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Everything posted by DeGHead

  1. DeGHead

    My Work

    First off, some of the pictures didn't work for me. Not sure why.. they just didn't. I'm wondering, what do you use to color your drawings? And also do you draw from pictures, or are they all your own designs. Excluding the Miyavi picture, which is a great likeness to him. The only thing I can see that bothers me is the one drawing of the girl in black and white. I'm not sure if it's just the angle, or just my eyes, but it seems as if her face is slightly crooked. I think it's the nose placement. I think it should be a little further right. Other than that they all look really good. The way you color is fantastic, not too bold yet bold enough to give detail, and not too soft to make it look blurry. The Broken Record is my favorite. You get a five.
  2. [QUOTE=Delta] [URL=http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/5002/dt5hz.jpg][IMG]http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/5002/dt5hz.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/QUOTE] I love your choice of music so much. hide was amazing R.I.P. My background is my girlfriend, with a sign she made me.
  3. It's for my friends skateboarding company t-shirt.
  4. Hey, I need a pen and ink drawing of a deep sea diver [IMG]http://www.deepecology1.com/e_store_images/DeepDiverStatue.gif[/IMG] Not exactly like this one, but the general suit and everything. Anyway, I would like him underwater, with a few fish and bubbles around, with the words "Solace Is Not Dead" somewhere noticable. Thanks so much if you can help.
  5. These are really good. I've just started airbrush, so I know just how freakin difficult it is. My favorites are Sven Vollfied and the last one.
  6. [B]Sakurasuka:[/B] I REALLY like this one, and oh god am I glad you had a change in handicaps. The first thing I really like about this is how you have the general picture soft and simple, but then the circular splatters are there to add a little something extra. The only thing I see that I even somewhat don't like, is the fact that yes, orange and pink DON'T mix... ewww... [B]Ezekiel:[/B] Your piece is really interesting, and I had a little fun trying to read the words on the right side, but overall it just looks too messy. I think there are so many different things and colors going on, that it's a little too much. Now this could just be my "amateur eyes", but it's what I think. [B]Sakurasuka[/B] gets my vote.
  7. Wow. I also can't draw without a pictured to draw from, and this has discouraged me many a time. You're very good though, very clean. At points I feel as if copying take no talent, but I've found that alot of people can't do it. Whenever I try to make something original it always comes out totally different than what I had in mind, this is also very discouraging. But as they said here, I guess it just takes practice, and getting used to different styles and such. I think I'm gonna go try to draw something of my own.
  8. Just wondering, what happnes in the event of a tie?
  9. [B]Sakurasuka:[/B] I really really like this piece, so far my favorite of this round. I [B]love[/B] the retro feel, and the vectoring worked really well. Though the "Sad" inside the circle looks a little off center (though this could be because the S is capitolized). The circles are just... awesome, they totally make the piece. I envy your creativeness. [B]r2vq:[/B] I like the idea of the bookmark, very creative. and I'm to be reading Ender's Game soon, but it just seems kind of... boring? No offense of course, but the plain old text just doesn't draw my attention. [B]Sakurasuka[/B] gets my vote.
  10. [B]Ezekiel:[/B] You're piece is great, I love the picture, though it almost doesn't seem to work with the text. The background is great cause it's simple yet not boring, and busy but not annoyingly so. I think you could have done better with the text, but taking into account the handicaps, you did very well. [B]Katana:[/B] I liked your piece, but it was waay too much. It took me several minutes to figure out what it was. Though I do like how the font fits in, it's simple, with all this craziness around it. I just think given less excruciating handicaps you could have done much better. Oh yeah, I vote for [B]Ezekiel[/B]
  11. I suppose I'll try the Swordsman. Forget it, I suck too much, someone else can have it... sorry.
  12. Amazing work. I can definitly see you going somewhere. You should come up with a manga or something. I love his hair color! One thing though, the was his nose connects with his mouth doesn't seem right. It looks almost like a profile view of the nose, but an angled view of the face. Otherwise, amazing.
  13. Thanks for all the help! I was a moron and saved the projects to where I can't edit them, so I'll use your info for future projects. Thanks again!
  14. I MUST have this game. Does anyone know the system requirements for PC?
  15. I just finished making these. I'm fairly happy with the first, please let me know what you think.
  16. I really like both pieces. Ezekial's is a little more original, though it almost looks to have been done in MSpaint. It's very simple, yet still has alot going on. I also like how the blue fades darker. Though I don't really like how the text is placed. Sara's is great, Thing 1 and 2 were always my favortie Seuss characters. But it's kinda just looks like the cover of a Seuss book, and not very different or special. and the layer of white makes it look a little too faded. My vote goes to Ezekial.
  17. Well I've added an outer glow, slight inner glow, and also a slight pillow emboss, and I think I've succeeded in making the text stick out more, but I've also made it harder to read... This stuff is gonna take some practice. Thanks for the help though.
  18. Yeah, I was wondering how to do that actually, it blended in a little too much. My dad's a photoshop wiz, so he's been showing me a few tricks.
  19. Sakurasuka's picture is fantastic in my opinion. I love how the font looks glowing and I think if it were more elaborate it would take away from the beauty of the girl. I also love the texture you added, without it, the picture would look bland, and how the smaller words fade in and out of the black. I also really like Kune's. I love that shade of blue, and I've always loved the color replacement thing. But the little words all around and the random grey streaks just don't appeal to me. It just seems a little too random. I'm voting for Sakurasuka.
  20. Your work is amazing. This new colored girl is better than I could have ever done. Reffering to the "Unfinished Kiss", It's awesome. The hair is beautifully detailed and the faces are very well proportioned. You're good at profiles. The guy's nose looks a little too pointy and his ear a little large, though. and the second background does match better. With the colored girl, I really like the facial structure, I've always loved that certain face shape. and are those light rays photoshopped, or are you just awesome? I do think the hair looks a little too "chunky". I know that's a style used alot, but it was never my thing. For a quick sketch, though, it's just great.
  21. Thanks! I noticed the pixelation right before you posted, thanks for the tip. By "the drop shadow for the text doesn't match the image at all." What exactly is meant? Is it just because I had the two "shadows" in different places?
  22. I'm new here, so if I do anything wrong... sorry? Anyway I found a couple pictures of my favorite bassist (Toshiya of Dir en Grey) and did my first real photoshop attempts. I would really like some constructive crit if possible. Thanks!
  23. "That was one crazy party last nigh--- wait?!, why am I in the woods?!"
  24. As a bassist myself, I have a huge appreciation for good bassists. So... for mainstream stuff? Dir en Grey - Cage Non-Mainstream? Brady Muckleroy - Opener In C
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