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Everything posted by Forest

  1. [spoiler] [i]I don't think it seems right since Monkey Jack was playing with Barbossa's limp body in Tia's house[/i] [/spoiler] *blinks* He was?!!? I missed that, damn! Oh well...will look out for it second time around. On my note, I really really enjoyed this movie - just about deserving of all the hype ;) Ragetti's line about the Bible really tickled me XD And I loved the wheel randomly going past, especially through the trees. Btw, [spoiler]whoever came up with the Jack+Fruit kebab idea is a genius![/spoiler] :animesmil [spoiler]Bootstrap's makeup was especially well done I think....though did anyone else notice the slight resemblance between him and Grima from LOTR?[/spoiler] Oh yeah. [font=Verdana][color=blue][spoiler][/color][/font][color=white][color=black]And hooray for cannibals having knives and forks X[/color][font=Verdana][color=blue][/spoiler][/color][/font]D[/color] [font=Verdana][color=blue]By using the [*spoiler]...[/spoiler] tags (just remember to remove the *).[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font] EDIT: Thanks to Petie, White and Dragon Warrior for helping me out with the spoiler tags. :)
  2. Aaaah sweet Ouran :animesmil Such a fantastic anime. I've watched all the episodes thus far and am eagerly awaiting the next. The Alice episode was hilarious - especially with Kaoru and Hikaru as the Cheshire(s) XD The make pretty kitties ^^ And Haruhi's dad.....oh my word...his entrance had me in stitches, as did the twins' greeting to him. *snickers* Felt pretty bad for Tamaki there *snerk* All in all, an excellent show that has me hooked completely. I'd buy the mangas, unfortunately though I am experiencing a cashflow crisis at the moment :animeswea ... so we'll just have to wait till next payday ^^ ~Forest PS: I may be wrong here, but the situation between Kaoru and Hikaru never seemed like genuine incest...more like "fanservice" for the girls they host (and the viewers ;) ). *shrugs* Could just be me though.
  3. Just a quick wallpaper I made based on Tamaki and Haruhi's relationship. [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/forest_fruits1/wallpaper.jpg[/url] Ouran High School Host Club is such a fantastic anime and manga and I highly recommend you to check it out! :D ~Forest x
  4. Wow! I loved that video, excellent job! :D *claps* Commented propely on youtube. ^^
  5. [quote name='KawaiiNekoboy']Thanks :D I will take that into coniteration. But Thanks[/quote] Anytime ^^ Glad I could help :)
  6. You did very well indeed. Nice use of an old trick there ;) I like the colouring on his shirt and eyes. One thing you might try and do is add some shadows, especially on the face and hair to give it some more depth. All in all though, for a first attempt I am very very impressed. :D ~Forest x
  7. [I]"Remember that this too shall pass". [/I] - Richard Carlson, author of the "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" series. That's one quote that's always stuck with me and helps me a lot to look forward past what's troubling me and beyond into what I hope will come after it's gone :) [I]"Maybe the reason that you don't see it is because it's stuck to your back. What I mean is, a persons admirable qualities. They're just like say, a pickled plum on a rice ball. In other words, the person's the rice ball and the plum is stuck to their back. So all over the world you could have rice balls made with all sorts of wonderful ingredients, all different flavours and shapes and colours, but since it's stuck in the middle of everyone's back, someone could have a plum and not even know it. They'd look at themselves and think "I'm so plain, nothing but white rice." even though it isn't true, because turn them around and sure enough, there it is...there's the plum. So if someone is jealous of somebody elses then it's probably because it's easier to see the plum on someone elses back than your own."[/I] - Tohru Honda - Fruits Basket (Anime) Okay yeah that was kinda long, but there's no way of shortening it to get the message across quicker. It's a beautiful concept and really well put. So true as well. I have pretty bad self esteem issues, so to think of it in that way, that other people see the same qualities in you that you admire about others really helps me pick myself up and think "Hey! That's so true. So-and-so has this quality, and so does he....maybe I do too....." :animesmil ~Forest x PS: I highly recommend Richard Carlson's series. Excellent read! :D
  8. [QUOTE=Ozymandius Jones][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange] With your permission, Forest, I would like to upload this at dA, all credits given, of course... [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Sure thing! No probs at all. I LOVE this pic of Mortimer - he looks so...Mortimerish XD Nah really, you have captured him excellently, which, also considering you didn't have much of a reference to go on is pretty darn amazing I must say. You rock! Thanks so so much :D Love ~Forest xxx EDIT: Found your DA link ^^
  9. Finished and all put in original post. Apologies for the mess up ^^; For some reason my comp won't let me attach stuff. Tried twice and it didnt work at all so had to link to stuff in photobucket. Hope that's ok ~Forest x
  10. [QUOTE][URL=http://img394.imageshack.us/img394/4567/noobcg1zw.jpg]CLICKETH HERE[/URL] [/QUOTE] ^ Original Pic [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/forest_fruits1/lollipopboy.jpg][B]My Version of Boo's Character[/B][/URL] To Draw: Mortimer [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/forest_fruits1/mortimer.jpg](Pic HERE)[/URL] Tis not in colour, but main points are: - "Water" of my four elemental dragons (humans ----> dragon) - silver mid-back-length hair which becomes the 'mane' when he's in dragon form - blue-grey eyes - grey cloaks and neutral shades of clothing - cold and cynical...though he has pretty good reasons to be. - is not a morning person ~Forest x
  11. Had a go at making a wallpaper (Fruits Basket) the other day and found it quite fun :) It was hard though, trying to merge all the pictures together and also trying to make it not seem just a collection of pictures, but also to tell something of the story of the characters. For those familiar with Fruits Basket, I tried to show something of the relationship between Akito and Yuki, hence the use of red. Not sure how well that worked though. [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/forest_fruits1/yukiakitowall2.jpg[/url] Comments and critique VERY welcome and really appreciated. Thanks much! ~Forest
  12. O.o this is such a neat idea! :D I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thead. Quick question though. What if we don't have pics of our OCs? Can we just post descriptions? ~Forest
  13. Hey there (Way to sound cliched, huh?) I'm quite new here...well, actually, that's debatable as apparantly I've had an account on Otaku for a while...and forgotten about it. *facepalm* Urgh. I'm an idiot, seriously. So yesh, I posted some of my art over at the fan art section here the other day and having seen this board, thought I'd post a few here too. I've been drawing fan art for about 5 years now and it's weird...not fan art, fan art is funnn but since drawing fan art it's getting progressively more difficult for me to draw my own characters. Not sure why. Anyone else found this. Maybe it's pure laziness...I don't know...but one things for sure...whenever I feel like I'd like to create some sort of original character...it never usually seems to work. The onyl exception to this is Ezra, whose pic I'll post below. Technically fan characters I guess could be classed as original...but to me they don't seem *quite* original as they're still based in an existing fandom. I'll shut up now. If anyone is interested in what medium I use...it tends to be fineliner, pencil crayon and prisma markers. Got said markers a few months back and I'm still in the Learning-How-To-Use-Them-Properly stage lol. Okay, so here's a few pics and thanks very much in advance for any feedback. ^^ [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/forest_fruits1/hatsuharu.jpg]Hatsuharu Sohma[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/forest_fruits1/makusakucolour.jpg]Makubex/Sakura[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/forest_fruits1/ezra.jpg]Ezra[/URL] (Bit of info on this guy. He's an ordinary 14 year old schoolkid until Hakan, a boy several grades above him, shows up and delivers the somewhat disturbing news that Ezra is one of the four elemantal dragons and that his true country is in preparation for war and without him, their cause will fail. The element Ezra covers is Earth, and Hakan, Fire and around puberty the dormant dragon spirit begins to wake. The actual age is different for each element and with Ezra, it is 14. ) [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/forest_fruits1/ayamestrawberries2.jpg]Ayame Sohma[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/forest_fruits1/ayamepic.jpg]Ayame Megami[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/forest_fruits1/Copyofhowlsophiecolour2.jpg]Howl/Sophie[/URL] (I do occasionally use computer colouring too...but verrry rarely. This was an doodle turned experiment into what Sophie would look like wth wings). Thanks again! ~Forest x
  14. Aaah yesh. Pokemon. I was a fan of it initally when I was....er...*thinks*...I think I was 11 or 12 and I'm now 18 and that fanness has kinda died out over the past five years. I think when it comes down to it, at least in my opinion, they've stretched out what was a really good show for the first few series' and made it go on too long. Are Team Rocket still in it? I dunno, ain't watched it for sooo long. It's odd though. If it comes on tv, I'll probably still watch it just to see what it's like. Btw, what GB game are they on now? Platinum? Honestly, I've lost track. ~Forest PS: Pokemon Stadium for N64 was actually quite good though. ^^
  15. I agree with QuincyArcher. The recent Miyasaki films are really worth the money...as are his older ones e.g. Mononoke etc. I highly recommend Howl's Moving Castle too. As regards series'....Fruits Basket is a pretty good series to buy. There's a total of 4 dvds which isn't going to break the bank really, and the series itself is REALLY worth the watch. Great animation and really excellent plotline, despite the slightly....odd inital premise of people turning into Zodiac animals lol. Another series I would really recommend giving a go is Get Backers. It's got 10 dvds in the set, which is a downer because of the price...but again, the animation is top quality and the story keeps you hooked. Granted, there are a couple of filler episodes, but still, they're decent episodes to boot :D Get Backers also has an unassuming premise of two guys, Ban and Ginji who run a stolen/lost item recovery service. However, the way I see it is that that "main" plot really is a subplot...a gloss for all the intricately detailed subplots and background story that goes on throughout the series. So...yeah. Hope that helped a little. ~Forest x
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