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Everything posted by gouf

  1. what is going on! alexander golem barell dragon how can all of them be deftedddd. (he trowssword into air and swords seperate and go into there holsters). I:confused: admit defeet :confused: :confused:
  2. did you know that they never showed the last eposide of 08 th ms team the one were they kill ians brother ther is one more eposide. Plese tell me if you know what happens in that eposide.
  3. what ever happend to the orignal gundam i mean why did they cancel it so close to the end of the series.:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  4. my launcher spider. :mad: :) Fall back barell dragon, i summon the great alexander and golem!
  5. stop were you are :mad: :mad: :mad: :flaming: swords come together to from brigerron swod. I summon barrel dragon and launcher spider,stop them.:demon:
  6. frenid or foe you say,tell me why you are here in my domain.:mad:
  7. (voice behind a wall) your dragons are no match for mine kuja. You will meet your dimise right hear and now. we wil fight now and i wil not lose.:demon: " kuja :naughty: you have underestimated my power i am invic- "voice end your speech now and lets fight . I summon blue eyes white dragon. Kujia falls to his knees in pain , voice speaks and draws one of his seven swords, now leave my home and never return or face death.(pointing sword directly in kujas face) kujia runs mystery hero placees sword back and glances at were Cloud,Amarant,zidane,and squall are.:demon:
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