's place, Salacious Crumb is one. I'm Woske Vioce. Wierd, isn't it?
  13. Name: Anto Bigride Medabot's name: Hudafa Parts: Metabee's Seeker Missiles, Rokusho's Chanbara sword, Sumilidon's Claws, Gokudo's Stretch Arm Special weapon: Quake Machine (Shakes ground and severely damages other Medabot) Strength:70 Speed:100 Defense:60 Power Up: No
  14. Name: Durrsn Kevak Age: 45 Class: Former Bounty Hunter and Smuggling King; now a New Republic Captain Race: Human Weapons: E-11 BlasTech Imperial Sidearm; 6 Thermal Detonators; DL-44 Pistol Ships: 1x Super Star Destroyer 5x Imperial I-class Star Destroyer 120x A-Wing Starfighter 192x Heavily Modified B-Wing Starfighter 144x X-Wing Starfighter 120x Y-Wing Starfighter 120x TIE Interceptor 72x TIE Bomber 40x Lambda-class Shuttle 40x Sentinel-Class Landing Craft 15x Corellian Corvette 2x Nebulon-B Frigate 873 Total Vehicles Ship descriptions: [b]Super Star Destroyer[/b] Length: 12,800 meters Power Source: Unknown reactor Engine(s): 13x Engines, unknown make Hyperdrive Class: 2 Armaments 250x Turbolaser Batteries, unknown make 250x Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, unknown make 250x Concussion Missile Tubes, unknown make 250x Ion Cannons, unknown make 40x Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors [b][i]Imperial I[/i]-Class Star Destroyer[/b] Length: 1,600 meters Power Source: 1x Sienar Fleet Systems 1-a2b solar ionization reactor Engine(s): 3x KDY Destroyer-I Ion Engine; 4x Cygnus Spaceworks Gemon-4 Ion Engine (reserved for emergency use) Hyperdrive Class: 2 Armaments 60x Taim and Bak XX-9 Turbolasers 60x Borstel NK-7 Ion cannons 10x Phylon Q7 Tractor beam projectors [b]A-Wing High Speed Attack Fighter[/b] Length: 9.6 meters Power Source: Unknown Engine(s): 2x Novaldex J-77 Event Horizon engines Hyperdrive Class: 1 Armaments 2x Borstel RG9 Laser Cannons 2x Dymek HM-6 Concussion Missile Launchers, racks of six [b]Heavily Modified B-Wing Space Superiority Fighter[/b] Length: 34 meters Power Source: 2x Vinop 02 K ionization reactor; 8x Slayn and Korpil JZ-5g7 power converters Engine(s): 3x Quadex Kyromaster engines Hyperdrive Class: .25 Armaments 3x Gyhril R-9X Laser Cannon, mounted one per end of secondary airfoil, one mounted on primary airfoil 1x ArMek SW-7a Ion Cannon, mounted on primary airfoil 6x Krupx MG9 Emission-Type Proton Torpedo Launcher, mounted beneath secondary airfoils, racks of eight 2x Concussion Missile Launcher, mounted on upper primary airfoil, racks of two 3x Pair heavy Dymek Double Laser Cannons, two mounted on lower primary airfoil, one mounted above cockpit 1x Quad-Barrel Rotating Dymek Laser Gatling Cannon, mounted on forward cockpit 2x Capital ship class turbolaser, mounted on ends of secondary airfoil 1x Tractor Beam Projector, concealed inside primary airfoil [b]X-Wing Heavy Attack Fighter[/b] Length: 12.5 meters Power Source: Novaldex 04-Z Power Generator Engine(s): 4x Incom 4j.4 Fusial Thrust Engines Hyperdrive Class: 1 Armaments 4x Taim and Bak KX9 Laser Cannons, mounted on wingtips 2x Krupx MG7 Proton Tropedo Launchers, racks of three [b]Y-Wing Heavy Attack Fighter[/b] Length: 16 meters Power Source: 2x Thiodyne 03-R Cryogenic Power Cells Engine(s): 2x Koensayr R200 Ion Jet Sublight Drives Hyperdrive Class: 1 Armaments 2x Taim and Bak 1X4 Laser Cannons, forward mounted 2x ArMek SW-4 Ion Cannons, mounted above cockpit 2x Arakyd Flex Tube Proton Tropedo Launchers, racks of eight [b]TIE Interceptor High Speed Attack Fighter[/b] Length: 9.6 meters Power Source: Unknown Engines: 2x Ion Engines, unknown make Hyperdrive Class: None Armaments 4x SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons, mounted on wingtips [b]TIE Bomber Heavy Assault Craft[/b] Length: 7.8 meters Power Source: Unknown Engine(s): 2x Ion Engines, unknown make Hyperdrive Class: None Armaments 2x SFS L-s1 Laser Cannons 2x SFS M-s3 Concussion Missile Launcher, racks of four 2x SFS T-s5 Proton Torpedo Launcher, racks of two Assorted proton bombs, orbital mines and thermal detonators [b]Heavily Modified [i]Lambda[/i]-Class Shuttle[/b] Length: 25 meters Power Source: 6x Quadex power cores Engine(s): 2x Kuat Galaxy-15 ion engine Hyperdrive Class: 1 Armaments 2x Double Blaster cannons, unknown make, forward mounted 1x Krupx MG9 Emission-Type Proton Torpedo Launcher, mounted beneath cockpit 2x Double Laser cannons, unknown make, mounted on wingtips [b]Heavily Modified [i]Sentinel[/i]-Class Landing Craft[/b] Length: 20 meters Power Source: Unknown reactor Engine(s): 2x Cygnus HD7 engines Hyperdrive Class: 1 Armaments 3x ArMek SW-7a Ion cannons, two forward mounted, one rear turret mounted 4x Heavy Dymek Double Laser Cannons, forward mounted 2x SFS M-s3 Concussion Missile Launchers, forward mounted, racks of eight 1x Krupx MG9 Emission-Type Proton Torpedo Launcher, forward mounted, rack of ten [b]Corellian Corvette[/b] Length: 150 meters Power Source: Unknown Engine(s): 11x Engines, unknown make Hyperdrive Class: 2 Armaments 6x Taim and Bak H9 Double Turbolaser Cannons [b]Nebulon-B Frigate[/b] Length: 300 meters Power Source: Unknown Engine(s): Unknown Hyperdrive Class: 2 Armaments 6x Taim and Bak X1-7 Turbolaser Batteries 8x Borstel RH8 Laser Cannons 2x Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors Allies: Any New Republic member, any Jedi Bio: Durrsn was a former bounty hunter and smuggler who decided capturing people and smuggling wasn't his thing. He is now a Captain in the New Republic and commands a small fleet. He dislikes bounty hunters and even sometimes recieves payment from the New Republic to capture or kill them. Description: Durrsn is a tall blonde male with one eye. He wears a brown trenchcoat.
  15. BondFanatic


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B][B]Moral:[/B] All rays rica shade off minions. [/B][/QUOTE] Don't you mean ricochet?
  16. I know I'm not in this RPG, but I have a few questions. First of all, in the logo, how come it shows an [B]Old[/B] Republic cruiser? And second, I thought Byss was destroyed when the [I]Eye of Palpatine[/I] battlemoon crashed into it. Please explain.
  17. BondFanatic


    Come on people, my name is Djan, not Djen! Edit: Sorry about that. I was a bit ticked off at my little brother.
  18. BondFanatic


    Djan suddenly spins around and puts his hand in the bushes. He pulls Kabuki out and holds his Greatsword at his throat. Djan: Who are you? Kabuki: My name is Kabuki. I am not here to kill you. I am a mercenary. I want to help. Djan: *uses sense evil, detects nothing. Djan drops Kabuki to the floor.* If you try anything, I'll kill you. Kabuki: *sarcastically* Yes, sir.
  19. Name: Djan Keto (pronounced Dee-on Kei-tao) Age: 350 Sex: M Class/Race: Half-Elf Paladin Weapons: Greatsword, Composite Longbow, 50 arrows Description: 4' 10", blue eyes, blonde hair Bio: Djan is a famous Paladin who loves to vanquish evil. Identifying marks: "X" scar on back of left hand Armor: Spiked full plate mail, Large metal shield Alignment: Lawful Good
  20. Name: Nagokr Hidel Age: 32 Species: Human Home Planet: Carida Wing Number: *Waiting to be chosen as Rogue 9* R2 Name: Taurus Rank: Private Weapon: "Liberated" E-11 BlasTech Imperial Sidearm Jedi: No Personality: Nagokr, or Nag, for short, is a short tempered human who has average piloting skills. He is the newest squadron pilot. Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Height: 6' 2"
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Okay...here is a final list of those who made it into the RPG: [b]SS Trunks ShadowGohan Shyguy Warlock Mist NorykoAngelcry Justin BabyGirl Queen Asuka Final_Flash [/b] Okay, that's the final list. I had to choose carefully, as I wanted to create a balance between light and dark (although there are slightly more light characters than dark characters). My character, Vin-Mar Sune and his apprentice (SS Trunks' character) are perhaps the two major "villains" in this story. Therefore, I needed to counter balance that with other characters. As the plot goes on...I'm sure it will reveal who ends up becoming the major hero (or heroine) of the story. :) I'll post the story in the main forum soon.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I am not angry, stuff like this happens all the time, but please give me a valid reason why I didn't make the cut.
  22. It could also be the Naboo N-1 Starfighter.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [color=green]I don't want to sound mean, but Gungans do not live to be 800 years old. That is just ridicuous! They have a life span that is much more similar to a human being's than... a rock's.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Aww, come on. I want to have some fun. Anyways, he's a character in my upcoming Star Wars fic, and V'Gl needs to be that old.
  24. Can I join? NAME: V'Gal Du'Rith AGE: 800 SPECIES: Gungan LOCATION/HOMEWORLD: Coruscant WEAPON: Lightsaber ALLIANCE: Republican VEHICLE/SHIP: Heavily Modified B-Wing Space Superiority Fighter Length: 34 meters Power Source: 2x Vinop 02 K ionization reactor; 8x Slayn and Korpil JZ-5g7 power converters Engine(s): 3x Quadex Kyromaster engines Hyperdrive Class: .25 Armaments: 3x Gyhril R-9X Laser Cannon, mounted one per end of secondary airfoil, one mounted on primary airfoil; 1x ArMek SW-7a Ion Cannon, mounted on primary airfoil; 6x Krupx MG9 Emission-Type Proton Torpedo Launcher, mounted beneath secondary airfoils; 2x Concussion Missile Launcher, mounted on upper primary airfoil; 3x Pair heavy Dymek Double Laser Cannons, two mounted on lower primary airfoil, one mounted above cockpit; 1x Triple-Barrel Rotating Dymek Laser Gatling Cannon; 2x Capital ship class turbolaser, mounted on ends of secondary airfoil; 1x Tractor Beam Projector, concealed inside primary airfoil This specific B-Wing, owned by the Gungan Jedi V'Gal Du'Rith, is heavily modified and can destroy most any ship close to its size. It can go faster than most ships at sublight speeds and is the fastest ship in the galaxy when it comes to hyperdrive speed. The B-Wing M2, as it has been dubbed, is twice the size of a normal B-Wing. Its cockpit serves as an escape pod and can carry up to seven passengers. FORCE CAPABILITIES: Jump - V'Gal can jump to even higher heights than a normal Jedi because of his anatomy. Push - As seen in Episode I, He can push away things with his palm. Sense - V'Gal can sense almost anything days before it happens. CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: Looks just like Jar Jar, except his eyes are darker. BACKGROUND/BIO: Nothing is known about this mysterious Gungan.
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