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Everything posted by gouf
Alright here you go tribute monsters. Dark ruler Ha des Dark Necrofear Lesser feind Levle 4 or lower monsters. La jinn x3 Kuriboh x3 Earthbound spirt x2 Wall of illusion x3 opticlops x 3 mask of darkness x3 magic scapegoat pot of greed harpies feather duster monster reborn dark hole raigeki swords of revleing light snatch steal Traps seven tools of the bandit dark spirt of the silent mirror force magic drain x3 magic cylinder inperial order cease fire call of the haunted bark of the dark ruler x2 This deck WILL BE hurt when JINZO is IN PLAY so watch out for it.
My idea is build a normal cheap beatdown you say you have 60 to spend...arghh i normally have like 200 to spend uhh lets think 1. find better traps 2. Take out some of the weak magics 3.take out the monsters with attacks less then 1800 if they have no really good effect 4. add some man-eater bugs and peguinne soilders i'm running out of time here and i'm really depressed right now so, i'm not being much help.
Oh yeah make me fell bad. about it. This happened today he summoned lord of D. played flute and and i had imperail order face down i knew he had seven tools of the bandit i also had a miror force he brought out tryant dragon and aluster dragon and the next urn beat me. I ended up makeing it to the quarter finals and most of the pepole i play are veary good.
How come theres only one backup soilder i thought they removed it from the japanses restrictions list. Not made it 1 per deck
Have you ever made a real bad mistake that coast you the game but still it was funny. This was early on in my career. I set two traps face down then played heavy storm. I have made many more though wich i reveal later as this topic grows.
Nataniamon's computer crashed so she won't be on for a while. or a long time. So right now i think we should put this on hold.
My turn to post a deck. This is a Light atributed based deck It contains only light monsters. I treid to make it so if jinzo came into play it woulded be as hendered by it. Normal monsters Blue-eyes White Dragon Effect Monsters Thunder Nyan-Nyan x3 Histric fairy x3 Magician of faith x3 Soul of purity and light x3 Maha Vailo x2 Thunder dragon x3 Goddess of whim x2 Traps Magic Jammer Mirror force Imperial Order Magics Mage power axe of despair Pot of greed Raigeki Swords of revealing light Luminous Spark x3 Graceful chairty dark hole Monster reborn Harpie's Feather Duster Horn of the Unicorn Mystical Space typhoon x2 Black Pendant Tribute to the Doomed
Actualy no there not ever going to be tourment legal because they are cheap when oblisk comes youv'e one the game unless they have an exodia deck and you just killed a sagan and witch and they already had 3 piceces in your hand. That is the only sencrio were they would lose. To answer the question from yugiboy ( now you got thinking of pegasus) He is called the Whinged Dragon of Ra. His effects are (besdie the normal devine effects) You may pay all but 1 life point to increase the attack of The winged dragon of Ra. Ra may destroy all monsters your oppeant controls. This was only in the anime and you have to chant a certain verse in egyptain in order to control Ra or use his 2 effects. The verses are all different.
Veary good. uhh not much wrong with it you might wanna replace the tundra with a space typhhon. And if possibile you might want to add a Tyrant dragon instead of the luster daragon or something. The tomatos i don't see much point with them.
Ok what i suggest for us to do from now on because its confuseing me and problley some others as well is that when you post your deck say what area you play because i know that the restrctions for the UK are different from The US and japan. Right now in the uk there is no restriction on metal raiders. So from now on i think we should also say what country we play the game by. Note* the UK has it good right now
uhh ther are others right now they just relsesd one that destroys any card on the feild that negates traps. At this point in the US game jinzo is the only card that dose that. You problley shouldn't count that though. Note:L sven tools dose not count because it isn't face up the whole time.
The masked beast his attack is 3200 his ritual magic card is a common. In the english game
ok fusion are not to be played in a beatdown so get rid of the weaker monster and fusions the only unneccerry trap or magic i see is blind destrction also dragon treasure it poweres up dragons only so if you had no dragons but you needed the 300 extra ATK points you'd be outa luck. You have too many tribute summon monsters uhh get rid of all but summoned skull.
Let me tell you what to leave in that would be esaier. Giant Soldier of Stone Man Eater Bug Witch of the Black Forest Blue Winged Crown Ryu Kishin Powered Battle Ox Wall of Illusion Trap Master Neo the Magic Swordsman Blue Eyes Relinquished Penguin Soldier La Jinn x2 7 Colored Fish x2 Maha Vailo Magic Scapegoat Tribute to the Doomed Black Pendant Black Illusion Ritual Change of Heart Monster Reborn Dark Hole Trap Just Desserts x2 Enchanted Javelin x2 Robbing Gobblin Wobaku x 2 Trap Hole Michizure Leaves you with four monsters to add, get a summoned skull, kycoo bazoo, and goblin attack force. If those are to hard for you to get just add some 1800 single plays, But NO dark zebras. I left you with 4 spaces for magic and traps so add a mystical space typhoon, raigeki mirror force and a pot of greed, you can add others if raigeki and mirror force ar too hard to get but you WILL need the pot and typhoon.
???: uhh... Ravwrin pulls the short sword and points it straight at the shadowy person ???: i suggest you you quit trying to thertan me, and leave wichever way you came in. starr looks around starr: the cave entrance is missing Ravwrin: Who are you, and what are you doing here. ???: I AM THE WAY INTO THE CITY OF WOE. I AM THE WAY TO A FORSAKEN PEPOLE. I AM THE WAY INTO ETERNAL SORROW. SACRED JUSTICE MOVED MY ARCHITECT. I WAS RASIED BY DEVINE OMNIPOTENCE, PRIMORDIAL LOVE AND ULTIMATE INTELLECT. ONLY THOSE ELEMENTS TIME CANNOT WEAR WERE MADE BEFORE ME, AND BEYOND TIME I STAND ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE. Ravwrin: that stil dosen't answer my question. Now tell me ???: Its Tom but, your not the one who should be makeing threats. Ravwrin looks at her sides were Tom has 2 short knives at each one. Corey: my turn what are you doing here. Tom: liveing on my on. Now the shadow fades and Tom is revealed as a 15 year old man in a shirt with a torn sleve and dirty pants. Tom: Now i suggest you try and find an exit before soething happens. Sasuka: like what. Edioters note: i have been waiting a while to quote dante and that seemed like a good occasuion
We have stablisised that the god cards are japannses cards wich are written in english so techincaly there japanses cards.
Name: Tom Red age: 15 gender: male weapon: a knife Bio (hehe i overdid this) Born in argintina, Tom had to bear with one of lifes crulest things. Watching his real parents die. When he was found, he was put in foaster care at the age of 3. heis frist foaster home a normal one that had no problems. Tom was always to sad for that home. The foaster agencey put him in a new home were he learned about war. His foaster father gave him a knife for his 5th birthday then his foaster parents were killed in a car accedin. When he was 6 he was already in his 8th foaster home. By age 8 he was a troublesome boy who was always in fights he was in his 14th foaster home when he finnally saw what dicilpline was. Although he was a great fighter his father was some kind of material artist Tom got beat by him many times for fighting. he walk away from that with a lot. For some reason unkown to Tom about 2 years later left that home. When he turened 11 he was in his 18th foaster home he kept fighting and more and more pepole didn't want him. Finnally when he turned 13 he was adopted by a home that was just as aggresive as him mabey even more. He was living in a house with about ten other pepole most of wich were either drug dealers or gang leaders. he instead of fighting at schools were he normally fought with pepole who thought they would get a good laugh at makeing fun of him, fought on the streets. when he turned 14 he was happy about his home he had found a home that was like his. he didn't care that he was beat for no reasons. Tom, at the age of 15 he finnally messed with the wrong gang members. he sunddenly saw an expolsion from his block . tom ran as fast as he could to find, no home everything was engulfed in flames. Back at the foaster agencey the worker said " your 21 st home we thought you were finnally gone for good." Tom reached inside his pocket and pulled out something. the only thing he had to call his on. The knife he was given in his second foaster home, he got up and started to leave "were to you think your going" siad the worker. The building had many other buiness in there so he was caught by the seccurity workers. They treid to stop him. he slashed one across the leg and filped the other over his back. He ran out the building as the officers got up he smiled something he had done in years and his finnal jster to the rest of the world was to flip them off. "now to find a new home" spying woods he ran into hem never to be seen by that world again.
you have too many monsters you need to take the weeker ones out. you might want to try and bring the deck down to around 40 not exactly fourty but around there
The store i play cards at dosen't allow japanses cards in there tourments, but some of us play with japanses cards because we'll the ones who always play the japanses cards are ethier from japan or learned japanses so we can read the cards.
ok hypetchtically if they WERE tourment legal i would suggset adding anthor nible mommnga and ginat germ. take out the Michizure,Riryoku Field,Spellbinding Circle, Giant Trunade, a seven tools of the bandit,and then add two revial jams. take out mystical space typhoon and replace it with another solmen wishes. that should be good then
Just to look at and say i have them i guess.
They won't become legal at all if they do become tourment legal(wich they wont) they would be under the forbidden sections on the restrictions list.
Uhh i went to your site it says on the site that "Note:the god cards are NOT tourment legal" quote. The cards your talking about weren't on the site i spnt 15 min looking for them so unless you can tell me the exact page they are on i'm not gonna beleive you.
so the amercain ones came out witht the japanses game
What is the deal when i asked upperdeck about them back when magic ruler was just being relesed they said they wern't going to make them and now i see them in about every on-line store that sels cards. I asked the guy who runs the tourments at my local store about em. he didn't know anything. I asked my freind who runs the league (for those who don't know about it its the one thats at books-a-million toysrus etc.) my frist thought when i saw them was that thaey were duleist league promos (the super rare buster balder and thousand eye restrict) But he said they were to come in a vidoe game for the Ps2. well i did my research and now i'm back were i started. Knowing the god cards are out, upperdeck lied to me, and everyone i ask knows about as much as me. Also if they came in a vedioe game that hasn't been relsesd yet then why are stores already selling them.