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About tk33

  • Birthday 08/17/1990

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    Yeah whatever
  • Occupation
    being lazy

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Yeah i will remake my character later.
  2. I say we get this thing started and worry aboutthe details later. Make it up as you go.
  3. Cool lets gets this started then. :D
  4. Yo can I have one more character. I will make her neutral. That way we have one neutral person.
  5. Yeah that would be cool to win parts. That way its not the same gundam when other gundams fight it. Also Deathsye I like your signature because its true.
  6. Thats my mission. I jion things. LoL :animeswea
  7. Name-Set Tsuka Age- 23 Description-He has black hair and blue eyes. He wears a black leather jacket with one sleeve rolled up(right sleeve to be exact) with no shirt and black leather pants. He also wear one black leather glove with the japanese flag on it. Bio-Born to the rough side of Neo Japan. He lost both his parents at a young age. Ever since he has tried to get money by any means possible. Even if it means his life. Side- Evil Country-Neo Japan Gundam-Frost Gundam Weapons-Two Frost Rifles on its arms and two frost bazookas on it s back. color-Blue and black conversion parts-One Hydrogen sheild(A ice shield that also freezes things) special attack-Frost barrage(Empties its weapons on enemy)
  8. Name Tokyo Age 15 side team snag 'ems team appearence 5'11 with a tan. he has black spiky hair with red at the tips. He wears all black and has red eyes. persoality Doesn't really care about anything but himself. history He was born in vermilloin city. He is Lt. Surge's nephew. He hates anyone who says that pokemon are not instruments of war. he acts as if he doesn't care about anything but he cares deeply for his pokemon. starting Pokemon Ledyba, Nidoran(male), slowpoke Pokemon's name Ledyba(Airblitz) Nidoran(Blitz) Slowpoke(Psyblitz) attacksLedyba-ice punch, thunder punch, dynamic punch,focus punch Nidoran(male)- Horn drill,double kick,earthquake,dig Slowpoke-psychic,psybeam,confusion,hypnosis
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