My middle school hda an anthrax scare once, and it ended up on the news. See, the school had trailers instead of normal classrooms, and apparently someone dropped a pencil from a jewish community center [with the center's name printed on it, and a star of david] near an opened pixi stick. Some little 6th grader pulled out her cell phone and called 911, and the police came. Some other kid called the news, and they sent a helicopeter. We all got evacuated and had to wait across the street till they were done.
This one is a bit funnier...At my high school, there are only a few kids in the special education program, and most of them only have slight learning problems. I think total there are only 4 kids who have actual disablities...One of these kids, who I think is austistic but I'm not sure, randomly yelled at someone "i'm gonna blow you up!"...two days later, the kid got arrested for threatening to blow up the school. I think he was only in custody a little while...I'm sure his parents got him, and he wasnt suspended.