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About KawaiiNekoboy

  • Birthday 12/28/1988

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    Playing videogames, watching Anime, reading mangas, hangingout with my friends, and I love to listen to music especially anime music and japanese music. My BFF is Derrick T. YOU ROCK!!!:) And yes I am gay
  • Occupation
    High School Student

KawaiiNekoboy's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Ok I'm sorry, but I just want some feedback on my fanfic.
  2. Anyone want to read my Fanfic Neko Love? It has some Yaoi it it. (Yaoi as in Hugging and kissing only) I'm done with Chap3 but if anyone wants to read it I will post it.
  3. Thanks :D I will take that into coniteration. But Thanks
  4. Theme: NekoBoys/Girls, Demons, Magic, Humans Plot: Nami is your normal NekoGirl that has lost everything. Her parents were killed by the demon tribe ChiTenji. (BloodMagic) So for almost a year Nami thinks that no one cares about her. Thats until Taki comes into Nami's life. Taki is a demon Kitty, but she is one of the few nice demons. And Nami also learns a secrete of her family/past, and why her family was killed. So now she wants to get revenge on her parents. Will Nami and Taki kill the ChiTenji tribe, or will they get killed in the process? How does that sound. If anyone wants to help they can.
  5. [IMG]http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/7663/bakurafanart9ex.jpg[/IMG] How did I do? I mest up on the face so the hair is covering his one eye. :)
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