[font="Fixedsys"][b]> profit[/b]
[center]Yes, your return was foretold by a PROPHET. Jeez, if this were ANIMAL CROSSING, you'd be BURNED AT THE STAKE.[/center]
[b]> climb stairs[/b]
[center]You re-ascend the GRAND STAIRCASE and are confronted once again by the HEAVYSET UNDERLING. I totally forgot to mention that you leveled up when you killed that guy earlier, and your OUTCAST CHARISMA stat has accordingly increased just enough so that you can finally still not be able to convince him to let you pass. That VELVET ROPE ain't going anywhere unless you dig up some stat buffs fast.[/center]
[b]> check door for traps[/b]
[center]Nope, this dude is definitely a dude.[/center]
[b]> examine ground[/b]
[center]You have discovered a pair of IMPRACTICALLY DENSE SPECS.[/center]
[b]> equip specs, shirt, and jeans[/b]
[center]You equip the IMPRACTICALLY DENSE SPECS, the REBELLIOUSLY CONFORMIST T-SHIRT, and the BLEACHED JEANS OF CHAFING. Your OUTCAST CHARISMA skyrockets to a whopping value of LLAMA. That's like, six levels above DUCK. This'll probably leave that HEAVYSET UNDERLING reeling in awe of your UNDERGROUND FLAIR.[/center]
[b]> talk to heavyset underling[/b]
[center]The HEAVYSET UNDERLING inquires as to why you undressed and changed your clothing six feet in front of him. You respond that it's an ABSTRACT ART FORM that he's PROBABLY NEVER HEARD OF. He responds that it just seems KIND OF RUDE. You reply that you have no time for his MAINSTREAM LAMENESS. He promptly removes the VELVET ROPE and allows you access through the LARGE DOOR, presumably because he's sick of your crap.[/center]
[b]> open doors[/b]
[center]You open the door and find yourself face to face with SIR ARCHIBALD KING, Duke of the FIEFDOM OF UNPLEASANT THINGS. He greets you with his most SINISTER CHORTLE and proceeds to inform you that he has been expecting you. He adds that while he already rules his realm with an iron fist, he thinks it would be TOTALLY AWESOME if the whole world were under his thumb. Therefore, he plans to make all the world leaders sign control of their countries over to him using his HAMSTER-POWERED BRAINWASH-INATOR. Very soon, it will activate and send all of the planet into a state of....
Oh dammit, he's monologuing again. What an idiot.[/center]
[b]> berate evil monologue[/b]
[center]The Duke is offended. In a fit of rage, he moves in to strike, leaving you only seconds to react. You leap away from the initial blow and ready yourself for another[/center]
[center][b]CONFLICT ENCOUNTER[/b][/center]
[b]INPUT COMMAND:[/b]_[/font]