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Everything posted by gouf

  1. Nope it only works if the three are in your graveyard not the other way around
  2. me Cease fire your openat takes damage not from just he monsters flipped the effect monsters just sitting there add to it as well. Shadow of eyes works only when your oppenat sets a monster ceasefire works whenevever
  3. gouf


    Most pepole don't like playing with exodia because your not suppose to attack with an exodia deck you just stall your deafeat and hope you draw the remainder of peices of exoida.
  4. Raigeki is pointless in an exodia deck i have seen it in them but there not good i like dark hole alot more than raigeki because it takes my monsters with it. Kuriboh is a wast of space penguin soilder it ok but it dosen't help wabkou...eck. Anyway...this is my improved exodia deck i have won an offical tourment with it. Traps jar of greed call of the haunted imperial order gravitybind 7 tools of the bandit Mirror force backup Soilder x2 MAGIC Last will swords of revealing light Pot of greed dark hole Monster reborn Painful Choice Monster recovery premature Burial infinite cards graceful cahrity x2 Messenger of peace x2 MONSTERS witch of the balck forest sangan mystic tomato kycoo The Ghost Destroyer Man-eater Bug cannon soildier Exodia The Forbidden one Right leg of the forbidden one left arm of the forbidden one left leg of the forbidden one right arm of the forbidden one Labyrinth wall x2 mask of darkness x2 magicain of faith x2 spear cretin x2
  5. yes it is its baseiclly "retrained Celtic guardain"
  6. to bad they didn't realses it yet in Th US
  7. There waiting for some reason for graceful chairty to become semi. Scapegoat will not become limted. The reason Torrential tribute is not limted is because of Jinzo, and the other reason is because sven tools now comes in a deck. Jar of greed didn't become lited because if you think about its just somthing to add so you'll have fourty cards. sagan became limted to one because now there are a lot of really game altering monsters with the attack under 1500.
  8. Question bout destiny board and the spirt messages as far as i can gather from them not being limted i figured it was because if you actvatie destiny board at your oppents end phase you get to play spirt message "I" then again at your oppants next end phase and you have anthor spirt message "I" in your deck would you'd have to play the "I" again befored you could play the other spirt messages?
  9. gouf


    Exodia is not a god card the diffention of a god card is a card whos type is divine. Exodia by himself can't win so don't go around thinking you can win with exodia in your beatdown deck, it dosen't work like that (i tried it)
  10. uhh.. by attack i would say the gate guardain. but in my oppion the best one i have would be barrel dragon.
  11. All the tourments i go to 3/4 of the pepole there play with exodia (that includes me). Since i finished my exodia deck i haven't lost a game. That got boring so i went through every card i had and bulit an anti exodia deck. I need to know if you have some ideas for it with cards from LON. I'm not putting the deck up now because i'm on vaction and don't have it with me. But i'll do it later.
  12. gouf


    Well about three or four weeks a go i got the set and like 6 other rares. Anyway i do play with exodia but a few stores i play at have tourments were you can only use an exodia deck. Its funny trying to see who can draw exodia fastest. I see exodia decks win all the time. There not a cheap way to win because they are VEARY hard to use. One mistake useing painful choice and its all over.
  13. ok nevermind about it because i just quit playing with exodia i working on a discard deck now
  14. Question have you won any tourments with that deck?
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Thumper [/i] [B]A suggestion is Chain destruction (on your own creatures) for your exodia deck Gouf. [/B][/QUOTE] How would that help Mrophing Jar #2 would help more then that Now sagan limted to one i have to find something to replace it.
  16. this is also sorta of Yu-gi-oh but still a little on subject. for anyone who plays magic the gathering i bought the elf deck and it said i was suppose to get taunting elf not diffaint elf. will wizards swithc them.
  17. Time wizard is in there i have it
  18. My exodia deck it took me way to long to get the piceses but jinzo for the last three i needed, 2 dust tornados, mystical space typhoon, solemn judgement, and Jar of greed... [I]monsters[/I] Labyrinth wall x3 mask of darkness cannon soilder x2 Spear critin Witch of the black forest sangan x2 magcain of Faith mystic Tomato x2 man eater bug Left leg of the forbidden one right leg of the forbiden one left arm of the forbidden one right arm of the forbidden one exodia the forbidden one [I]Traps[/I] Mirror force call of the haunted Backup Soldier x2 Gravity Bind x2 jar of greed Seven tools of the bandit Magic jammer [I]magics[/I] Monster reborn Monster recovery Pot of greed painful choice Sword Of revealing light Messenger of peace The dark door Last will x2 Graceful chairty x2 Dark Hole thats it
  19. What i mean is he said what is the best way to get rid of monsters. he didn't say his oppanants "Specfics Bob"
  20. dark Hole is the best because it says "Destroy all monsters on the fellid" "specfics Bob"
  21. Ok i have anthor question thats sorta realted to this topic ok someone got a feind karken in a Yugi starter and a kazejin instead of soul exchange. What happned
  22. So your saying that i'm real lucky because i got all the cards that can be in there
  23. My freind you got ripped time wizard dose come in the joey starter i got all the cards you mentioned and time wizard you need to get in touch with upperedck about that mistake
  24. gouf


    When i said gundam desrves its own fourm i ment i need to stay by itself.
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