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Everything posted by SkyBlu

  1. I'm not all that picky about food. If it's nutritious, I'll eat it. Although I have a liking for most things with a lot of spices in it, and Chinese and Japanese food. And insects! Now don't judge me too harshly - insects are incredibly good for you. As long they are clean and healthy that is. I say I'm not that picky about food, I won't touch chicken. Can't stand the stuff. Plus you got a high chance of catching food poisoning from it if it's under-cooked, so I'm always paranoid about it when I have to cook some.
  2. SkyBlu


    [SIZE=1]MySpace, or EmoSpazz as I've come to call it, is a Blight of the internet and must be purged. The number of times people have talked about it at college and get just slightly worked up about it..."Oh has so many friends!" "Look at all my comments!" "You such a friend whore" (what ever the hell that means). Even when our college blocked the site over the holidays for "Mature Content", they actually looked for proxy avoidance sites to continue acessing it. I admit that I had an EmoSpazz account many moons ago, and I'm not proud of it. It eventually stuck me that it was just a faster way to tell peolpe that I'm not exactly what you would call 'normal', and I have since abandoned it on an IP far far away. Best Decision. Ever.[/SIZE]
  3. To me, the Nintendo 64 can be called "Old School", and is still a hell of a lot of fun to play. The problem with games for the X Box and GC were that they were too short - most of the games seemed to focus on Graphical quality rather than Game Longevity. Not a problem that plagued the good 'ol N64. I have still yet to complete Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on all difficulties, and I still get the satisfaction of completing the two classic Zelda games. Everytime I complete that, I seem to discover something new. It saddens be slightly that most the game stores around my area still sell PS1 games, but have abandoned N64 games long ago.
  4. Guy in Box - "Out of all those boxes here, why did I have to chose the one with holes in it?"
  5. Thank you for this public service announcement. Bloc Party aren't that new. I've heard of them for a while now. Although I must say their music won't to be to everyone's taste. They aren't to mine. But saying that, my music isn't to most people's taste, so I'm not one to judge really.
  6. I've been job hunting for about that past 7 months. With no results. So i'm not gonna spend my summer in such a futile way =(
  7. Wow Factions is addictive. Got collector's edition a few days ago, and I've already been automatically-logged off it after playing 6 hours straight a few times. The problem is that I'm newb so my character still sucks :(
  8. Theme song depends on mood. Good mood = "Here I am" by HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR. Or maybe My Spirit Will Go On by DragonForce. Bad mood = Raining Blood by Slayer
  9. FF VII fan. Which makes him instantly cool. Also good grammer
  10. [B]Dynasty Warriors[/B]. easy :P Next one: sraemt hfice
  11. Ahoy all. Name's Chris. Although you can call me anything you want. It's only a name. I'm 16 and currently living in Staffordshire, England, Although I do hope to move to Japan in the near future. I was introduced to OtakuBoards by Dodeca, who's someone i know from college. I signed up of my own free will. To Dedeca's supprise ^^ I'm attending college, and have nearly finished my first year. Just the exams to get through in the following weeks. Interesting include Computers and Programming, Guitar, Anime (naturally) and Music.
  12. ewww man . You still got the helmet? Or you thrown it away because you couldn't get rid of the smell? The stupidest thing I've done is play my X box for an entire weekend. Constantly. I completed Halo 1 and 2, DOA 3 and Ultimate, and all the games on the Sonic Mega Collection. It might not sound that stupid, but when you couple that with hardly any food or drink because I kept forgetting to get something, you get major dehydration, malnutrition, sleep deprivation, slight arthritis in your fingers, and your eyes feel like someone has gone all over them with Sandpaper. That's my stupidest thing I've done becuase I actually chose to do that. Never again...
  13. I've got a PC, an ISP, Guild Wars Factions, and no friends. Looks like another summer of gaming and listening to HIGH and MIGTY COLOR for me. and by the way, The13thMan, I've tried a Les Paul, and in my opinion, they are way too over rated. Now BC Rich Warlock. That's a guitar :) [I]Edit - Spelling[/I]
  14. Weirdest thing on the internet? Goatse.....i still have nightmares.....up at 1:30am.....some guy said 'go here'........and just.....still have nightmares.....
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