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fan ati cal

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Everything posted by fan ati cal

  1. [size=2][color=darkorange]When I'm bored I either sit around the house and be bored or clean my room or hang out with some friends if they too are bored otherwise I take a nap or play video games and random other things, or maybe I eat something. Boredom is the hardest thing for me to get away from.[/color][/size]
  2. Usually for me when the power goes out I go outside, walk the dogs, read, maybe play some card games and all that good stuff. If it's warm I'll go swim or I'll try to go to a friends house that has power. I know I cheat.:animesmil
  3. [COLOR=Orange][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]Congratulations, now everyone thinks you are hilarious. They can't stop laughing at you, no matter what. People just hear about you and they laugh. But, the downside to this is that they can't physically stop laughing and everyone begins to die of lack of breath. Now you are all alone, and still laughing at yourself until you too die of oxygen loss. I wish school would be over already so I can go camping, again.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE] [size=1]Now, which would you prefer- Failing at what you do best [Be it sports, art, etc.], but being able to continue failing at it forever. [b]Or.[/b] Suceeding at what you do best, but then never being able to do it again.[/size][/QUOTE] [font=Fixedsys][color=darkorange]I definately would rather fail at something I do best at even if I continue to fail at it. What is the point of doing something to the best of your abilities and succeeding only to never do so again. If in the end I became famous for it, I would do so as long as it didn't harm me or kill me. yes, I know I'm a little selfish.[/color][/font] [font=Fixedsys][color=#ff8c00][/color][/font] [font=Fixedsys][color=#ff8c00]Okay, Consider this situation:[/color][/font] [font=Fixedsys][color=#ff8c00][/color][/font] [font=Fixedsys][color=#ff8c00]If you were going to die, Would you rather:[/color][/font] [font=Fixedsys][color=#ff8c00][/color][/font] [font=Fixedsys][color=#ff8c00]Know you are going to die and have to question when it will happen[/color][/font] [font=Fixedsys][color=#ff8c00][/color][/font] [font=Fixedsys][color=#ff8c00]OR[/color][/font] [font=Fixedsys][color=#ff8c00][/color][/font] [font=Fixedsys][color=#ff8c00]Not know when it will happen, like it is just sudden and unexpected?[/color][/font]
  5. [font=Fixedsys][size=2][color=darkorange]Congrats! you are now spiderman. Too bad though, because before you managed to master your skills, a group of scientists captured you and you were unable to escape. The scientists ran tests to see what made you what you are. you die after about the 20th test when they perform a live autopsy test.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Fixedsys][size=2][color=darkorange][/color][/size][/font] [font=Fixedsys][size=2][color=darkorange][/color][/size][/font] [font=Fixedsys][size=2][color=darkorange]I wish I lived out in Montana.[/color][/size][/font]
  6. [font=Garamond][size=2][color=darkorange][b]I would have to go with saving my friend even if there is a chance to die. What fun would there be to climb a mountain all by yourself. If I were to come home from a mountain climbing trip without my friend, I don't know how I would tell the news to their family and such.[/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#ff8c00][b]Woiuld you rather:[/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#ff8c00][b]A) Be on a plane that is about to blow up because of some maniac guy with a bomb,[/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#ff8c00][b]-OR-[/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#ff8c00][b]B)Have all your guts fall out on the floor in the middle of the desert...[/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#ff8c00][b]Have fun![/b][/color][/size][/font]
  7. [COLOR=Orange][SIZE=2]*clap of the hands and poof* No more work tomorrow, in fact, no more work ever 'cause your work caught on fire and burnt to the ground. Might want to consider getting a new job.. darn.. well, you live forever, but somehow your wish manage to knock the balance of life off-whack and every living thing dies. So know you are alive, forever and for all eternity all by yourself with nothing *I wish I had a box of crayons*[/SIZE][/COLOR] :animecry:
  8. [COLOR=Orange][SIZE=2]I don't know if I would call the things I have done 'evil', but I have been kinda mean before. I don't do this anymore but I had this habit of doing what ever my older sister did, I don't remember what all she did that I copied but I remember taking Daddy Long Legs and pulling off their front 2 legs and back 2 legs and watch them struggle. And then just let them suffer, not even putting them out of there misery. I've forced a beetle to go down the drain with water following it(it was actually quite amusing) and I've killed pincher bugs with some off-brand spray-stuff that makes cloth smell good(i can't remember what it is called, but i know it wasn't fabreeze) My friend and I were really cruel to her neighbor. We threw beads and stuff at one of there windows just for the heck of it at like eleven a clock at night. I admit I feel bad about that, really bad about that cause they were trying to sleep and stuff. One time we also almost broke a window, that her brother broke before, while playing soccer. That one I don't feel bad about because I didn't kick the ball, plus they called the cops just 'cause the ball hit the house, it didn't even damage anything. I have also been called 'abusive' by my friends 'cause occasionally I will smack them if they are mean or something. That is really all I can recall...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Orange][SIZE=2]Congrats, humanity rules the stars. But what humanity doesn't know is that these 'stars' are actually gods that are trying to protect the universe from other worldly invaders. And because they are now being ruled by humanity, very poorly I might add, they are not requested or ordered to save the earth from total destruction and ruling from someone else. Worst of all, before the earth is destroyed, all of man-kind is brought into a space-ship and then incinerated because the are inadequete. Good-bye humanity I wish money grew on trees...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Orange][SIZE=2] I hate going without anime. It isn't really that hard but when you go somewhere for a week and expect to watch all the shows you meant to record when you get back, it isn't that great anymore when the timing is off :animeswea ...he he... I was sorely depressed, but I was lucky 'cause soon after that reruns came on for some of the shows I missed. But this summer is going to make me even more sad, when you go on a two week trip and you know you are going to miss shows you really want to watch, it is kind of a bummed-out trip. But I should survive. Especially if I catch up on some drawing I haven't done in forever.*except for in math class :rolleyes: *[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Orange][SIZE=2]They need to continue Rorouni Kenshin, not necessarily make a sequel but I know there is alot more to where they cut off and stopped showing, especially on adult swim. They also should have a sequel for Trigun and FMA. I loved those shows and now they are just done and it would be interesting to see where they end up.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Orange][SIZE=2]I love anime and all but what bothers me about it is narrators. They always start out "Last time on..." what ever show it is and they give you a recap that last forever that you never really want to listen to again. And they always end up in some guys voice that just gets annoying really easily.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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