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About ScreamingSquid

  • Birthday September 9

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    Heehee..What could I possibly say about myself?
  • Occupation
    tattoo artist's apprentice

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  1. My middle school hda an anthrax scare once, and it ended up on the news. See, the school had trailers instead of normal classrooms, and apparently someone dropped a pencil from a jewish community center [with the center's name printed on it, and a star of david] near an opened pixi stick. Some little 6th grader pulled out her cell phone and called 911, and the police came. Some other kid called the news, and they sent a helicopeter. We all got evacuated and had to wait across the street till they were done. This one is a bit funnier...At my high school, there are only a few kids in the special education program, and most of them only have slight learning problems. I think total there are only 4 kids who have actual disablities...One of these kids, who I think is austistic but I'm not sure, randomly yelled at someone "i'm gonna blow you up!"...two days later, the kid got arrested for threatening to blow up the school. I think he was only in custody a little while...I'm sure his parents got him, and he wasnt suspended.
  2. Today, I almost bought a Revolutionary Girl Utena boxed set, but it only had episodes 1-13...I ended up buying all the DVDs seperate from each other, even though it cost more, because if I got the boxed set the rest of the DVDs wouldnt have fit in the box. I ended up spending another $20 because the box was too small~! does anyone else do this, or is it just me?
  3. Hmm..thats an interesting question. Let me think...After I started watching Dragon Ball Z, I wanted to learn karate..but I guess DBZ didnt really teach me that..I'm learning a lot about japanese school from Azimanga Dioh. Oh, and I'm picking up a lot of japanese from watching various subtitle animes. I've learned a little about japanese culture from Ai Yori Aoshi. Oh, and I think I've seen enough shoujo anime that I could qualify as a bento-expert.
  4. Has anyone read anything by Lily Hoshino? I just got 'my only king', which i think is her second manga. Its really good, basically a bunch of short stories. They're more shonen-ai than yaoi.
  5. [quote name='shurikengirl']i don't think you should hate persocoms that much at all. they didn't wish to be born in this world as a persocom, if they probably had a choice they would probably choose to be humans. i sort of pity them because most people hate them for being what they are and not being able to love the once they like because they're somehow different from us. imagine not being accepted for what you are, how would that feel?[/quote] That raises the question of wether or not persacoms have souls. For instance, Minoru's perasacom, Yuzuki, and Chi both have really advanced AI, so they can pretty much think for themselves and make desicions. but the desicions are still based on their programming. So, are they thinking or are they just following their programming? As for choosing to be a persacom..I'm not sure I'd want to, but I'd love it if my boyfriend was one.
  6. the thing i dislike about any major brand-A & F, Hot Topic, The Gap, lane Bryant, any mall brand, really-is that a lot of them produce their clothes overseas, in places without labor laws. They are almost always manufactured by children, who make as low as ten cent a day. The children work long hours, often without food or breaks. Other than that...Hot Topic gets too me, because the purpose of the 'punk' look is to be different. How different can you be when you and all your friends spend $50 on the same pair of pants? At least with 'preppy' brands, you're supposed to look the same. and..Hi. I'm new. Obviously.
  7. 1) favorite character? Sailor Chibi Moon. Although...she's kind of useless. Um..Seiya, maybe? 2)favorite season? Stars, definately. 3) least favorite character? Tuxedo Mask. He is the most useless thing on the face of the earth. 4) Least favorite season? the animation in the first season wasn't very good. 5) Do you hate DIC and Cartoon Network for dubbing the show? hate is such a strong word....but..they could have tried a little harder. 6) Have you seen the fifth season yet? Not all of it....but its really great ao far! Hi. I'm new. ^-^ I'm not really contributing anything to the discussion, but i wanted my first post to be in a sailor moon discussion, because its the only anime i know enough about to really talk about.
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