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Everything posted by gouf
Ok your deck has some wack cards in there. Get rid of Lady Assailant of the Flames she is nothiong but trouble. Sogen is a waste of time. If your gonna run equipments you need to run better ones. Sword of dark destrcution and lighting blade are too specfic in wich monster you can play them on. Yami is also not needed. Add a little bit more magic/trap removle. replace remove trap with a typhoon. replace mystical efl wwith smething a little higher like battle footballer or Soul tiger. Replace or take out most of your monsters with ATK lower than 1700. To answer your question about a side boadr it works like this. A Match is made up of 3 dules. The frist dule you play then.. after you finsih the first dule you can switch cards in your deck with cards in your sidedeck then play the second dule do it again if you need to.
Alright its been awhile since iv'e done anuthin on this board but here gose nothing This deck is a basic newb deck you have mostly starter deck cards and some nice Rares thrown in there. I would lose the gia dragon champ fusion. get rid of gia Curse of dragon and ploymeraization. Replace jowgen with any other high attack 4 or lower star monster. Replace Armed ninja and trap master with some other type of magic removal card (ex. Breaker the magcial warrior, mystical space typhoon, heavy strom...) You need more single play high attack monsters.(1800+) but others wise a soild beck for a beginer. Also I need a little help in prepareing for the regionals. My deck hasn't been doing as well latey iv'e been winning fewer and fewer tourments in the past month. All help is appreciated. //NAME: Ultiment 1 // monsters 3 Spear Dragon 1 Sinister Serpent 1 Slate Warrior 1 Jinzo 1 Witch of the Black Forest 1 Yata-Garasu 1 Reflect Bounder 1 Vampire Lord 1 D. D. Warrior Lady 1 Exiled Force 3 Goblin Attack Force 1 Breaker the Mag. Warrior 1 Fiber Jar 1 Cyber Jar // magic & traps 1 Premature Burial 1 Snatch Steal 1 Mirror Force 1 Pot of Greed 1 Raigeki 1 Harpie's Feather Duster 2 Drop Off 1 Ring of Destruction 1 Call of the Haunted 1 Torrential Tribute 1 The Forceful Sentry 1 Delinquent Duo 1 Swords of Revealing Light 1 Magic Cylinder 1 Graceful Charity 2 Mystical Space Typhoon 1 Imperial Order 1 Change of Heart 1 Painful Choice 1 Heavy Storm 1 Dark Hole 1 Monster Reborn // Side Board SB: 1 Tyrant Dragon SB: 1 The Fiend Megacyber SB: 1 Spell Canceller SB: 1 Cost Down SB: 1 United We Stand SB: 1 Mage Power SB: 1 Injection Fairy Lily SB: 1 Sangan SB: 1 Exodia the Forbidden One SB: 1 L. Leg o.t. Forbidden One SB: 1 R. Leg o.t. Forbidden One SB: 1 R. Arm o.t. Forbidden One SB: 1 L. Arm o.t. Forbidden One SB: 2 Backup Soldier
Ok i finsihed the new GBA yugioh game the scared cards. Now after the credits it won't let me do anything. I have to turn off and then when i contuine my game it puts me at the point were i last saved right before i dule Marik for Ra. Is there anyway to go beyond that finally part of the game, or did i just waste 30 dollars on a game i beat in less than 3 days.
I'm a old pokemon fan, i pick up my silver game and started playing i looked at my completed pokedex and wonder if the unkowns had any more purpose in th game. Also their is one space left in the unkown list after the 26. Someone make me un-confused.
it really depends on the deck and the opponets your up against.
No you can dule on either wich everone you and your opponet agree on useing.
you have a few good cards, but with monsters you need higher attacks and lose most of the higher levle monsters. Thats all i feel like saying
The uhh.. you need to download a version of AIM just go to AIM.com and you should see it instantly
No it hasn't stated yet you post your AOL screen name in this fourm and then your oppoinet is chosen.
Yeah i think apprentice is easyire to use, because all the commandes have an icon you can click on or when you want to play a card face down you hold SHIFT down and drag the card into play on YVD you have to do the same thing but it dosen't always play the card you want. If anything we should use at least both YVD and Aprentice wich ever the two pepeole playing decide is good.
PHG What Do you mean PDG.
Build a deck around him if your going to use him. Ok i got bored one day and started reading my cards VEARY carefully and i stubled on to a odd wording on premature burial. The way i it said looks like it means pay 800 life points bring back a monster from your graveyard and play it in attack mode, BUT you cloud use this effect more then once you just pay 800 life points each time you want to bring a new monster back Yes it sounds odd but it looks that way. Tell me if i'm wrong because i hope i am.
I'm guessing that there should be 3 judges i suggest altron me and uhh someone else who really knows the game well.
Wich is this going to be on Aprentice or virtual desktop. I'm entering my AOL screen name Is TomRedBTP. I think we should get a few pepole to be judges as well. Just incase a ruleing comes up.
replace the man-eater with exiled force, and get rid of invader of the throne, and the ordeal. Repalce summon skull with injection fairy lilly. Drop raigeki break. Now this was my grandmothers idea for a deck EXODIA BEATDOWN. Since i played with exodia and she plays with a beatdown she wanted me to see how this would work Monsters 20 3 spear dragons 3 goblin attack force 1 exiled force 1 injection fairy lilly 1 bazoo 1 yata-garasu 1 fiber jar 1 fiber jar 1 sinsiter serpent 1 sangan 1 witch of the black forest The 5 peices to exodia Magics 12 1 harpies feather duster 1 scapegoat 1 raigeki 1 Chage of Haert 1 United we stand 1 Swords of revleing light 1 mystical space typhoon 1 monster reborn 1 premature burial 2 graceful cahirty 1 pot of greed Traps 8 1 drop off 1 imperial order 1 ring of destruction 1 mirror force 1 magic cylinder 1 call of the haunted 2 backup soilder comments, questions, oppions, ideas
that combos a little old and a little small. My new question is about the game for the gamecube. From the clip i saw it looked like anthor dulesest of the rose thing. I don't know a whole lot about it. Oh btw Bandit Joeykuba sinster serpent is a good promo, i run it in my deck, valkrion is the bad one.
wow there actually might just put all good promos in a game for once. One more thing i wanted to add for those of you who suscbribed to shoen jump already know about the new PC game called power of chaoas. dose anyone know the promos for that if there are any
i never said the one i saw was chinsese.
domon it is a real card in japan he came out in japan a while ago. all i know is that you need a magic card called pact of exodia to summon him.
But you did the right thing besides most of the guys you meet a toy's r Us leagues are all spoiled brats. I've been to 8 toyrus leagues in 5 differnt states and most of them are jearks who can't play the game and make their parents buy all their cards and the parents just spoil there kids. I feel sorry for you man but trust me i've been there i have explained the rareness gemini elf to a kid and he traded it for island turtle, some don't listen others admire me, but it always pays off in the end. Being a nice guy got me a job. about 100 kids who all thought i was cool. It also got me in a fight. It will blance out in the end. remeber that. Oh yeah one more thing Toys r us had to make it that eraly in the morning
Find some better tribute monsters like summon skull he isn't hard to get. Replace Hane-Hane with a peguiun soilder. replace dragon piper with a magicaian of faith. find something better then flash assaliant and maha valio. you don't need yami find a better equipment then malovent nuzzler. You need to find a few better traps but leave the seven tools and wabkou. for just starting you did a good job. Also you gave me an idea for a new deck so i'll post it when i find everyhting for it.
Alright my freinds i'm going to be going to a major tourment for rank on in the country I need to see if you guys can do a once over on my deck before the tourment, see if you guys cathc any mistakes i may have missed Monsters 5 parts to exodia cyber jar morphing jar #2 sangan Mystic tomato x2 penguin soldier x2 Mask of darkness x2 Kycoo the ghost destroyer cannon soilder Sinister serpent withc of the black forest Magician of faith magics swords of revealing light pot of greed Premature burial Dark hole Raigeki Painful choice monster reborn graceful cahirt x2 scapegoat The shallow grave messenger of peace Traps Imperial order Backup soilder x2 call of the haunted miror force magic cylinder seven tools of the bandit gravity bind Side Board Kuriboh Man-eater bug Change of heart Upstart goblin Cannon Soilder Prohibition Jar of greed x2 card destruction Monster recovery Appropriate exchange Infinite cards Miracle dig soul Release Keep in mind this is an upperdeck offical tourny so they won't let me use my japanses neddle worms and stuff
I did the same thing xecpt i was nervouse the other thing was when i was regesytering for the tourment back in season 1 i couldn't rember my birthday and i still forget it from time to time.
i don't see whats wrong with that change of heart gose to the graveyard when you play it so you would still keep the harpies bro.
Frist of you only have 36 or somwere near there cards in your deck a sidedeck is 15 cards you set aside at the beggining of the game if you look in the rule book it says a match consits of 3 dules. Bewtween dules you are allowed to wap cards that you have placed in your sidedeck with ones that are already in your deck but you must have 15 cards always in your sideboard. And you only have 10 cards in yours. Plus you put all the good cards in your sideboard. Are you sure theres a restriction on jar of greed and not pot of greed.