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Everything posted by gouf
No don't trade because each one of those cards are useless no matter how you look at it make him give you $50.00 and then just buy anthor mirrior force and you'll have enough to buy a Tin I'M TELLING YOU DON'T TRADE IT HE IS RIPPING YOU OFF BECAUSE MIRRIOR FORCE IS MY FAV CARD IN THE EMTERI GAME AND I KNOW EVER CARD IN THE ENTRI GAME. DON'T TRADE :flaming: OR ELSE.
Exodia has no attack power but the pices do pepole are stupid the say exodia has an attack of 9999999999999999999 and the effect of fairy meator crush as for the three god cards Oblisk [IMG]http://store4.yimg.com/I/dragonballzcentral_1713_61729453[/IMG] Osiris [IMG]http://store4.yimg.com/I/dragonballzcentral_1714_21172565[/IMG] Ra [IMG]http://store4.yimg.com/I/dragonballzcentral_1713_61990779[/IMG] \ If you want to know there effects just ask.
BTP slowy rise with nick over shoulder he walks over to erin to get her out of this place before the reiforcemnets come after Tom falls. he looks over at axel and desides to take him along for a proper burrial after they escape the planet. BTP flys of into the sky. Happy Now
Name: Tom Red Genser: VCR age: 25 Car: Viper Axel and me are driving in the car.And in galxey far awawy we were freinds
is that the EDS one that is out for the GBA.
you told me to chage it from bahumut to somthing else so i put BTP in here. what you wanted me to make up a new chacter
Back at the HQ Axel:ahhhhhhhhhh Nick: it'll be ok man erin:we've lost pepole before butt... BTP: DRY YOUR TEARS. in order to survie we must be strong Erin: SHUT UP axel:Tom ment a lot to us he was like alittle brother to me BTP: I understand but there are only a few days left to prepare, the magic barrier Tom put up will stop them for three days and no morethen we wage war Nick: can't we just leve without fighting them BTP:where to you think we will find a working ship to get out of here Nick: more war Erin: then we must fight BTPThats the spirt there is no other option Nick:Weve lost one to many Erin : we won't lose anymore BTP thinking " I promised Tom thst no harm will come to the three of you. i intend to keep that final request THREE DAYS LATER BTP: the barrier erin: its gone axel: i guess that means nick: battle The group suites up and gather their weapons for the final fight Nick: enemy HQ coming into veiw erin: on my mark axel: 3 nick: 2 BTP: 1 erin: NOW!!!! The group charge into battle slaying enemy forces left and right BTP: it appears as if they are retreating Axel: let's move in Sudennly BTP gets knock back and flys into a moutain about 2 miles back Nick: what just happend As the dust clears a faint figure appears All: TOM!!! Axel: Tom your alive All of the dust clears and revles Tom floatinging in mid-air with a javlin with a burning flame on the tips of it. He draws his javlin Nick: huh? Erin move now!!! To late Tom starts flying stright towards her with his javlin posed for a kill. suddenly BTP blocks the javlin and prices he's armor BTP: AHHHHHHHH!!! Axel: BTP Tom tries to pull the javlin out but BTP's armor is to thick the javlin is embeded within BTP's armor Nick: what do we do now erin: fight Tom: be warnedi Zanther am not easliy taken down. Erin thinking,I thought forsure that this was TOm but.. he sounds and acts different and gose by a differnet name whats going on?) Axel:BTP are you alright. BTP: i'll be fine, now fight Nick If BTP was taken down so easliy by this guy then whats going to happen to us Tom: I'll answer that you shall... The fight begins Tom and Nick start off Nicks weapons are to weak to deal damage to him. the fight is quickly over with nick on the ground Tom: perish Axel: no Tom: bring it on Axel: sorry Tom Axel and Tom go into a fight next Axel last longer than Nick or BTP Erin: WIN AXEL Tom: to slow In the past axel had always been faster than Tom, but a that moment axel swng his balde, ducking Tom Delt a deadly blow to axel Erin : Tom quit it Tom; I am not Tom i am Zenther the greatest warrior of this planet Erin: NO YOUR TOM ARE FREIND! Tom: I AM ZENTHER axel; theres... nick:no getting... BTP: though to him... Tom: your turn. You escaped me once but not again BTP: NO Erin: we'll if its a fight your looking for. i'm ready Just as the fight is about to begin BTP stands up and rips the javlin out of his shoulder. BTP: fight me Tom: veary well The fight begins erin jumps in the fight As it starts the two look as if they are winning then... Tom: WHATS HAPPENING AHHHHHHHH!!!!! the fight stops (hopeing we can finsh this:)
i hve a picture of every good card they have every made good as in popular or powerful but it takes me a while to find the pictures i have the other ones though there just really small
not the card game the dungeon dice game i bought the starter set it is in Japanses and i found translation for the monsters effect and stats but i do not have a translation for the rule book wich it comes with. I already know every rule to Dule Monsters i have about 7 rule books
umm. they haven't relesed it in the US yet but in japan the game is out but instead of going to a store and buying all the game you buy eathier packs or starter sets its not like a normal board game. it like buying cards and from what i have played from watching the TV show its really fun and really long when playing my brother but playing my mom it was so funny. eyptgirl how is buying 50 cards helping plz enlighten me.
dose anyone know were i can find a copy of the rules i got the starter set and i found a traslatetion of the cards but i can't find a translatetion the rule book.
i'm veary far in The Eternal Duleist soul and have betten everyone i can 5 times. i'm on a stage with pegasuses and a dule computer. My question is how to i get the other two charters
Anime when will you be alloud to use Pharoah's sevrant in tournaments
gouf replied to tigeroscar_1's topic in Otaku Central
not yet you will have to wait until the restriction list comes out then you canuse them it is the same for every set -
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
gouf replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
My cards got stolen too. Sept my apartment was broken into and they took my deck the thing was worth $700 we caught the guy who stole em but he had sold all the rare cards I had the only things left were a dark zebear whiptail crow and my red eyes wich had been servirly damged. We got what money he sold the cards for you know how much he made off that $50. Note to players to help indentfiy your cards youse a pen wich only shows up on a black light and then write your intals on the crad somewhere. -
Ok The Dyanasty beloning to cloudstrife00 we'll hold tyhe frist every dyanasty kings tournment i'll take for responsbilty on the this. And blah blah blah somthin sothin somthin ummm i'll contact you thourgh aim as TomRedBTP i'll put the updates on the site the url is [url]http://cloudstrife9999.tripod/omgeadyanasty[/url]
Megamorph: if your life points are lower than your oppenats the orginal ATK of a monster equiped with this card is dubbled if your life points are lower it is half ( I give this card a six its a card ment for combacks and final blows) Maha Vailo:ATK1550 DEF1400 In addition to the effects of equipment cards the ATKofm this monster is incresed by 500 points for each card equiped to this monster ( I give this card a 8, if your deck has stim packs,mavloent nuzzler's,etc... he becomes pretty much a blue eyes the one promblem is that it dosen't increse his DEF)
No i thats not a good trade if you can make ten bucks it's eaier to get the two decks and toon world is veary hard to come by. I know thta its a bad idea and 2 dark magicain in a deck are not good. You don't have to listen to me
what it dose is you choose a card in your opeants hand and discard it then your opneant choose a crad in your hand and discard it i'm not sure why it limited but hane-hane is a good stragey with it
i get paid to fix decks so just get me on AIM somtime or catch ya or somthin then i'll help because its easier to help when talking to the person. (note i'm not charging for this one no else ask for me to do it for free)
yeah plus a lot of shows that kids Wb shows have guns in them its plain stupid.
read my tilte frist yeah i know what your talking about its still 0/0 a but his effect chaged to: when this crture is on the feid, no other crtures can attackor chges postions. Once a Turn it may "absorb" anthor creture, gaining its attack and defnese points for that turn. its name is Thousand Eye Sacerfice it fuse from relgushed and Dark Eyes illsionest wich i can't find a picture of ethier sorry pepole
Make that a little mor clear and i think i can answer it. Yugi is just he preson who dose almost anything to help out others.
Do they allow them in tourments. because I think DDS can't be used in tourments?:nervous: