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Everything posted by gouf

  1. Heres on but it will only work with three blue eyes. 1. Put down a high defense card such as aqua mandoor or mystic elf 2.lay trap hole or somthing to keep him from playing a monster 3. end turn 4.play ultiment offering to play lord of D. (only use it to play Lord Of D. it dose work the other way) Play Flute of summoning dargon lpay 2 blue eyes and then use the summon (pay your tributes with the high defnse card and Lord of D.) play the last blue eyes (now that Lor of D. is of the felid lay down your equipment cards. The total attack for the blue eyes is 9000 killing your enemy its a stargey that i only used once then i got better one (but not with Blue eyes)
  2. well i know that. i already know 6 pepole with the Blue eyes toon dragon and none of themhave serpent knight dragon
  3. Yes you are right in what you are saying but one thing is in correct it is that the decls come together and i hav no idea if the cards you metioned are correct but it comes with a video that tells you how to play this is the Japan one [IMG]http://store4.yimg.com/I/dragonballzcentral_1706_13845518[/IMG]
  4. I thought they hadn't come out yet. in were you live
  5. umm I think they will be relessed but they might not be exactly like the *** sets so ya can't really be sure whats in them yet but i'm just hopeing they don't relese the Kiba Joey Yugi and Pegasus starter decks their way to good
  6. Question isn't Serpent Knight Dragon one of the sercet rare in Magic ruler.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KabukiOwari [/i] [B]i think altron is talking sh!t...i could kill ya in duel monsters...Mwhahahaha [/B][/QUOTE] (sorry to bring this back up but i got here late) How dare you talk to him like that he is the best duleist on the boards he's been playing before the US cards to qoute you "i could kill ya in duel monsters...Mwhahahaha" and altron wouldn't waste anytime finshing me off. To go the question i think 1. Buster Blader 2. Mirrior Force 3.Man-Eater bug 4. fusion gate 5. Ojuia Board two of those are out in the US sets everthing else waiting to be found:smirk:
  8. your good but not that good and you forgot somthing stim-packs with out those the deck is esay to beat pus it has some decint traps no you don't need a second ploymerization the deck was only bulit to use one not two add an extra and it throws the whole thing out your sorry excuse for a window. what you cloud use is a magicain of faith and i would like to dule somone also im me sometime TomRedBTP is the screen name.;)
  9. my favorite card is a trap mirrior force and buster blader. genkai_yyh, Five god dragon is a fusion monster with an attack of 5000 and a defense of 5000 is fuse with any 5 dargon type monsters. Dragon Fou Lu, the MRD summoned skul is just holo.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]you won't believe this but.... EQUIP! I have a pretty much beatdown, but almost ALL of my magic cards are equip. of course, i have SODS and monster reborn and change of heart and stuff..... i should buy a yugi deck though..... get soul exchange, etc. [/B][/QUOTE] equip that a new one :laugh: my deck mainly foucus on not a certain type of monster but a stargey and that is countering i still need a mirrior force. but i would sometime like to play your equip deck. PM me ok.
  11. gouf


    yeah ojia board is pretty cool i seen it like mabey twice? i can't rember. i found a pic of it[IMG]http://store4.yimg.com/I/dragonballzcentral_1704_10000775[/IMG]
  12. gouf


    In My opinion Exodia sucks its one of the stupidest card stargeies.Pepole think they can win just because you they exodia. i can come up with many stargeies to beat exodia. 1. Robin Goblin 2. Card Destruction need i go on.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]It is the Black Illusion Ritual. You can get it in the Pegasus Structure when it comes. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah and you can get it in magic ruler. Its common crad it's not that har to get as BeamKirby said he has it the other way around Relguished is the hard one to get i think he is Ultra Rare. [IMG]http://store3.yimg.com/I/getcollecting_1707_11153043[/IMG] [IMG]http://store3.yimg.com/I/getcollecting_1707_11909099[/IMG]
  14. Name: Tom Red Dryphon: green cs00 said thats i need to post Tom: don't shoot axel: who are you ravin:just kill him axel: NO! (i'm sleppy someone finsh for me)
  15. Yeah, i put it in word. Thats not helping is it? i'd finsh but the thing i don't have time and uselly i get my freinds to come over and act it out ask cloudstrife00 he was in the frist one this is the seventh
  16. gouf


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]I thought that Doc Oc should have been the villian in the first movie period. And I also figured that his son would be the next villian because, HELLO, they basically led you to believe that right there at the end. But yeah, I wonder who he's going to turn out to be.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] thats exactly what happend in the comic book and i agree they sholdv'e had doc oct he the frist spider man villian
  17. A dark doom lunges forward. Three warriors come to face it, after countless souls have tried. The leader, holding the silver bladed sword Excalbier, faced the dark doom with anticipation and fear. His friends though reacted with more fear than anticipation. One nervously let his whip dangle from his side. The other stood ready holding tightly her magical staff. They go to face the doom "I am ------ I have come to put a end to your evil." (Heavy breathing) (Sends out a energy wave knocking all three warriors down) the demon dashes forward and drives his scythe into ten second warrior with the whip and then the girl with the staff zaps the demon he falls and appears to be dead he jumps up and strikes the young warrior with the sword he stops it but the scythe breaks the sword. He swings the sword and cuts the blade off of the scythe " ha now what are you going to do no weapon no victory. The demon throws the stick down and out of his arm comes another scythe. RUNS PAST THE WARRIOR AND STABS THE girl. Warrior turns demon turns THROWS HIS SYTHE BREAKING THE SWORD AND killing the warrior. Darkness covers... we got a package (opens it) scream its excalber buts its broken: note ha your brother lost his life for nothing hmp me in disbelief NOOOOOOOO I?ll avenge his death. I leaving I?m taking the excalbier 2 AND AVENGING HIS DEATH. Now his left his village.
  18. go to otaku poetery my friend I got ou of doing a test because of it
  19. gouf


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B]I just watched it! (yeah i'm late, so what?! lol) I thought it was awesome!!!!!!!! *SPOLIER* (well not really if ya reaad the comics* I cried when Uncle Ben died.....>< Also, when he refused the girl he loved since forever! >< *sighs* i'm in love.....lol [/B][/QUOTE] i almost cried but then agin i can't cry its imobsible but they better make a 2nd because they only had one villan who is probly the crapyest next to the rino but they missed felica and morphaus ther cool felcia become peters patner and morphus ???? carnage and veanom the two symbenotes and waht happed to the lizard man doc on BTPS movie scale 1 being the lowest 10 being hifghest it gets a & what number is that who can guess
  20. gouf

    Fav Scary Movie!

    thats a spolier you know they can't do that just pm him i necer saw the movie they is going to be a seequl to halllowen i think its hallowen reserected
  21. yeah we all used to go school together those were the good ol days now one guy gets beet and all and i mean all his reltives freinds and well wishers we'll get the guy and they'll hurt him so bad he'll wish he were dead i used to be in a gang last year that was during a war.....
  22. i told cloudstrife00 this but all you'll might as well here this i got transferd and at my school we find condoms in use man our school's been going down sice i left man :confused:
  23. grunt umm sorry just gotta say am out but keep my chacter alive this (like all of cloudstrife00 rpgs) confuse me but let tom live don't kill him only cloudstrife00 can bye
  24. gouf


    do you have any pics then from his site
  25. do any of you know the e-mail adress of the site owner of what used to be gundam project?
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