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Everything posted by gouf
i'm coming and i'm bring coktail shrip ice cream
i looked at Kimahri and it looked like his horn was broken someone help me understand.
you are a pest
:babble: iam gonna let number two talk about htis this is reall y his topic:cross: thanks i think some sequls good like rush hour 2, jurasic park 3 and croidile dundes sequle ohh ohh ands how abouts star wars and let us not foregt the styls of lord of the rings but free willy was :therock: a pice of wasted time money and my eyes:cross: i thought i was gonna talk:babble: sigh
:babble: wow now how about a smilie that says :cross: pie or tuna
:cross: its three Musketeers
ok I suggest that the topic should be on the :cross: potato ships and annual game carvings:therock: i can't stand being part of you:babble: all of you be quiet i am talking now :therock: oh go suck a leamon :babble: i wish you would stop yelling at me:therock: whatever :babble: okay the topic is simlies and what shold be a new one :therock: thats stupid like number 2:babble: stop that oh and number two would you like to introduce are gust star:cross: yes hes not related to my sock or my watch its scgm
:babble: are frist gust star is :cross: a ham sandwinch wiyth no mayo :babble: i mean put your hands to gether for :cross: the ham sandwinch now :therock: NO YOU MORON LIL_HELL4T HE HERE:babble: as are SPECIAL GUST STAR TONIGHT ON OTAKU :cross: HAM SANDWICH:therock: NO OTAKU LIVE (CROWD SNORES AND COMPLIANES)
tenich stays batman can go all their are doing is showing reruns
pm me if you would like to be a gust star give me at leset two days notice so i can:therock: do what iam ging home goana get me sandwich
hi am high i'm your 2nd co host three Musketeers. and let me start of by saying i have three personalities when you see this smilie:babble: iam normal and intellectual. when you see this smilie :cross: i am purse bid led first that moment:babble: iam stupid and if you see this one his lights are not all on upstairs:therock:
Voice this is gonna be fun. a dark doom lunges forward three warriors come to face it . after countless souls have tried. one leader holding the sword excalbier his friends one with a whip and the other with amagical staff. they go to face the doom "i am ------ i have come to put a end to your evil." :flaming: :demon: (heavy breathig) (sends out a energy wave nocking all three warriors down) :devil: the deamon dashes forward and drives his sycth into tne second warrior with the whip and then the girl with the staf zaps the deamon he falls and appers to be dead he jumps up and strikes the young warroior with the swordhe stops it but the sythe breaks the sword. he swings the sword:mad: and cuts the blade off of the sythe " ha :bellylol: now wfat are you going to do no wepon no victory.the deamon thowrs the stick down and out of his arm comes another sythe.RUNS PAST THE WARRIOR AND STABS THE girl. warrior turns :nervous: deamon turns THROWS HIS SYTHE BREAKING THE SWORD AND killing the warrior.darkness covers......... we got a package (opeans it) scream its excalber buts its broken :note ha :devil: your brother lost his life for nothing hmp :demon: me in disbelife NOOOOOOOO i'll avenge his death. i leaving i'm taking the excalbier 2 AND AVENGING HIS DEATH. now his left his village. now you join his quest to save the world and avenges his brothers death tell me your charters name your charters wepon and their specil abilty
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]I hear that there is no world map in FFX, how does this affect the game? How do you move from the first city, to the last? Is it all just screen to screen, with no transport vehicles? [/B][/QUOTE] hey this is my quiz show iam asking the question.