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Everything posted by Obesepanda
[Center][IMG]http://i4.tinypic.com/10qh2zd.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][b] Information is taken from [URL=http://www.ign.com/]IGN.com[/URL][/b][/center] [center]----------------------------------------------------[/center] [b]Gears Of War[/b] [b]Developer[/b]: Epic Games [b]Publisher[/b]: Microsoft [b]Release Date[/b]: TBA 2006 [center][b]Links to the video section of IGN.com for a better look of Gears of War can be found below[/b][/center] [center][url]http://media.xbox360.ign.com/media/747/747891/vids_1.html[/url][/center] [center]--------------------------------------------------[/center] [center][b]My Thoughts[/b][/center] This Game is looking absolutely fantastic, the game will be running on the Unreal Engine 3 and looking through some of the images through out the game i have to admit they are looking very beautiful, The game itself takes place in a Post-apocalyptic world as it seems and you play the main character named Marcus Fenix a former prisoner On the planet Sera, The human forces are fighting a entity named the Locust Horde. A nightmarish race of creatures that surface from the bowels of the planet. The human cult is named "The Coalition of Ordered Governments" While the Locust are giant ogre-like creatures and flying menaces known as Kryll bats. Though as the previous Column said the game had minor frame rate issues how can you be angry? Game consoles are running very good looking games and are bound to have problems some-times, I for one would love lagging or not to get a quick session in on this magnificent looking game. Though the different mulyiplayer games don't sound much different from what we could expect from the next sequel of the Halo franchise it does sound quite nice, This game is shaping up to a very promising game and maybe take a step to edging in the place of halo, if the development team plays their cards right.
Nothing gets deleted, after you finish you can roam around the pokemon universe with uber strong pokemon creaming littles kids. Have fun.
I was suprised they went that way with the series, Messing with game mechanics can spell disaster especially with a game like mario, alot of people like the whole 2d side scrolling image of the game im sure no one will bicker to much but you never know.
Im buying the game, it's fairly innovative if you read through the news section of diffrent game sites i suggest Ign.com There you can watch the trailers about it and what not but the game looks amazing from just what the water looks like and to the blood from your victims, Plus you can chew legs off and heads, really anything you want. And adding to the realism if other sea creatures smell the blood they will come running towards it, I mean the game is looking very impressive and for thirty bucks im not complaining, I suggest buying the game but i can tell you alittle more when i buy the game, or rent since im sorta broke at the moment.
Right, I was talking about the character models Next time i'll be more clear.
Oh, and taking a guess the roleplay is from the game Dead rising coming soon for the xbox 360. Dead Rising follows the harrowing tale of Frank West, an overly zealous freelance photojournalist on a hunt for the scoop of a lifetime. In pursuit of a juicy lead, he makes his way to a small suburban town only to find that it has become overrun by zombies. He escapes to the local shopping mall, thinking it will be a bastion of safety but it turns out to be anything but. It will be a true struggle to survive the endless stream of undead, but players will have full reign of a realistic shopping center, utilizing anything they find to fight off the flesh-hungry mob and search for the truth behind the horrendous epidemic. The variety of different stores in the mall offers players an endless supply of resources including vehicles, makeshift weapons and more. Players will also encounter other survivors along the way and by helping them can acquire valuable clues as to what has happened. Am i right?
EDIT: I thought this post was for the super smash bros. brawl. I've seen the commercials for it being 3D and such makes the game look slightly more fun then its previous versions, unfortunately i don't own an nintendo DS but i would like to try it out.
[b][center]::Character Sheet::[/center][/b] Name: Samantha johnson Age: 18 Sex: Female Organization Student at Everlasting High Appearance: [url]http://i4.tinypic.com/10ok9ip.jpg[/url] Bio: ((Winging it as you put it.)) Sorry it's so short.
I for one don't care very much, The titles are small and i don't read them much if the mods feel as though the new members need to be made to "Deserve" the titles i have no objections, So i agree with whatever they do because i don't quite care.
I wouldnt mind the idea, For one people don't always wanna post these long informative posts like most moderators want them to do, I know it sorta gets old in my mind Now i like making the long posts sometimes and i know they are trying to keep out the Spammers and what not but there are days i would just like to make a "Lousy" post and not worry about my repercussions for it.
Shoot Where do i start? [B]Saiyuki-[/B] The whole cast is pretty retarted in my eyes, and from the first couple episodes they all like they can destroy everything and barley have a hard time, Like destroying a huge spider that's trying to eat them and they make quick work of it in... Two minutes NOT estimated time. Plus the characters are just weird one of the main characters Hair looks like it's gonna fall off when he starts using magic, So you know it's a total wig. Another thing is the little dragon that can turn into a jeep, I found that unbelievably cheap, and Goku is straight from Dragon ball z, With the whole hunger and being sorta obnoxious and then in the heat of battle becoming like Uber serious and capable of destorying the planet. I just find the whole thing stupid and never in my life will i ever watch another episode and i hope it dies.
Name: Matthew Johnson Age: 34 Gender: Male Appearance:[img]http://i4.tinypic.com/10nc9kw.jpg[/img] Personality: Matthew is easy to get along with usually, rare times when he is angered with anything or anyone when angry he tends to push the limits alittle to far known to have a slight anger issue which is why he tends to try and stay "Happy" a good portion of the time. Information: Originally matthew had lived in North california in the united states where he spent a good portion of his child hood and teenage life, Through his life he had always had an adventurous quality about him, Along with his love of nature and Science. Through his life he started becoming heavily intrigued with both subjects and majored in Science through Harvard University, His job took him across the globe to many diffrent countrys it was simply amazing the things they had found. Areas from africa to Costa rica, everything was wonderfull still to the day he has filled his life with amazing sights and information for the world to use and study upon.
I was wondering if i could get a banner, Im looking to get a Photo Manip of The following picture. [url]http://i4.tinypic.com/10nb8kh.jpg[/url] The size doesn't matter, but if you need a specific size, the alittle smaller height-wise of my current sig and alittle longer width wise. Thanks again- Obesepanda
Where is the Full metal alchemist people? Also naruto.
Matthew looked up at tim "Yeah, we won the fucking lottery buddy!" obviously being sarcastic the envelope had a cassette concealed inside "Just like the letter said.." he grabbed the envelope and grabbed the small cassette "We have to look for the cassette player.." he rose to his feet and started looking through the room. Along the room seven trash bags had been placed the stink was almost unbearable the blood streaks ending alongside the large black bags matthew walked over to the bags almost vomiting from the smell "Jesus what the fuck is that?" he held his nose and started opening one of the large sacks as soon as the bag was opened human remains fell from the overly stuffed bags. "Oh my god!" matthew jumped back from the site
Matthew noticed the envelope at the door "Give it to me, I don't trust you" he walked quickly to the door before Dennis could grab the letter, "No offence" he kneeled down and grabbed the white envelope that had been stapled shut. [I]"Hmm, i wonder what could be in here"[/I] he thought to himself he came to his feet and walked into a corner of the room sitting on the wood flooring and ripped the envelope open grabbing the tan paper inside, his eyes scanning through the lines of the paper reading the letter mumbles coming from under his breath "Jesus" the letter escaped from his hands "Jesus christ" his fingers masking his face slowly rocking back and forth. "Jesus" he kept saying over and over.
[size=1]"Matthew scanned the room and started walking around "What the fuck is going on?" the windows had been bared matthew clenched his hands around the cold steel watching acouple people walk past and countless cars pass the old building. "Jesus" he looked away from the window and looked at the two men talking among themselves "How did you guy's get here?, you fucking put me here didn't you!" he clenched his hand into a fist "Tell me some goddamn answers!" [/size]
[center][IMG]http://i4.tinypic.com/10fc28k.jpg[/IMG][/center] [size=1] Matthew started to awake his head thumping opening his eyes and trying to focus his vision around the room, His vision blurry somewhat coming into focus [I]"Where am i?"[/I] he thought to himself as he tryed to get to his feet falling back almost instantaneously "Where am i?" he spoke his voice raspy. The surroundings were bare, what used to be a house was turned into a old death area it seemed, Blood was smeared onto the ground dryed of course, [I]"What the hell"[/I] still trying to find out where he was, his vison started to clear and he noticed another set of people. He came to his feet and held himself up on the wall finally gaining enough momentum to stand on his own. [/size]
You've made it back in time, All the way back to the Jurassic period and you can't come back! you get eaten by a T-rex. I wish i was in the matrix
EDIT: Congratz Pokemon are real, They kill everyone and rule the world. I wish i was Kite from .hack
[center][b]Welcome to The horror house[/b][/center] [center][Size=1]Story Introduction[/size][/center] [size=1]"Jigsaw" a notorious serial killer known to hold hostages in "ungodly" as some people would state situations, over the past three years the cops have been investigating heavily into the jigsaw case looking for clues, hair,Dna. reasons, anything they could find but nothing would be found for the next couple months untill through a major case they found a dilapidated Crack house, What was left was Vile and nerve racking nothing could describe the carnage that had been released inside. They could only wonder... What had happened.[/size] [size=1]This roleplay is based upon the SAW series. Profile's Name: Age: Crime in the past ((You don't Need one but it helps)): History: Personality: apperance: Sex: Im only gonna accept six people to join anymore would crowd the house and slightly less fun, I would like to see a mix of people Female to male and diffrent age's remember anything is allowed pretty much so don't be affraid to have fun. My profile Name: Matthew Johnson Age: 17 Crime in the past ((You don't Need one but it helps)):Achohlism History: Not much of a social person matthew was tortured through school for being diffrent from the other kids, he had always been depressed his life has been rough His mother had died about three years ago in a car wreck. And his father had started drinking and breaking down. He and his sister remain the only sane people in the Jonhson houshold, matthew does tend to hang-out with the wrong "Crew" as his sister had put it and he has taken alot of drugs and had been quite stoned before, He has been in juvenile prison about four times his father leaving him to rot most of the time, His life is really going straight down the gutter. Personality: depressed most of the time but has quite a temper, he is nice but on rare occasions. apperance:He is about 5'6 in stature and wears a white long sleeved undershirt and a black "Linkin park" overshirt, Blue raggedy jeans and White converse. He has brown shaggy hair and bright blue eyes. Sex:Male available spots: one[/size]
Sounds interesting enough, i would definitely join im looking for a good Survival horror rp Hence my horror house topic.
Congratz You are now the Smartest monkey, unfortunately now that you are president of the united states an assassination has been in the works slowly through the day whilst you sit in you'r comfy chair and plan out the next means of attack you start to smell a tart sent in the air it's Poison Gas it slowly soaks into you'r skin and kill's you. I wish i was Invincible.
"Hope is a waking dream"-Aristotle "Have no fear of perfection, You will never reach it"-Dali Both great quotes if i do say so myself.
Congratz You are now Alucard, unfortunately all the blood in the world has vanished without the nutrient's you slowly wither away losing your god like powers and you slowly and painfully start to die. I wish i was a monkey