Anime Dreamer00
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Everything posted by Anime Dreamer00
Name: Drou Miazakia Age: 17 Appearance: Black mesh shirt with blue shorts.Blue grey eyes,blonde hair.Tan sandals.Sword on his left hip,back & right leg. Personality: Very nice & on the Angels side.He had set down his swords until god was killed & now he takes them up to keep Baal form raining surpeme.Once he gets to battle,He is cold to his enemys But conre ced about his friends. Weapons: Drou has three swords, Kunai & Trowing stars.One sword is a katana,one is a socthish claymore & the last is one ythat is manly used for stabing people with. Magic: Gale Torando: Drou spins his sword very fast & can create a green tornado with it,mainly with a sword in the middle of it.
Anime Your 5 Absolute Favorite Anime
Anime Dreamer00 replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Otaku Central
My top five anime are as ranked: 1.BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo: A very funny anime thgat makes you think "WTF?!?!?!?!?" & bust open a gut at the same time. 2. Naruto: Fights are cool,love the story but they didn't let Zabuza live long enough. 3. Yu-gi-oh GX: this is my kind of school.fun & Dueli ng.Now if only it had a ramen shop....;) 4.Yu Yu Hakaso: Good story & fights but needs something more. 5. FLCL: WEhen i first wacthed it i was thing WTF?It's per verted but that adds to the funnyness. -
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Anime Dreamer00 replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
((I'm sorry I've been gone but i had no internet for a long timeyou guys can finsh it because i come back in I'll just mess it up.)) -
Drou's amarm went off & he climbed out of bed."Another day,Another dollar."Drou went into the shower & turned it & the radio on.Drou stepped in & washed his body & his hair.He got out & got dressed.He went over to the computer & checked his email.As he read this one email all he could say was"Hell yeah."He walked to his car & pulled out form his place.He drove to Nintendo for he tested their new video games."Good morning Drou!"A guy walked passed."Hey Harry!"Drou walked over to his little area & turned on his revaltion & started to play a game that was on his desk Super smash Bro's Takedown."Whats a fun game only a few glicths here & there."Drou turned his report in & walked out for the day & drove home but when he got there there was a starnge car in the drive way."Drou i preseme?"A guy asked."Yes who are you?"I was sent here to come & get you."Drou thought about what the Email had said."Ah yes then on my way to get packed."
Drou held the back of his neck where the dart was at. Drou: Tifa!!! Drou pulled out his collphable sword & filcked it all the way out.Drou ran at Mayhony.HNe jumped in the air & came down trying to cut at her back but Mayhnoy let Tifa go & blocked with one sycthe & blocked the othger sword with her other sycthe.Drou moved his righte foot in a effort to kick Mayhony but she blocked that as well.Drou moved his head & hit Mayhony in the head breaking the blocked attacks. Mayhony: So your not just all hack & slash. Drou: Thats right..... Drou fell down due to the pain in his body.
"My move."Gale drew a card"I summon Sonic Duck In attack mode!" Sonic Duck Wind Atk/1900 Def/ 700 "Go attack Orion With Sonic Quack!!"
"Alright but your feild spell won't last long.My move."Gale drew a card."Alright first off i summon to the feild Sonic Shooter in attack mode!!" Sonic Shooter Wind Atk/1300 Def/ 600 "Then i reval my fac e down!!Icarus Attack!By sending my Harpie's gilr to the grave i can destory two cards on your feild!So say good bye to your night sky & your face down.Now attack her dicertly with sonic pound!!Oh & when you have nlow spells or traps on your feild then Sonic Shooter can attack you even if you have monters on the feild!"
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Anime Dreamer00 replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Jounin: Alright you guys don't get to carzy now.Your next test is to make atleast on wound on me but it can't be a deadly wound though.First up Drou Miazakia. Drou walked up & made his hand sign & made the grass rise above the jounins head. Jounin:[i]Hmmm if i'm right his grass is like sword blades.[/i] Drou made the sign again & Ina way that the jounin could see He hit the jouninwith the tree but ever so softly. Jounin:Alright next uo is Aeris Hamachi. Aeris steped up & made the three hand signs for her jutsu.She opened hrer canteen of water & formed it like tiny ice needles & moved each of them torward the jouini he blocked the all but he did see a ice needle come around & graze him in the back. -
"I'll go first then." Gale drew five cards then another for the start of his turn. "I set down three dards face down & Summon Sonic Shooter In attack mode! Sonic Shooter Wind Atk/1300 Def/ 600 "Alright go."
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Anime Dreamer00 replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Aeris: Drou...Can you cut that out...Your eyes get creppy after abit of them looking green. Drou: Sorry Aeris...If i stop this & i start it again...I waste my chakra & i can't do that just yet. Aeris: Fine.[i]I jujst hope that nothing bad happens....[/i] Drou kept an eye of all that came though looking through the trees like it was clear. -
Drou: I'm going to get everything i have on this subject. Kredion: Alright.That might help. Drou ran up the steps & into his room & picked up some drawing of his dreams & grabed some books about lengends & stars & went back down the stairs But fell & all the papers & books went in the air & most of them landed on Drou but a paper that had a man holding a sword that looked like a sword he drew this morning.
"Hmmm...Why don't you duel me?I know how to rate a deck but I've never donje that.I always duel for fun."Gale shuffled his deck & put it back in the duel disk."I didn't even get to summuon my best card.
Drou: What ever.I'll try my plan anyway...but if I need to fight I'll go like this. Drou pulled off the black robe & put it on the ground.In stead of the normal thing drou wore he had on a mesh shirt & the mesh on it wasn't tiny at all they where about mediuem size holes but everyone saw what was on Drou's back,Scars all on his back. Tifa: Drou,Your back. Vahn: He's been tortored..& badly.... Dawn: But by what?? Ronyo: By a whip & many times too. Drou: Lets get this over with Mayhony.I'll make sure you understand everything about me. Mayhony: Oh yeah?I think i need to put some sense in that think skull of yours. Drou: Go ahead.Theres more to me then what even you know!!![i]I just hope i don't go crazy & lose contorl of myself during the fight.[/i]
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Anime Dreamer00 replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Jounin: Alright i'll call your name to begin.First up Drou Miazakia.[i]Lets see how good this kid is now.[/i] Drou made a hand sign & Closed his eyes.The hand sign was his right hand pointing forward & his left hand pointing right with his fingers inbetween them.He opened his eyes & tghey where green. Aeris: [i]He's already used it...[/i] [i]Drou ran thoughr the forest hitting the marks & he even found the scrool & made it to the clearing in six minutes[/i]. Jounin: Next up is Aeris Hamachi. Aeris started her way down & hgit the marks & some of them where well hidden but she got them all & made it to the clearing in eight minutes. -
Drou: I've read that!!But i jujst thought it was a bad joke... Kredion: Well it's not. Leona: This is abit weird.. Drou leaned on the freezer holding his head. Drou: I see...I see..Somebody holding a...Sword that I just drew this morning. Kredion: So your feeling it very strongly. Leona: You draw swords??
Drou: You think it may be mindless Hacking & Slashing but It gets to see if she smart enough not to fall for it.We just need to keep her on her toes & then hope she messes up & we can get her or....I use these thunder balls. Ronyo: Thunder balls?Aren't those the kind that you trow one in one way & you torw the other away form the first & timakes a shock?? Drou: Yup!In a stagart line to so if I can trow one in each conor We each stand in one area & we try to get her to shock her self but we need two ranged & two hand to hand for it to really work... Vahn: For once you came up with a smart idea! Tifa: I think that might work. Dawn: I agree but we try Vahns idea first. Drou: What ever floats your boat.
"Thanks but I can never beat my brother though...He always kills me before i can get going..His water deck is something else." Gale thought back when he last dueled his brother. Drou: Go Ocean Dragon Lord Neo-Deadluis,Total Oblivion!! A huge two headed monster let lose a huge wave that killed everything on the fleid & in their hands expect for Dragon Lord. Gale: Damn! Drou: Go Twin tusamia!!! Gale: I lost again... Drou: You jnust have to learn how to play fast & make the most out of what cards you have at the time.I wonder...What would you have drew next? Drou pulled the top card off of Gales deck. Drou: Holy hell...If i would have wait you would have drawn Harpie's pet baby ragon & with your face down...Bye bye Ocean Dragon Lord..
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Anime Dreamer00 replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Drou: Wonderful.Just what I need... Aeris was sitting where she normaly sat & livened up when Drou got to class. Aeris: Let me guess,The KIA stone? Drou: Yup.Gramps asked me to place something there before I came here.Whats worse is he told me not a become my brother Gale...Like that would happen in a million years. Aeris: Drou.He's just making sure you don't go evil.[i]Just like I do Drou.[/i] Drou: I know Aeris but...Why would i become Gale When it was his group that killed Mom & Dad... -
Drou saw the supernova & his body froze but luckly for him he was still on the water just right so he didn't go under.After he regained his movement he climed out,dryed off & put his normal clothes on & went out side."Hey Kredion!Whats going the hell on???I felt empty just now inside."Drou's hair was still abit wet & his dragon pendent was hanging out of his shirt.
Drou: Of course,Now it's so simple... Drou pulled his back pouch around his hip to his front & checked to see what he had left.[i]Hmmm....four kanai,Whit ball,red balls,yellow balls,& Ahh!!I still have my collipasable sword in here,PERFECT!![/i] Drou: Tifa,I think that we need to wacth out for Mayhony...Even though I'm not afarid of her....Far form it....Anyway,Even if we all did a two weapons on us....We can't beat her...We need a plan....& I think I've got one. Tifa: Really?I just hope it works. Vahn: We should never let Drou think though... Drou: Vahn..In you shape you will not be of that much use.I rather not hasve tio try to make sure your okay & focus on mayhony as well. Dawn: I need quiet you guys.
"Thanks for a great duel!"Gale put his cards back up in its deck holder.TRhe duel disk went back in it's normal spot & Drou wacthed the other two duel."They both look like they have pretty good decks but i know someon whgo could easyly beat them but he's a pro now."Galer was talking about the water duelist Drou Mizakia,his older brother.
Sign Up Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-VL,Possible S)
Anime Dreamer00 replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Name: Aeris Hamachi Age: 13 Jutsu:Carobeza no jutsu(allows her to take water & form it into ice & use it as a spear,sword,etc) Gender: Female Bio: She grfew up with Drou & even helped him through the death of his parnets.She has always beem there for Drou but she also trains to keep up with Drou. Personitay: Very kind haerted & out going.Will do anything to help her friends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OCC:This is one of my other charaters & the board is up!!So come in & post! -
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Anime Dreamer00 posted a topic in Theater
The morning ofthe day Drou would get his team was at hand.He hopped out of bed & get dressed & tied his head band on his right arm & walked into the kithcen."Morning Grandpa!"Drou made a some breakfeast & sat at the table."Ah Drou.You get your teams today aren't you?"The old man smiled."Yup!!I can't wait!I hear That Naruto is gioing to be teaching."Drou eat quickly & stood up"Yeah well...Just try not to be like Gale.& take this by the KIA stone would ya?."The old man set a buch of flowers that had the names of his mom & dad on the card."Alright gramps."Drou grabed the flowers & left the house & made his way over to the KIA stone & set the flowers on it."Hey mom hey dad,wish me luck okay?"Drou turned & ran off to the ninja academy & took his place."Your late Miazakia!!"One kid said with a sneer in his voice."So what.I had to stop by some where."Drou said his voice hiding a tone of sadness. -
Drou: I have though what you may call a power..it come's form living in a forest like this to stay safe so i've learbned to haer how the plants 'talk'. Drou closed his eyes & listened very closey. Drou: Follow the very path I say or you will get hit by a trap. Vahn: This is something i couldn't see or guess this about you. Dawn: That is very neat. Tifa: Even my eyes can see only a few of these traps but I guess the plants know best. Drou started to Guide Ronyo out of danger in a werid line & everyone followed his exact steps untill Dawn misstepped & a arrow shot out at her head.Drou quickly jumped infornt of Dawn & Took the hit for Dawn Dawn: Thanks Drou. Drou: No problem. Drou wionced in pain & pulled out the arrow form his arm & put a stirp of coth over it.
Drou changed into a swim suit & walked out side to the pool.Even though this boy wore eyeglasses,he still had a six pack & some form of bicips.He jumped in the pool & started swiming around the pool & didn't stop swimming even after he was getting tired.'This is getting fun,,in away.'Drou stopped & floated on the surface.