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Everything posted by Bunny

  1. name:Taki Mizu (Salior Rain) age(must be atleast 12 to be a scout):16 appearance: almost black hair wiht crimson strecks and bluetips nad bangs. Bright blue eyes with golden-brown specks personality: energetic and loves to have fun sailor outfit: baby blue with white and dark blue history: only having her grandmother to raise her she grew up as all girls do but then she was walking home and saw a bunny in the road so she stopped to watch but to her suprise the bunny whos name was Blue, was there to ask for her help with a evil power. so she found out that living a double life was hard. rank of scout: leader side(either queen solaris or darkness the evil queen of darkness): queen solaris weapon: storm sword and rain cloud bio: ain't this just like the history? is that ok?
  2. Name:Rain Age:133 Race: Demon/Angel Personality: a strong hollow shell is her protection from the truth of the small child kept inside. Can be childish but when she is around ppl she doesnt know she shows her years as a cool shell of seriousness Appearance: she has almost black brown hair with crimson strecks, with blue tips and bangs. her blue bangs are down to her neck. has bright blue eyes wiht golden specks and has a fire ring around the pupil. average height and has tan skin. has three scars on each upper arm and a long scar on her right shoulder that reaches acrossed her shoulder blade. one wing is like a dragons and the other is an angel wing. Bio: being half angel and half demon has proven through her 133 years of life that both sides want her help but she is in limbo of both which side she will choose is a hard desision. is that good?
  3. [quote name='digiX']there is no spesific keyblade but I need something more spesfic like 'Oathkeeper' or "Monochorome' or whatever keyblade u want[/quote] you mean a name for it? the keybalde i mean?
  4. Name: Rain Mizu Usagi Age: 19 Power: Strength Weakness: Defence Side1: Light or Dark: Light Weapon: Keyblade Cluster: Anime Home world: I have no memory of where i ca,e from Starting World :Otaku Town Bio? I have lost most of memories mostly of where i am from and how i got to Otaku Town. I woke up in the alley way. i could not remember past the part of me running by a body of water before a bright blue light came. and thats all i remember. I seek for my past and the reason the dark creatures are after me. what i have they want i have no clue. but when i woke up i found in my had a keybalde that looked like the blade was made of water from how it shimmered and seemed to move. the blade blue and clear, the hadle a dark blue like the depths of the ocean. the thing i do know is to find out why these dark creatrures are after me and why i cant remember very much. ___________________________________________________ Is that better? or is there a certant keyblade that i have to use?
  5. [quote name='digiX']I want a few more cause ur characters bio isnt done very well so i want some better chars[/quote] then tell me what i need to change so i can make this a better character. :catgirl:
  6. [quote name='digiX']yes that is fine[/quote] thank you i'm quiet sure she would have liked to finish this but sometings came up and here we are ok. well i'll be glad to take her part,and i would like to know if you were going to start soon or are you waiting for more people? :catgirl:
  7. hi i'm sesshisgrl01's friend and she said that i could take over her role is that ok?
  8. sesshisgrl01 said that since she was banned i could take her place is that ok?
  9. wow i like this idea so are you going to start out the rpg?
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