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Everything posted by gouf
uless you have a deck iam not sure if firedude even knows the rules of dule monsters and some pepole already have decks so cloudn't we use are on decks not yugi's or joeys or kibas even though thats what the frist two of the us set are plz think this though befor conintuing P.S. I read his post wrong thought it said you cloudn't make up chacters
Fire Earth Light Animal are the only elements left to take so you can't have thunder
Do your parents give otaku boards weird names like "toaco boards and "obooco" boards cus my parents do and i'd like to here what your parents call Otaku Boards.
I know what your talkin about iv'e seen the japneses gundams and for some they look better but the one thing is there are more wepons in the japneses ones
(sorry i don't coiutune the stroy that much i just don't pay much attion) tom:wow this is so cool look what i can do ax i am controlling the water. ax, abob, Apoco ,feather, nick, raven can you guess what it is ax: umm a chair abob:yeah i'am gonna have to go with chair also feather: they're right it does look like a chair tom:NO ITS A CHICKEN nick: :blulaugh: :blulaugh: raven:tom that's not a chicken apoco: what side of the planet are you from. Note these elemets are left to pepole who A need to change ther sigh up B pepole who are just sighing up Fire Earth Light Animal DBZChikaGhan the elemet air has already been taken by D*star plz chage it to one of the above Dark_Apocalyps only one element
all right pepole i am just saying this as gouf not the grifen tom had two sprits one the grifen named bahamut and tom red tom put up a wall that would not be passable for two days tom was dead and the alines took his body with them sorry i did not say that the wall tom made was to protect you from the army tom is a weakling without bahamut so he was unable to defend himself. plz change the post so that this will make sense this will become a fan fic even though this isn't really a fan fic also tom and bahamut are different pepole
you moron you can only have one element you can't have all but water only one
ax and tom have just placed the last of their bombs and are heading back to were erin is waiting ax:erin plant the last bomb erin thoughs the last bomb up on the celleing and jumps in the hole with ax and tom ten seconds after they got out the bombs expolded ,now nick is outside with the pepole Nick: that was close :eek: tom:yeah now all thats .... ax:tom look behind you ,giant arimies of the alines bgin to close in on the group erin: oh my god tom:no this is not happening, nick get the pepole out here now nick but what about you tom:i'll hold them off ax:yeah me and erin will help Tom:no i don't plan on loseing you two erin: what are you talking about tom:just go go with nick both of you NOW!!!!! as the arimies come closer to tom the others don't get to far away so they can still see tom. tom then thoughs his arm to the side and a beam of light begins to divide the planet in two parts (not cutting the planet in half but just puting a border up) tom draws his hand away and erin and ax begin to charge to help tom erin:were comeing tom tom:no stay back once the borders connected they won't be able to get across for 2 days,ax and erin stop running ax; what are you talking about tom but tom is already holding off the etire army and the line is now in sight of it's starting point when that happens the line will be impossible to cross for two days as the line is about to finsh ax:tom get over erin:what are you waiting for Nick: dude get over here now but tom ignores them he bigins to gather energy nick he's going deamon agin erin:take cover then he shoots the some kind of grifin from his back and it craches into the big rock behind the group just as the border is finshed tom coitunes to fight allthough he is unable to fight as well as he used to he then is beaten badly and begins to fall to the ground in a bloody mess tom smiles as he begins to die. note i did not quit this rpg my chacter has been switched for a while iam that grifin now
alright i'll help but thev'e got to be holding the pepole somewhere. would post more but they just called my group at school
ok so he won't post here any more but we'll continue with his chacter.because if his chacter died we'ed only have 3 pepole and that would be stupid and i need his chacter
i get fightened sometimes but i can box so it's no prob but the one thing that i can say that scares me is time and i drive a manual car wich if any of you have every drove it's hard. again time scares me. edit i mean manual sorry bout that :laugh:
tom: ok they probly found are old base so we need to find anew base of operation nick: once we do that we'll tunnel under the last base tom:right then i'll need someone toget the pepole out of that base nick: i'll do it erin: then that leavs the rest of us ax; plantin the bombs tom: right there are five bombs so i figure that if we plant one bomb in each connor of the base and then one in the center the whole place we'll go up ax: so all we have to do is tunnel in erin: but i thinl there keeping them in the center like last time nick: let's go ( and the group has no trouble getting to the base and tunneling to the prisoner's )(someone else contiune getting the pepole out just don't get us to far away from the base i got something big planed)
what do you mean? is it actual cards who makes them i'ne never seen them
yeah i aplied also but if you think none of us are worthey than get squashed snail he'll be good
erin:i'll finsh it now nick and ax keep running but tom stops to see what's up erin leaps up into the air and slics the hover car in half tom: wow (he didn't say that sarcasticly) and i can't to that with a staff. (nice sig hpoe is isn't true though funny is it asubstatute for a buddy list)
are base not the one you were geting bombs from are base is fine
tom: oh man nick:he colud have have disamred the the thing erin: one word for it dense tom:nick ya got a gun nick:yeah but it only has one shot left tom:great (thinks to himself, one shot sighs no practice just one chance) ok give it to me nick toeses the gun to tom, tom stops and takes aim at the the air car (or whatever) and shoots and it kinda hits the car but not enough to nock it down Tom:not good and he starts runnig to catch up with the others ax is back at home base playing with the fire
ok ax has just gone to an abandoned base and is collecting bombs for us to use on anthor base after we get the pepole out and ax has about 30 min to find abomb that he triped and he has to find it and disarm it but this is a missoin for ax and we are not there with him (school sucks) yeah i'll get him to post here agin
tom:alright quiet both of you ax: she's going and my decison stands tom: ax i've got to tell you that your better for this job than erin (tom winks at erin, ax doesn't notice)
ax is going and thats final
woha man what's up with them heh dude so like what are we sposed to do (sorry if you can't understand but that's how spyke talk's)
tom:OK now whose gonna go not me erin:not me nick:not me ax:not me erin: you were the last to say it so nick you have to go ax ax:no make tom go its his idea tom: nope your going
tom:no we still have to save the rest of the pepole from the base ax:and i don't think tom can do that again erin:bet not tom:so my plan for this one is that we tunnel under the base and go strit in without them noticing us ax:and no killing erin:no we'll plant bombs in the base to detanete two min after we get out nick: but in order to blow the whole place up we would have to plant at least a dozen bombs around the complex. tom: so we'll get the pepole out then we as in us will plant bombs all around the base ax: fine but i will get the pepole pass the base erin: then come back so we can plant the bombs. nick:right it will be faster if we all do it tom: ok we'll start the mission at dawn