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Dead Leaves

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About Dead Leaves

  • Birthday 03/23/1988

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  1. One of my favorite animes both the manga and the show (I got the full season, and just for all of you "losers" that are like "God I hate this show because like I watched one episode and I made a stupid judgment because I thought that who evers voice is stupid/or some other pointless reason) The first few episodes are suppost to be a little slow because hmm let me think (THE MAIN CHARACTERS DONT KNOW WHATS GOING ON ETHER!!!) anyway after those episodes the show really speeds up and it gets freekin great....GREAT! (Both are made by the main creator, so he should know what to do with his own work) Any way thats my judgement, of course I love all anime/manga so I'm never "against" any of them. XD Other then that.....um....go team go?
  2. Sorry I couldnt possible do that. Its hard enough to watch enough anime here is Germany (note to thoughs who havent been to germany/ living there not visiting/ germans dont like anime....ok mabe one or 2 but thats it. I have to order ALL of mine of the internet. :animecry:
  3. Sorry but I cant say any Anime character is corny, because its anime...and I cant hate anything about it. So I'll just state why most people dont like some anime shows but like others (very shallow in my point of view but thats just me...not trying to step on any toes XD) 1. Never seen it in japanese which means they have only seen the american interpratation of it. 2. Never seen the uncut version of it (4kids...should die) A good example of this is Yu-gi-oh , if you have seen it on TV then you are seeing the 4kids version (If you have read the manga/shonen jump has it if you cant find it/ or watched the uncut version in japanese/ the way it is suppost to be/ then you know it is NOT a kids show, and you know what Im talking about. 3. I said this in 1 but I will restate it. If Voice actors are a reason then just watch the japanese version with subtitles which will be much more enjoyable for you. 4. It is very played out on TV (meaning that you dont like it because they show reruns/its an old anime/ lots of people like it) *How is this even an excuse? :animesmil Thats all I have to say hope you like my imput.
  4. Man, Yami Marik!!! (you have to see the uncut yu-gi-oh to know how truely "bad-***" he is...his flash backs are very bloody...) its sad how 4kids and such has made it into a kids show...they cut everything.. [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img285.imageshack.us/img285/1577/marik1ud.jpg[/IMG][/URL] If not him then Demon Eyes from "Samurai Deeper Kyo"
  5. Well the first anime that i ever saw was Astro Boy (really) that and Dragon Ball started me off on the long road of an anime/manga Fanatic XD :catgirl:
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