Name: Requiem
Specifaction: Rider
Bio: As a young child she lost her perants and was found and raised by Elves. They tought her to to fight and defend herself, when they thought she was good enough they took her to a place to see if a dragon egg would chose her, when one did she started the never ending training to be a rider.
Apperance: She has long blond that goes to her lower back and lavander colored eyes. Her body his Slender and Thin, she also has nice golden brown colored skin. When rider she wears a combat suit and when not she wears a blue dress with a crimson red sash.
Weapons: A long sword and a bow
Magic: Fire
Personality: A fun, energetic young woman. Likes to joke around, but when it comes to fighting she kicks into gear and is very serious.
Dragon Name: Momitchi
Dragon Color and apperacne: Red with an orange stomach and spikes that look like flames.
Dragon fire: Silver and blue