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Everything posted by Kisa_girl_chan

  1. Life, is one that contridicts itself. For me, the point in life is to live ones life to the fullest every day, helping people, and just having fun. That doesn't mean I don't do any chores...I do quite a few. The point of it, is to try to enjoy yourself. I personally love anime, drawing, painting, writing, and or anything of the sort.
  2. My favorite element is fire and light. Fire is the key to everything in a sense and light is the hope that lives in all of us. They are both important and rely on life to bring it to exsistance. That's just my opinion.
  3. I agree with them. It simply means you can't have everything and be happy, though I wish you could.
  4. The anime that most insprired me, is Fushi Yugii and Full Moon. They taught me a lot and I am so happy that I was able to watch or read it.[COLOR=Indigo]undefined[/COLOR]
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