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Everything posted by Death

  1. Post a picture when it's done
  2. Latley the world's been in a panic but is this really any thing to be woried about. I mean it's not like the last flu pandemic,not yet at least. what do you think?
  3. Oh, thanks i had no idea what it was it was probbly what you mentioned because I know for a fact it was for 360 I'm going to go buy dirge of cburus thanks.
  4. I've just made it to chapter 96 not much more to go. :D I do agree with tical the chapter does a kind of LOTR thing . I'm going to read holy blood,holy grail next. while reading i've done some background info and most of Mr.Brown mentions are true. I think it's so contreversal because there's a fine line beetween fact and fiction, like this for example: [url]http://gim.gupshup.org/gal/H/da-vinci-last-supper-copy19605_5815974.JPG[/url]
  5. I've been watching the shelves and ive seen final fantasy 7 remakes, but they had more than one title. So i started to think is FF7 consist of more than 1 storylines, i am not sure can anyone clarify this for me before i buy it for the 360.
  6. I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this but has anyone else read the book. I'm almost finished and i can't put it down. I can't even read in my own yard without someone coming up to me and asking me about what it is. Asking questions as if the book was a actual code, or saying "a child has no buisness reading a book like that", and the more i listend the more interested i got so what do you think about the book?
  7. Papa smurf, what a mind behind the blue elf. I take enjoyment in evrything you just stated, Unfortunetley for me nobody here is worth the seeds.
  8. Some girl started acting really flirty around me in front of her cheerleading friends. She gave me her number(she knows i hate her and vise versa) and I simply said "what the **** is wrong with you". Then she sudenly boke out in tears:animecry: . I felt bad (just a little) then I went home and drowned my sorrows in a little mortal kombat.
  9. 6/10 i like the colors but don't much care for the content.
  10. Thanks alot but i dont have any of the programs you mentiond could you do me a small favor and make a avatar to go with the banner and change the words to "My awited departure" oh one more thing for the font can you use edwardian script thanks alot it looks awsome .
  11. [QUOTE=Up4anime]Does bloody mary work? I tried it but I dont think i did it right.I had the lights on and there was no water.has anyone else ever did it?[/QUOTE] I think this is my area pf epertise iv'e done evrything in my power to evoke whatever spirit is summoned by this ritual,sacrifices,blood sacrifices,lights out, lights on,pentagrams,transmutation circles chants,water,and pretty much evry other spiritual medium i could think of i dont think it works i did wake up with scrathes on my arms but i think i was scratching a itch in my sleep. P.s trie lights out and full sink of water with at least one candle
  12. thanks it wont happen aggain, appreciate you're help.
  13. I'd have to say ruruoni kenshin the drwaing style,the story line. it was all so captivating and when you thought it was simple it turned out to be very clever,matter of fact one of the most cleverstory lines i've ever seen.
  14. 1.) move to japan 2.) Become a Prosecutor 3.) have tea with the some anime creators 4.) and help design a game or two 5.) almost forgot buy a yacht [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]Death, I suggest you take a look at the site's [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][U]Rules,[/U][/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] and [thread=52331]the [U]Otaku Lounge Sticky[/U][/thread] before you post any more. Some of your posts are bordering on what we define as 'spam'; here, for example, you 'double posted' which is not allowed. I've merged your posts together; in future, if you want to add something before someone else has posted, use the EDIT button down there in the bottom right.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. can anyone tell me how to make a avatar an banner from this :animestunhttp://www.rurounikenshinhouse.hpg.ig.com.br/btx107.jpg [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I've edited out the image you posted into a link. It stretched the layout of OtakuBoards, which is against the rules to [primarily] help out folks on 56k modems. Hope you understand. [b]- Retribution[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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