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About Kisa_girl_chan

  • Birthday 08/18/1990

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  • Biography
    I am a fun loving person who loves just about anything
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Kisa_girl_chan's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Life, is one that contridicts itself. For me, the point in life is to live ones life to the fullest every day, helping people, and just having fun. That doesn't mean I don't do any chores...I do quite a few. The point of it, is to try to enjoy yourself. I personally love anime, drawing, painting, writing, and or anything of the sort.
  2. My favorite element is fire and light. Fire is the key to everything in a sense and light is the hope that lives in all of us. They are both important and rely on life to bring it to exsistance. That's just my opinion.
  3. I agree with them. It simply means you can't have everything and be happy, though I wish you could.
  4. The anime that most insprired me, is Fushi Yugii and Full Moon. They taught me a lot and I am so happy that I was able to watch or read it.[COLOR=Indigo]undefined[/COLOR]
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