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Everything posted by Suzuhiko

  1. [COLOR=DarkGreen]I'd have to say right now I'd like to see a sequel, or even remake of Gokusen. The dorama was brilliant! Although Yankumi wasn't portrayed to be as tough as she should have been. The anime though didn't even really finish...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Most anime inspire me in some kind of way. Especially werid ones like Serial Experiments Lain, Paranoia Agent, Narutaru etc. Those kind of animes really start me thinking... I guess though the anime that first sparked my interest in this kind of thing was Card Captor Sakura. I am indeed indebted to CLAMP :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkGreen]I'd probly go on a date with Mihara Oujirou from angelic layer. [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Suzuhiko/mihara.png[/IMG] He seems like a really nice guy...and I have a strange fetish for green hair XD...[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkGreen]I'm a fan of Gravitation as I really liked the anime. Obviously I want to read the manga too, as it's the original story and is more in depth. However I've been hearing a lot of bad comments about TokyoPop's translation and I don't want to read something that takes away from the original story. If I could I'd prefer to read the raw but theres no japanese manga sold near me so I can't get it right now. I guess what I'm asking is, is the translation really that bad or is it worth getting so I can read it now? XD[/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Call Me "Masa"']Its funny bacause most of the names of the characters have meanings in Japanese[/quote] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Don't all japanese names usually have meaning? XD Your manga seems alright to start off with but I'd rather read a sample of the story than a summary. Summaries tend to all sound the same. Have you started wriitng it yet?[/COLOR]
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