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About Fullmetal_kyo

  • Birthday 07/19/1990

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    Hyper, energic and somewhat scarey.O.o
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  1. " Can I join you?" Requiem asked Arya quietly. Momitchi was above them circling and Requiem sat down close to the other woman..She looked to the sun that was starting to hide. " So umm...it really creeped you out huh?" She asked nervously.
  2. Requiem stood leaning against Momitchi and scowled at the grpund with her arms crossed over her chest. ' What's bothering you?' MOmitchi nudged Requiem's elbow. ' Everything...' She sighed..' Mo we're just not ready for this..and that lady knows it..I'm never going to by as good as an Them..' ' Sure we can! what's got you so down?' Requiem did not answer him and looked up at the other two here with her. " What are we going to do about it? Is there even enough riders to help out there? And better yet, how many of them aren't ready to fight and will die because of this war?" She stated, her expression solemn and her eyes weary.
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Requiem Landed on her dragon Momitchi at the Haven of Heoul and jumped off him and looked around. ' Wonder where everyone is?' She asked her Dragon through her mind. ' I didn't see any other Dragons on the way.' he responded to her. Requiem shrugged and walked up into the Haven of heoul. " HELLO?!!" She called out looking around. [/COLOR]
  4. Oops sorry about that..>.< got to excited..I'm sorry..
  5. Requiem Landed on her dragon Momitchi at the Haven of Heoul and jumped off him and looked around. ' Wonder where everyone is?' She asked her Dragon through her mind. ' I didn't see any other Dragons on the way.' he responded to her. Requiem shrugged and walked up into the Haven of heoul. " HELLO?!!" She called out looking around.
  6. Name: Requiem Age:17 Race:Human Side:Rebal Specifaction: Rider Bio: As a young child she lost her perants and was found and raised by Elves. They tought her to to fight and defend herself, when they thought she was good enough they took her to a place to see if a dragon egg would chose her, when one did she started the never ending training to be a rider. Apperance: She has long blond that goes to her lower back and lavander colored eyes. Her body his Slender and Thin, she also has nice golden brown colored skin. When rider she wears a combat suit and when not she wears a blue dress with a crimson red sash. Weapons: A long sword and a bow Magic: Fire Personality: A fun, energetic young woman. Likes to joke around, but when it comes to fighting she kicks into gear and is very serious. Dragon Name: Momitchi Dragon Color and apperacne: Red with an orange stomach and spikes that look like flames. Dragon fire: Silver and blue
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed]I would have to say that Inuyasha is the one that did it for me..I've wrote stories, I've made up characters..^.^ Yep Inuyasha did it for me. :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]--.-- you asked a question I've been dying to get out. Luffy~ Because how stupid is being abile to do that with his body? Not to mention I hate his voice. Naruto~ Because how corny is Sexy jitsu?O.o * knows she going to be in trouble for that one* [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]I went 3 weeks without watching any anime...and I'm a big anime addict but I read it more then watch because I don't get cartoon netwrok..T.T I do get fox kids though but they took alot of the good shows off of it.. Anyways, I didn't find that hard but if it was not reading them....* shudders* I've down that...almost didn't make it. So I just wrote about anime..^.^ unless having Fanfics are cheating?
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