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About The Enemy
- Birthday 10/09/1990
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Not Telling
I'm the guy who does that one thing! You know, with the shirt and stuff.
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Otaku (3/6)
Long time no see. [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080][b]Name: [/b]Trivain Lexington (Lex)[/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080][b]Age:[/b] looks 35-ish (actual age around 800-900)[/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080][b]Gender:[/b] Male (for all intents and purposes)[/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080][b]Species:[/b] Lex is an Uros, a type of Skinner that takes its host permanently. The possession process stops the original human's ageing but also kills them during the initial bonding. [/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080][b]Human Appearance:[/b] [url="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100410112023/villains/images/0/0f/Re5-albert-wesker2.jpg"]Lex[/url][/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080][b]Changed Appearance:[/b] Lex regularly maintains his humanoid visage, however when pressed in a serious fight he has two additional forms he may take. [/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080][url="http://images.wikia.com/powerlisting/images/9/93/Albert_Wesker_Uroboros.png"]First Phase-[/url] This is where Lex releases a portion of his power and reveals a glimpse of his true nature. His arms become masses of tentacles extending from his chest, usually used to grab objects to bludgeon or hack his opponents to death.[/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080][url="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090326221511/residentevil/images/f/f6/Re5-uroboros-concept.jpg"]Second Phase- [/url]Lex becomes as close to his true form as he can while remaining bonded. Over the years Lex has gained greater mastery of this shift, making him almost indistinguishable [/color][/font][/color][color=#000080][font='comic sans ms', cursive]from an unbonded Uros. In this form Lex uses his entire form, now nearly entirely comprised of tentacles to simply engulf his enemies and strangle or crush them. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080][b]Personality:[/b] Lex tries to stay calm cool and professional in the face of any threat. He is reserved and in conversation can seem a bit stand-offish. He is generally condescending to those who he doesn't know, assuming they are less powerful than he and thus not worth his time. [/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080]In combat he works hard to maintain his calm exterior, but when push comes to shove he can become aggressive almost to the point of animalism. Most noteworthy of Lex's personality traits is his quick temper. If not provoked one would almost assume he were incapable of anger, due to his stoic and calculating appearance, however when seriously insulted or truely threatened Lex has a tendancy to explode furiously. Most always yelling and becoming aggressive, if not outright attacking the transgressor.[/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080] [/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080][b]Weapons/fighting style:[/b] Lex has no need for weapons or armour. Due to the bonding process of the Uros; Lex is physically capable of punching or kicking through almost five inches of concrete, and fast enough to dodge all but high calibre bullets. In human form his superior regeneration can heal minor cuts or bruises in minutes. If seriously injured Lex falls back on his transformations, in each form his regeneration is amplified greatly.[/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font='comic sans ms', cursive][color=#000080][b]History:[/b] Preferring to stay off the radar, Lex hasn't had many publicly known incidents. His most infamous scandal being a travesty almost 100 years ago. Lex was on the subway when the his train car was besieged by a group from a local gang. Their intent was later revealed to be simply high jacking the train and getting ransom for the hostages. At the time one of the men put a gun to Lex's temple, very obtrusively disrupting his reading of the daily paper as well as threatening to shoot him. The resulting massacre was covered up as a horrific engineering malfunction causing the subway to "accidentally become derailed" and kill hundreds. While Lex does regret the accident, he has yet to apologize for human losses. [/color][/font][/color]
Jeff awoke that morning at his usual time, around 6:30 am. He went to the kitchen before any of the others got there, right on time, and had a small bowl of cereal. After making sure he'd cleaned all traces of his presence there, Jeff headed off toward his dark room. A commissioned room he had personally requested be added to their base of operations a few months ago. The room had no lights installed, and was essentially just a large empty space. Jeff had filled it with different objects throughout the last months. Nothing much, just a few wooden boxes, some metal bars, a wing chun dummy for martial arts practice. He spent 90% of his free time alone in the room, using his powers to move around the objects or himself, constant practice. Jeff was truly a perfectionist when it came to things he had so much access to, like his body and powers. He would spend 16 hours a day training or meditating. Coming out at unusual times to catch the kitchen when no one else was their. His schedule hadn't changed by the time Ali had come looking for him for the mission. He knew she was coming before she arrived, having answered and promptly hung up his cell a few moments before. He despised his phone, agreeing to even have one took an hour of convincing and even then he agreed only for the sake of emergency situations, not common calls. Ali knocked on the door, but Jeff was focusing as hard he could to slowly lift one of the boxes in the room 10 feet away without hurling it at the wall or himself. He slowly moved it toward himself, fortunately getting it within his five foot zone of control before the door opened and Ali entered, breaking his concentration. "Jeff you in here?" she called out. Jeff didn't answer, figuring his recent schedule along with her sensory powers would answer the question for him. Which proved true a moment later when she sighed and said "Get to the office, we have a mission. We're heading south." and left. Jeff took a moment to walk around and move some boxes back into their proper places before heading out. Passing Ali in the hall, he walked by her and toward the office, feeling no need for small talk. They entered the office together a short time later, seeing Demmy and Pocket had already gotten there Jeff took his place at the round table as far from anyone as possible. Ali flipped down the screen, and they recieved their mission. It was a short briefing, but unless there was some special information about the targets or victims, they usually were. After getting the information about the mission they all headed off and piled into the van. The gang traveled with their weapons ready at all times, so there was no need to go fetch them, the same went for Jeff, after buckling himself in he took out a small pair of fingerless gloves and slid them on, steeling himself for the mission ahead.
[b]Name:[/b] Jeff Arkhem [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs4/i/2004/233/5/f/Leofest.jpg"]Jeff[/url] [b]Personality: [/b]Jeff is usually a loner, hangs out in the back, drinks alone. Almost famous for his one word replies, Jeff is well known for not wanting to talk to anyone, ever. Often dismissing whomever approaches him with one or two words and walking away to be alone. No other members of the gang have really been able to get close to him as of yet and he remains a mystery to the majority of those who meet him. [b]Weapons:[/b] Jeff is nigh a master of hand to hand combat, his file claims he is a black belt is several martial arts including capoeira, five animal kung fu, and aiki jujitsu. In combat he utilizes his martial prowess and inate powers to devistating effect. [b]Ability:[/b] Jeff has the power to manipulate gravity. His power is rough and uncontrolled when dealing with objects or people more than 5 feet away, being only able to push or pull said targets and with only rough accuracy. On himself however, Jeff has honed his powers to a razors edge. He utilizes his powers to walk on walls and ceilings, to leap great distances, and to maneuver himself in incredible ways. Often using his powers to aid his martial arts ability jeff is a valuable member of the team.
lol itès a simple sight, just to reiterate what i said b4, itès in Auditions, neat the top, read it over and fill out the sign up at the bottem of my first post.
[color="#FF0000"]Warning: This RPG is rated M for Mature[/color] Good day soldiers, you have all been called here to partake in one of the most dangerous missions ever assigned. You are here because you are the best of the best, each the utmost expert in your own field. You have been gathered from all over the world to face the most dangerous terrorist organization ever formed. As you all are no doubt aware, Canada launched a massive nuclear strike against America not one month ago. They used their former close ties with the U.S. to gather information about major military sites, and then decimated each with a series of neutron bombs in one massive attack. Now America is calling for help and we've gathered you to go into Canada and end this before it becomes World War 3. You will be stationed in a remote underground base in north Vermont, just across the border from both Ottawa and Quebec city, each holding a majority of Canadaâ??s military strength. Keep in mind, regardless of the strike on America, over 85 percent of those still living in Canada are unarmed civilians. Satellite images show us there are however, many heavily armed troupes throughout Quebec City and Ottawa, keep on your guard soldiers. You will be briefed on the final details of your mission while on the aircraft taking you there. Be careful. Be efficient, and make your countries proud. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK so as you've recently read, this is a military based rp, you will be playing the best of the elite forces throughout the world. You will be sent into Canada to rid the world of their nuclear strength before it sparks a 3rd world war. You will get the full briefing when I post the opening threat in the Theater. Base facts: each of you are highly trained soldiers from around the world, you will probably have a basic pistol of some sort as a side arm, a main weapon, and probably some sort of special equipment associated with your specialty. The Specialties now are: Medical specialist, Demolitions, Infiltration/Recon, Heavy weaponry, Long distance elimination, Close quarters Combat, and Endurance specialist. [b]Medic:[/b] If you're the Medic you are a specialist in treating the injuries of your allies and yourself. You probably have equipment for dressing wounds in stead of a third weapon, and probably have less lethal grenades like flash or smoke bombs. Medic's are also specialists in most kinds of medicine, how each compound effects curtain injuries, as well as how curtain drugs or injections will react with healthy enemy troupes. In dealing with various wounds and researching all kinds of injuries, you also know how best to take an enemy down (if the 'unload your weapon in his direction' isn't the best way at the time).All soldiers have basic first aid training, but your knowledge is above and beyond the regular standard. As this specialist your medical experience rivals that of most surgeons. [b]Demo:[/b] If you want to be the demolitions expert it's probably because you love seeing things explode. The Demo specialist has extensive training in all things that go 'boom'. Your third weapon is likely to be some sort of rocket launcher or other high explosive. Demolitions experts also bring with them numerous types of other explosives, rather than carry flash bangs or tear gas, your basic equipment probably includes C4, incendiary grenades, and maybe a basic fragmentation grenade or two. Along with the title of Demolitions specialist you have a mass knowledge of violent chemical reactions, knowing the ins and outs of every explosive on your belt. This allows you to also make make-shift explosives from various objects found throughout the environment. You know precisely when, where, and how much explosive is needed for any job. [b]I&R:[/b] OK so you want to be the Infiltration & Recon expert. This specialization includes extensive training in stealth and observation, you are the shadow the team will send in to scout out high risk areas. You have the skill and training to get in and out of virtually any room or building unseen and unnoticed. Your extreme education of stealth tactics and human psychology allow you to predict where the enemy is looking and when, leaving you the exact moment to sneak past, or walk right up behind them and put a knife in their back. Your weapons are most likely allot quieter than the other specialist's most if not all of your firearms wear high grade silencers for silent execution. [b]Heavy Wep:[/b] Utmost opposite of the I&R specialist, the heavy weapons expert is one of the loudest members of the team. He may not have the experience with explosives that the demolitions expert does, but he has just as much capacity for destruction. Your third firearm is probably an automatic shotgun or some sort of assault rifle with heavy armor piercing bullets, louder than usual but also causing more damage and havoc. The heavy weapons specialist is a one man army. Carrying more ammunition than the other specialists, sometimes in place of a pistol, he by far has the biggest hard core guns. As the heavy weapons expert it's your job to clear out rooms of hostiles and lay cover fire for almost the entire group, and boy do you deliver. [b]L.D.E:[/b] The Long distance execution specialist is a master of far ranged weaponry and killing at extreme distances, he is by far the groups best marksman, often getting ten headshots while the others simply fill a hallway with gunfire...or just fire. Your third weapon is almost definitely some sort of high caliber sniper rifle, your position is usually far behind the rest of the team giving highly accurate cover and taking out the most high profile highly guarded targets. Laying on a rooftop across the road from the building the rest of the team is clearing, they will rely on you for high caliber 'one shot one kill' cover fire, which you give with pinpoint accuracy. [b]C.Q.C:[/b] The yin to a Long distance shooter's yang, the close quarters combat specialist is the foremost expert on killing up close and personal. You are highly trained to disarm and eliminate your targets within one to five feet of you. Your third weapon may be a second pistol giving you more versatility with close range shooting, you're also the one on the team best trained in hand to hand and general melee combat. We have knives for utility and last resort, your knife is probably your best friend, always at the ready for a quick slice or stab that will bring down anyone around you. [b]Endurance:[/b] The endurance specialist or sort of a jack-of-all-trades. As the endurance specialist you're a little stronger and hardier than the rest of the team. You get up faster after being shot, you shake off shellshock in and instant, and you are overall tougher than most. Your endurance training leaves you more resilient to all forms of damage and fatigue, you are better at climbing, swimming, and holding your breath. AS the endurance specialist not only are you a tough as nails soldier dishing out as much as you can take, you're also a constant drive to the rest of us. Your undying determination and resiliency serve as a motivator for each member of the group to keep fighting no matter what the odds. These are only the specialties I thought up with a friend who'll also be joining. If you have any modifications or specialties I missed that you want your character to dominate, go ahead and try it out. I'll send you a message if anything isnâ??t quite what Iâ??m looking for in this rp. Till then, good luck on your sign ups, I'll see you all in the plane. [u]Application's[/u] [b]Name:[/b](include nick-name if you have one) [b]Age:[/b] (we're all specialists, no younger than 30 please) [b]Nationality: Personality:[/b] [b]Appearence:[/b] (pic or description) [b]Specialty:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] (Primary, Side arm, And special weapon, also include any types of grenades your carrying.) [b]Outstanding assignment:[/b] (write a quick clip from your best moment, the assignment that got you recommended for this mission)
Timothy looked around for a moment then closed his eyes, focusing on the phsychic barriers around the building and looking for ways to improve upon them. He found a couple holes here and there, patching them up was simple enough. He wanted to do something a little extra though, something to ensure they wouldn't be found. He cosidred layinga false vision on this place so any seers would see it as a second sight base of operations, but that ran the risk of a few soldiers coling in to 'check up' of the out of place base. He also considered setting up a trap, anyone using a seer or thinker to scan this lcation would be met with a counter wave of pain or some other debilitating effect, but that would immediately tip off SS to the location's true nature. Even the idea of a falsehood vision of an abandoned building ran the risk of Second Sight checking it just as a precaution seeing as the group was still on the run and might be desperate for a solid roof. The thought of making it sem like a busy local mall or rec. center or something crossed his mind aswell, alas the ammount of people inside coming and going but noone outside to be seen would be cause for alarm at SS aswell. It took about half an hour of Tim standing still in the room with his eyes closed to complete his final strategy. While his range wasn't infinite he could create traps for seers at least a few blocks away, more if he had been intimate with the location. So that was the plan he would pick a few strategically placed area's and rig them with seer traps. A few blocks from here there were 3 buildings in different directios that would appear to be housing the team, a few locations farther away would triger heavy headaches to any who tried to pierce Tim's blanket of darkness in store for seers and thinkers. A mall he frequented in his old town, an apartment building he lived at for about a month, anywhere Tim had been familiar enough with to create a solid connection. Once complete Tim opened his eyes and grinned, regardless of the throbbing headache he'd given himself with such use of his abilities. He reached into his pocket and took out bottle of pills, quickly popping off th topn and downing about four before closing the container and sipping it back into is pocket. He took his lasses off and pinched the bridge of his nose while waiting for the pills to kick in, as he went upstair to check out his room and the kitchen.
Timothy walked down the stairs of his most recent hotel with renewed hate. The building was dirty, the vending machine didn't work, the doors that worked squeaked, absolutely nothing was properly taken care of. Almost drove Tim over the edge every morning. He hated living here, but it was the best he could come up with. He was only in London Ontario a few nights while on his way south to elude capture, so there was no point in trying to rent an apartment. As he left the building he glanced back at the building and frowned with disgust. [i]At least this is my last day here. [/i] He thought, slightly cheering him up. He walked down the street toward the nearest coffee place to get started for the day with a nice cup of tea. On his way however his plan was interrupted. He sensed someone behind him was happy to see him; it was only a vague sensation though. They might find him attractive, or it could be someone from the bus station who he'd given money to in the last 24 hours. Just to be safe Tim changed his usual route dramatically. He veered left and right at nearly every street corner hoping to lose the follower when they continued to their own destination. The pursuer closed in now, in moments he would be within arms reach of Tim and it could be all over. To avoid this scenario Tim took drastic measures. He took off running, not looking back even for a moment, he ran down an alley way then another and another. Soon he thought of a trap to catch his pursuer off guard. He darted around a corner. When his follower caught up Tim was firmly in the grasp of a Second Sight agent. [b]"Mission accomplished; I have the mark under control."[/b] said the agent holding a gun to Tim's head. [b]"Wait what the-!?" [/b]the soldier saw Alex but it was too late to recalibrate for this new situation. Alex threw his hand out in front of him and a powerful wave of force crashed into the Agent, sending him hard into the wall behind him. Alex tried to grab Tim's hand to move him out of the way if he could find a large object to crush the agent with, but Tim wasn't there. The illusion was broken and the agent against the wall faded to reform into Tim himself. [b]"It appears I failed to account for this variable in my calculation."[/b] Tim coughed as he dragged himself up the wall. [b]"I suppose there's no one to blame though, with the time that's passed since our last encounter the chance that it would be you following me is astronomically low. "[/b] Tim concluded dusting himself off, and cracking his back. [b]"Same old Frost. Sorry if I hurt you. I honestly thought it was another Second sight dog... if that makes you feel better. "[/b] Alex reassured his old friend.â?[b]We best get down to business. I'm gathering the old team. We're taking down Second Sight, you in?"[/b] Tim thought for a moment, and then appeared to be counting on his fingers. [b]"Yes the likelihood of someone taking down SS increases nearly 30% if the job is done as a group and another 13% if the group has experience working together as we do. Who can turn down those odds?"[/b] Tim replied with a smirk. Suddenly Alex felt a hand on his shoulder from behind, he turned to see Tim gesturing for them to go. Looking back the other Tim had faded and the indent in the wall was gone. [b]"I figured I was talking to a ghost."[/b] Alex commented, remarkably unsurprised. [b]"Noone gets up that fast from a push like that."[/b] He concluded to answer Tim's questioning look. [b]"Well let's go the faster we gather the other members the better." [/b] [b]"Agreed, a quickened execution increases our chance of success nearly thee fold!" [/b]Tim said aloud as he followed Alex. Alex grinned [b]"Same old Frost."[/b]
[U]Name: [/U]Timothy Frost [U]Age: [/U]30 [U]Gender:[/U] Male [U]Role Within Team:[/U] Thinker [U]Abilities:[/U] Tim is a high level thinker with powers specializing in the deception and manipulation genres. His form of thought reading is based strictly on his target's senses. He can see, hear, taste, feel, and smell anything his target is or has recently. This focus n the senses is the prelude for his true works of art, his illusions, Tim creates illusions so complete even most trackers are fooled by the layer of falsehood over items in his range. Reading his opponents senses however forces Tim to give up his own, making him blind deaf and more when seeing the world through his targets mind. This leaves him extremely open if used in open combat, giving him just one more reason to avoid it. As for his illusionary abilities, he creates images, smells, sounds, and feelings all within his targets mind, blinding the target to what he should be really seeing or hearing etc. Holding more than one target in one of his more complex illusions is extremely taxing on Tim’s mind and often leaves him with lasting migraines. [U]Physical Appearance: [/U][U][URL="http://www.desktopanimewallpaper.com/images/wallpapers/teru-mikami%20800-789744.jpeg"]Tim[/URL][/U] stands at about 6 feet tall, with dark hair and naturally red eyes. He prefers formal cloths, suits and uniforms mostly, anything to keep him looking professional. [U]Personality:[/U] Tim is a cold calculating logical machine in aspect of his life. He's an obvious perfectionist, and gets easily irritated with people for creating imperfect situations. When faced with a problem Tim will Calculate the soundest solution, often taking a long time to verify hypothesise and rule out theories before making his move. In combat he is no different; he logically analyzes the situation and determines which would be the correct course of action. Because of his power's lack of defensive or offensive power Tim prefers the quiet approach, silently eliminating any variables until the formula is flawless. His logical calculating demeanour often puts him at ends with pyro's and pushers because of their passionate or wild attitudes. [U]Weapons:[/U] Preferring the subtle approach Tim carries a simple [U][URL="http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hk-mk23-2.jpg"]MK23[/URL][/U] pistol with an attachable [U][URL="https://www.ssgtactical.com/elements/product/mk23mfican.jpg"]silencer[/URL][/U] [U]Other Skills:[/U] Tim isn't very skilled at combat, only knowing how to fight from various martial arts TV programs and maybe a yellow belt here and there in his youth. His true talents lay in his manipulation of words. Tim is a master of turning phrases, bending truths and making his adversaries points work against him or her. One of his favourite pass times is a good debate, poking holes in the logic of those he talks to, and twisting facts to make their initial statements mean the opposite of what they originally desired. [U]Writing Sample:[/U] Tim walked down the streets of Arthur a small town in south Ontario Canada. Really off the map sort of area. He had just walked to the local grocery store to pick up his food for the week. He had been doing odd jobs around town for about 2 months now, making just enough to pay off his rent and keep up with the groceries. Hoping that Second Sight never found him in this remote place was a false dream, all his information lead him to the conclusion that he would definitely encounter them again. Based on the frequency of his meetings with them, despite his best efforts to become lost, it was inevitable that they would find him again. As usual Tim arrived home and placed his groceries on one of the chairs on his front porch. Something caught is eye however. He cautiously approached the garage door, the lock specifically. There was nothing especially off about the lock, it was still closed, still in the proper place, and almost exactly where he left it. Tim was always obsessively careful to place he lock facing directly down, with the edges at perfect vertical angles. It was slightly off center, as if someone had opened and closed it without placing it where they ha found it. This both worried and aggravated Tim, he placed things where he did for a reason. Upon closer analysis Tim spotted the bottom of the lock had a few barely perceivable scratches, it was definitely forced open without the key. He could sense thoughts inside but nothing more acute. Determining there were two people in his garage Tim quickly thought of a plan of attack. Step one open the garage. He slid the key past the tumblers and clicked the lock open, and after removing it from the hinged door he bent over and pulled his garage door open. Surely enough there were two armed S.W.A.T. looking fellows standing in his garage. Well crouching behind a desk and some gas containers but all the same. Tim knelt down, placed his hands above is head, and closed his eyes. The two Second Sight operatives left their cover carefully keeping their sights trained on Tim. "We have orders to kill Mr. Frost, our apologies." said one of the agents putting the barrel of his handgun to Tim's temple. "Wait! Where's your partner?!" pleaded the second troop much to the confusion of the first. "Come on! Tell us where he is!" insisted the second agent. Tim had dug into the memories of the agents. He sat in a briefing room, listening to information on himself and his powers, watching a screen with several pictures of him on it, and most importantly seeing an opportunity. In the second soldier Tim built a vivid memory. A second part of the briefing, on his associate and partner in crime, a high level pyro of much higher priority than himself. Tim's senses came back to him as the second soldier shouted for the third time "Tell us the location of your partner or we'll kill you right now!" demanded the agent. Tim smiled and went to work on his senses. First blocking out the first soldiers voice and movements, s far as the second soldier was concerned the first was staying almost perfectly still. This image locked out the agents real actions, screaming at the second to explain what the hell he was talking about. Finally the last piece of the puzzle, a quick blur ran by the front of the garage toward the side of the building. The second soldier saw his opportunity and ran after the primary target of this operation, as far as he knew. The first agent cautiously moved after him, and looked around the corner to see where he went. Tim made his move. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, dashing to the door from the garage into the house he swing open the door and leapt inside as the first agent turned around and fired several shots in Tim's direction. The agent moved forward, reloading his gun, he looked in the door slowly and his heart sunk with guilt as he saw the third soldier wearing the same full body gear as he had on, laying on the floor with several bullet wounds. "You bastard, watch your fire!" coughed the agent bleeding onto the ground before lying back and dying. The first soldier gritted his teeth and bowed his head as he laid the dead team mate on the ground. He stood up and took a step away before searing pain shot through his back four times. He fell to the ground and struggled through the pain to see his attacker. Tim got up off the ground, his illusion now fading, and the first soldier's vision blurred as he saw his dead team mate reform into Tim holding a silenced pistol. One more shot ended the agent's life. The second agent started running back into the garage after Tim changed his focus to the first agent’s illusion. By the time he got back Tim had already planned what he would find. The garage had both the first and third soldier's dead bodies on the floor, blood covered the walls. The second soldier checked the bodies to ensure they were dead. As he bent over Tim leaned around the doorway and fired several more shots, some missing, but a few crucial bullets hit the agent in the side and head. Tim grinned only being able to pick up one more set of senses within his house. The third agent waited patiently by the back door, waiting for Tim to arrive or try to exit unusually. Then the first soldier came back to meet him. "He'd hold up in the garage dug in tight." said the first agent motioning the third to help. They got to the door from the house to the garage. The first soldier ran forward and acted startled upon discovery of blood outside of the door. The blood of the true first soldier who, Tim had shot and dragged into the garage next to the body of the second agent. Tim readied his silenced pistol on the way to the back door, now holding the first soldiers sidearm. He leaned in the door and several gun shots went off. The first soldier leaned back in and urgently motioned the third "He's reloading go go go!!" The third soldier ran into the garage gun drawn. Stopping when he found nothing but the bodies of his two team mates. He turned quickly, and caught a glimpse of the target as Tim fired several shots into the head of the confused agent. Tim looked around, gathered some extra food, and began walking toward the buss station. The odds of him encountering more second sight agents would decrease exponentially if he left town within the next six hours.
Bre spread his arms wide and quickly closed them hitting his palms together, a second later a powerful cone of electricity blasted forth from his outstretched palms. The werewolves in front of him were blown away, covered in arching lightning. Bre ran between them dashing down the street. "Bre where are you going?!" Shan yelled after him. ?Well it was a good plan, want to fill in?? Nay asked Duke. Who nodded and ran over to where Bre was standing, his arms were bleeding heavily from two long cuts from his elbows to his wrists. With a pool of blood at his feet Duke waved his arms in large circles, causing the blood to flow and twist into large streams. Each stream hammered a werewolf whenever one wandered into his range. Bre ran down an alley and closed his eyes, focussing on Hath?s electric signature. ?Hath?!? he called out ?Hath where are you?? in a few moments he had found the signal and was running toward her. She was a few streets over. She was surrounded by werewolves, most of whom had no heads. Some of The wounds looked to be self contained, as if the wolves heads exploded on their own from an inside source, Bre habitually scratched this new observation down in his notebook. There were about six wolves all around her, one of which still retaining it?s head. Bre went to help but was too late. The remaining wolf lunged at Hath, only to be swarmed by his five fallen brothers. While their movements were obviously not their own, they were accurate enough to shred the remaining wolf?s head from it?s body. The wolf fell half way to the ground before awkwardly catching itself and stumbling to a fully upright position again. Bre grinned and made a quick note. ?Where are the others?? she asked. Bre gestured her to follow and took off again, this time back toward the group. When he returned the fight had become an all our battle. Shan noticed him first and responded as such. ?Bre where did you-?? she stopped herself upon seeing Hath coming up behind him, with six oddly shuffling headless werewolves. ?Fetching reinforcements I see.? Shan concluded with a wry grin. Bre nodded with a smirk and took his place beside Duke. Using the blood soaked battlefield (covered mostly in Duke?s blood) Bre took advantage of the ultimate conduit. He focussed his electricity through the blood, funnelling it around his allies and into the wolves. With the entire field covered, Bre was easily able to spread his power to attack several targets, as opposed to concentrating on one enemy at a time.
Bre watched as the creature of fur and fangs fought one of his best friends. Boush looked similarly displeased with his inability or rather, lack of permission to aid their friend. Even when Malinda appeared, wearing a suspicious smelling mud, the friends continued to watch in silent rage as their friend was torn into by the vicious wolf like creature. Finally Bre had enough of the horrible display, and decided to intervene, as subtly as possible. Bre walked over to a nearby car and carefully placed his notebook on the roof. He walked back with his eyes closed, then opened them to reveal his pupil’s had seemingly vanished and his irises had expanded covering the whites of his eyes, and giving them a solid purple colouration. While there were no other visual effects, those who knew Bre well knew he was activating his powers. He focused on the alpha wolf, tapping into the wolf’s eyes, ears, nose and overall nervous system. With his mind weakened by his blinding rage, it would be easy for Bre to control his senses. The alpha werewolf lunged for Shan yet again aiming to claw at her throat. Shan jumped back and barely avoided the razor sharp claw; she then jumped into a handspring over the wolf’s shoulders, landing behind him. However, to the wolf: [I]Shan tried to leap back from his claw but was too late; the razor sharp tip caught her just barely, leaving a shallow but serious slice across her throat just above her collar bone. She was still well able to fight however and leapt up onto his shoulders; remaining there she clawed at the great beasts face and neck with all her might, leaving many deep gashes all over his snout and cheeks. He felt her weight increase slightly as she attempted to jump off but sensing this he caught her by the ankle and slammed her heavily into the concrete. Shan yelped in pain as her back met with the pavement and probably broke a rib or two. The wolf’s fanged grin appeared once again as he repeatedly lifted the half wolf into the air and continued slamming her into the solid concrete of the road beneath them.[/I] The wolf was too consumed by rage and his own pride to notice the confused looks on Boush, Malinda, and Shan’s faces, let alone the sinister grin now marking Bre’s usually unreadable facial expressions. The great wolf had stopped clawing at Shan and roar, thrashing about while holding his face for a while, then continued by grabbing something out of the air and shaking in about in his fist over and over. At first it seemed as though he was overcome by madness, but the others soon noticed the grim grin on Bre’s face, and the disturbing colouration of his eyes. “Bre I told you not to interfere!” Shan growled angrily, her pride clearly hurt both by Bre’s insubordination and his lack of trust in her own abilities. Bre ignored her too focussed on his mental assault on the werewolf. By now: [I]Shan was next to dead her body lay crumpled in a heap in front of the mighty werewolf lord, his task complete he chose to attack the others. His ears caught the she-wolf’s voice berating her comrade, but before he could turn to check on the body he felt the vicious sting of a blade entering his flesh. He turned to see Bre standing next to him pulling a long thin knife out of his side, in an instant Bre was gone, and the sting came from his leg on the opposite side. The werewolf growled in pain and slashed at his attacker. No use, Bre was gone yet again, and yet again the horrid sting shot through the wolf’s body, this time it was his lower back. This time Bre was gone before the wolf could turn, the sting came faster as well, drawing a crimson line down his right arm, then his left, his heel was sliced also. The cuts and stabs came faster and faster, he could clearly hear the attackers’ sinister laughter as he carved each new line, as he jabbed each new hole. The wolf was overcome with pain, his rage did well to mask the first few attacks, but this onslaught was not to be ignored.[/I] Bre laughed aloud, an extremely unusual act for him surely. His hands danced with sparks and his grin grew more sadistic and dark. The wolf was all but destroyed, his body was fully intact, barely a scratch on him and only from where Shan had nicked him here and there. Still he roared in pain, he twisted every which way trying to snare an invisible assailant. Shan and the others watched in horror, unable to contact Bre verbally and not wanting to touch the lightning covered man, they had no way to break him from his trance. The wolf fell to his knees, grasping both heels in pain. Bre began walking toward his prey. Next were its arms, the wolf howled loudly and did his best to comfort both his biceps, appearing to cause himself great anguish by trying to move them. Bre came closer. The wolf let out one last growl and he laid down on the road, his back apparently wracked with pain as well. It took a long time, but the electricity wielding Bre had brought the alpha wolf down to a point of coup de grace. The wolf laid on the ground whimpering between growls as his body remained in Bre’s ring of pain. Bre now standing over the creature lifted his leg. A jolt of electricity could be seen snaking across his body as Bre’s hands ceased to spark but his leg pulsed with a powerful electric currant. Bre was unable to maintain his domination of the wolf’s senses while also focusing on increasing his own limbs, so the stasis was broken. But it was too late; Bre’s leg came down with all the fury and destructive power of a lightning bolt, the first strike let loose a resounding crack from the wolf’s skull, Bre was quick to bring his leg up again, and again. Over and over Bre’s leg came down on the wolf’s head, each strike pulverising bone and grinding flesh to paste. It had been 6 strikes in total before Shan’s call to him finally broke through. “Bre stop! It’s dead!” she cried out. Bre’s leg froze above the mushy remains of his targets head. He closed his eyes for a moment, and opened them back to their normal state. Without a word to his friends Bre walked over to his book, opened it to a fresh page, and hurriedly began writing with his broken pen.
Bre looked around the apartment on his own analytically. With his trusty note book in hand, he wrote down everything he saw, and sketched some things that were beyond his descriptive skill. After taking note of each new witch he met, writing their name general appearance and a summary of their powers into a chart he quickly drew up, Bre walked over to the apparent leader of the new group Nayomi. "You said we were micro chipped?" he asked with a sort of all-knowing air about him. "Yes, we were, it isn't like Red to change his methods on a whim. They'll be using them to track you even now." Nay replied with obvious annoyance coating her unusually serious tone. "That?s impossible." Bre shot back the instant Nay was finished, triggering a confused look from her and most of the older group. "That method of tracking us is denied effectiveness by my abilities." his oddly technical explanation of his point did little to lower confusion, so Bre reiterated his point as simply as he could. "I am electrokinetic, it isn't immediately noticeable but I give off a low powered electrical field at all times, it's sufficient to scramble most radio waves. I'm fairly curtain the only way your headset worked was because your darkness manipulating friend was within the same building." Bre concluded. "Well that's just bloody brilliant!" Duke called out walking across the room to join the conversation. "We've now got a Russian roulette style riddle on our hands. Either the organization was tracking you through direct observation only with cameras and stuff, or they had psychics followin' your minds. If it's the cameras we're set, they'll have seen Sin's little rebellion toward the popularity of light shows but nothing else" He paused to chuckle "However, if they had the mind to use your minds against you, they'll be here before we can make your beds." Duke's attire consisted of a sleeveless shirt and black jeans. The look didn't suit him, which led to the assumption of how practical it really was. The other most notable feature of Duke was his half spiked blood red hair. More subtly however, were the scars, both of Duke's arms were nigh covered in scars of all sizes, most appeared to be self inflicted contradicting how on display they were. "...I see, it seems fitting to send blood hounds after a hemokinetic like Duke...I understand..." whispered Hathfertiti from a completely solitary corner of the room. "Who is she..?" Duke asked looking over to her as she talked seemingly to herself. "Quiet!" Bre whispered as loudly as he could without seeming intrusive "Her name is Hathfertiti, she's necromantic. Just let her finish" Duke raised an eyebrow "Necro- ... Wait you mean she'd dead?" he asked without lowering his voice. "Does she look dead!?" Bre shot back. "Have you seen a vampire?" Duke replied with a cocky smirk. "The organization sent blood hounds, they said you'd know what that meant" Hath said aloud referencing to the empty space in the corner of the room. "Oh shit!" Duke nearly shouted. , resulting in lost or confused looks from most of the younger group. "What are blood hounds?" Asked Bre, already prepared to write a word for word explanation in his note book. "Blood hounds aren't a what, they're a who. The Blood Hounds are a group of elite witch hunters, it consists of at least 2 powerful telepaths and a few werewolves at all times, though the remaining three or four members are always changing. If the organization sent them we can be sure they'll be on us in an hour or two. As Bre and the others went back into the main room to tell the others, they caught a scene of Shan feeding Malinda food while she sat upon her lap, both of whom were nude. Bre shook his head and jotted something down in his notebook, while Nay frowned at them for being so foolish in such a serious situation and Duke merely put a hand over his mouth to stifle the laughter at the new recruits 'open relationship'. The pause brought on was long enough for Shan to stand up and get dressed, while also giving her enough time to close Jensen's mouth. After that, Nay explained to the group that the Blood Hounds were after them and explained who they were. "We only have a little time so introduce yourselves and grab something to munch on we gotta be outta here within the hour" Duke concluded.
Name: Bréagán Aigne [Bre] Age: 24 Ability: Electrokinesis (Elaboration) Oct 9th, 2983 Subject 89 was born into captivity, adopted from the mother and father to be a subject. (Note: both parents were Organization employees) Subject 89 showed positive reaction to early tests, developing a highly acute level of high voltage control. Dec 12th, 3003 Approximately 2 years ago subject 89 lost all progress, appearing to have lost his abilities completely. Plans for termination of the test and subject 89 were underway when several 'accidents' took place. Many of the employees assigned to the subject began committing suicide. We were only starting upon proper protocol when one scientist brought the pattern into questioning. The ones to seemingly have committed suicide had all killed themselves in the same region and around the same time frame. According to security cameras, all 14 victims were killed between the hours of 5 and 7, the time of subject 89's last meals, and all of them died within 3 meters of the subject. Each victim also showed signs of severe hallucinations immediately prior to their deaths. It will take some time to find out exactly what happened to them. Jan 28th, 3005 We have found the source on the ongoing murders connected to subject 89. It began 5 years ago when subject 89 apparently lost his powers. Rather than lose them, subject 89 was simply experimenting with them, outside of our knowledge. His new favourite is a form of faint electrical field generated around him, in a 3 meter radius. Generally this field does nothing but cause frequent electrical interference with small electrical devices, such a cell phones, P.D.A.'s and the like. However, when concentrating subject 89 can focus this field around a specific individual and cause their body to experience electrical based waves, not unlike those our bodies use already. In fact the signals subject produces are indistinguishable from natural signals, allowing him to subject s target to a wide array of 'fake' senses and impulse’s. The full extent of this new power is unclear, but we do know those who have killed themselves were definitely in his field, and affected by it. Analysts theorize that h targets were subjected to orchestrated visions, sounds, smell, and perhaps even feelings, brought on by subject 89. Ongoing research is in development, and new methods of questioning observation and feeding are already underway. Warning: We advise any organization staff to maintain a 3 meter no entry zone around subject 89 at all times. Profile Picture: [URL="http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt100/bilien_woldetatios/anime/nerd.png"]Bre[/URL]
[B]Name:[/B] Qui Honakorukaganemaru [B]Age:[/B] 53 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Appearence:[/B] [URL="http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs30/f/2008/110/9/a/Anima_____18_by_Wen_M.jpg"]Qui[/URL] [B]Class:[/B] Monk [B]Specialties:[/B] Unarmed combat. [B]Weapons:[/B] His own hands and feet. [B]Magical Items:[/B] Qui's finely made cloth tunic provides more protection then it would appear to. [B]Biography:[/B] Growing up in Akonyu, Qui was born into a monastery surrounded by superb martial artists. Since he was able to stand Qui had been training his martial arts, through his body mind and soul he became an unmatched fighter. His rigorous daily training earned him superior hand to hand skills and increased control over his bodies inner energies. Legends precede his very arrival, legends of catching arrows fired at him out of the air, deflecting oncoming swords with his bare hands, and many tails of his imperceptible speed when trying to instead, avoid the blade. He had nearly completed his life long journey to inner perfection, one of the last trials set down by his fellow monks, was to go on a walk about and change the world. For only he who changes the world can see the world as it truly is. PS: I am quite the fan of DnD I play 4th edition now so I may be a bit off, as I think this is based on 3.5. Anywho I made Qui to be a high level monk hope you don't mind. pm me if you need any changes
[B]Name:[/B] Gitenmaru Guruga [Ruga] [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l142/gooseberry_01/puppeteer.jpg"]Ruga[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Ruga is a taijutsu master at heart, but unable to attain this title has left him feeling hurt and betrayed. He shows this side of his personality as hating most all other ninja, and resenting those with naturally born talents greatly. During combat he thinks tactically and logically trying to trap one or all of his current opponents on one of the many gruesome attack 'performances' he and his puppets can enact. [B]Rank:[/B] Jounin [B]Village:[/B] Rock [B]Style:[/B] Ruga is a master puppeteer with some decent ninjutsu and genjutsu skills, but he's weak in taijutsu. [B]Main jutsu/techniques:[/B] Ruga wields his puppets with lethal efficiency, the exact number he has created is unknown but he usually fights with a maximum of three. [B]Bio:[/B] Ruga grew up in the village hidden among the stones, he originally wished to train heavily into taijutsu but a weak frame and poor muscle structure left this path closed to him. He went to see one of the higher level ninja to read his chakra at a young age, hoping they would tell him he might still have a chance at some variant of gentle fist. Alas they all rejected this idea, his dream, telling him his only real talent lied in ninja puppet wielding. He resented his superiors for tasking him with this path but it was all he could do to follow it. He became a master within a few short years of intensive training and built his own puppets since he was but a chuunin. He vowed to himself the day he knew his path "If I cannot attack them myself my creations will tenfold. I will be the best puppet master ninja ever an show that even when forced any ninja can raise to greatness! That is my ninja way!" Regardless of this vow he still regrets not being able to follow his dream and to his day wishes he could be the taijutsu master he's always wanted to be. [B]What law you want passed:[/B] For more money and resources to be directed to chakra research in hopes that we may develop a method of changing chakra types.