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Anime Dreamer00

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Everything posted by Anime Dreamer00

  1. Up at the highest spot where the wind was more powerful & yet calming at the same time,sat a guy with blonde hair. "Excuse me young sir." "What do you want?" "You are one of the young gifted teenagers we want at our school." "Why do you want me?" "There's going to be a war against the humans.Are you in?" "Yeah." "Your name?" "Drou Miazakia." "Your real name." Drou formed a tiny tornado in his hand. "Gale." "Now all you have to do is meet up with the others like you tomorrow at the sub way station."The man in the blue suit turned & made his way down.
  2. Drou walked around making sure everyone was having a great time then he went out back to just sit & think for a while.'I wonder if I did everything right....'Drou walked over vto the pool & made sure the settings where right.'alright thats done....what else...i'll draw inside in my room.Drfou walked back inside & talked to a few of them & then he walked into his room & sat down at his desk which had alot of papers on it but they all where swords.Most of the time new sword ideas came ofrm his dreams oddly.This one had a swicth on it that could change the edge form noraml to ripper style egde which rips the wound worse the when it went in."This is my gbest one yet."He said as he put the papers into styles of the swords.
  3. Drou woke up around five in the morning tgo get his place ready for the party setting out the food & everything.He had a room for movies,Video games,& even a pool out back.He rushed around & made his final checks."Alright!Everythings ready to go."Drou didn't know when anybody would start to show uop so he walked into his room & turned on his own personal computer to check his mail & everything."I hope nothing werid happens."He said to himself.He got up & made sure his room was alright & sat down in the living room.His pranets had gone to work early so him & his friends could have some peace.
  4. [size=1][color=#2f4f4f]Name: Gale Miazakia Age: 20 Sex: male Location: Houston,Texas,USA Appearance: Blonde hair,Blue grey eyes,Black muscle shirt blue jeans & cowboy boots Personality: Very out going & fun to be around but works hard for his goals. Bio: In his whole life he has played by the rules but there has been times where he hasn't followed rules because he thought they where not right in his opion but where he's going..his opion won't matter. Greatest Desire: The hottest girl on the plant Greatest Fear: death[/color][/size]
  5. OOC:Thats fine but if need be i'll play three genin to atleast make one squad.
  6. name: Drou Miazakia age: 13 jutsu: Bakoshino no jutsu(Allows him to use plants.) bio: His borther left on a mission when he was 3 but he swore to train so one day he could give his brother a good fight.He's hread all about Naruto & even looks up to him . personatiy: Vedry outgoing & very hard headed as well.But once he sets his goals,he doesn't back down.He would fight to the death if he had to. looks: Very messy blonde hair.Blue jacket with mesh shirt underneth,blue shorts & sandals.On his right arm is his leaf handband & on his left arm was the thing that helpped him do his jutsu.It was put on at birth & grew with the ninja.It was a rare plant crytsal & only the members of the Miazakia clan had it.
  7. I Don't know who I look like but I know I act like Naruto alot & I have stuipd yet funny moments like Bo-Bobo as well.
  8. Deep in the woods in a well hidden place there was three guys."To bring him back we need the blood of the one who killed him & the one he was after."The short one said."Yes but we can do that easy if they have a Genin squad with them."The tallest of them said."Luckily my little bro will be a Genin this year form my sneaking around Kohona,So we can get their blood easy."The green haired one said"Ah,But we must act now!!"The short one said jumping up & down."Alright...I'll handle this."The green haired one said & disapered. Over in Kohona,Naruto was meeting Sasuke & Sakura by the acdamy."I wonder what this Genin will be like."Naruto had a big smile on his face."I don't know but one of them is form the Miazakia clan."Sakura said deep in thought."Isn't that the clan that can use plants & stuff as weapons?"Sasuke asked abit puzzled."Yup,thats the one...The only thing that trobles me is that one of them was with Orochimarus minion...Sakura said abit worryed."Wrong!!I still am!!!"A circle of grass came up around the three."This won't stop us."Naruto said with clamness in his voice but when he touched the grass blades..They where blade like & sharpness."Damn,You've made it sword like..Right Gale??"Sasuke said with his Sharingan in force."Yup.You can't even burn it with your fire Justus Sasuke."Just as he planned the grass cut both Naruto & saskue & he collected the blood form the grass."Thanks for your blood Naruto & Sasuke.I'll be going now."Gale dissapered & the grass went back to nomarl."Why was he after our blood?"Naruto looked puzzled.Just at that time Kakashi walked up"I can tell you why,Their trying to bring him back & to do that they needed the blood of the one he went after & the one who killed him."Naruto looked at Sakura & Sasuke"Then he's coming back & we need to stop that!"Naruto said proudly."Keep iyt at the back of your mind & worry about the Genin Naruto,Bye."Kakashi walked off. Back in the woods"Well Gale how did it go??"The short one said with plants in his arms."Not bad Zin,Just have you got everything for the revival?"Gale layed two vials of blood down."Of course I did!I'm not like you!!"Zin put the plants on the vials."& i have a possen of his to use."The tall one set a sound headband that had some of his blood on it on the other stuff."Thanks Hahema,now stand back!!"Gale made a hand sign & They both could see Gale's chakra."Bakoshino no Jutsu: Revival style!!!"His placed his hands on the stuff & then passed out but on the table layed a nude Orochimaru."Zin get me some clothes.He said."Right away sir."Zin hobbled off."Hahema,Get Gale into a bed please,He's out of chakra right now."He said sitting up."Right away sir." Back in Kohona,Naruto,Sakura & Sasuke walked into the school to get their three genin each."I can't wait."Naruto said with a smile."Yeah well keep your Ninja centerfold to your self."Sasuke retorted."I haven't done that move in a while!"Naruto was ready to punch Sasuke."Settle down you two,we're here."Sakura said as she opened up the doors where the last nine genin sat. ------------------------------ Sign up: Name: Age: Jutsu: Bio: Personality: Looks:
  9. [quote name='Wolf2gto']Im gona have to agree here. I find the hole show to pointless and stupid. Fighting against baldness and beating people up using nose hairs... sounds like somethin writen by a 4 yearold. I dont mean to afend any big fans of this show but shows like this in my opinion are an instult. but then again im a fan of the really deep anime's with a good story line and awsome plot twists. I supose for younger people bobo is a good show, but for the big time anime fans i've found most dont like it but rather watch maybe one episode or so and say its really stupid. I've probly seen 4 or 5 and i still have to agree with them. its very random and the styles of fighting and the main story of people shaving peoples heads..... kinda gay. :animeangr[/quote] I love this show.I'm uin highschool & i look forward to seeing this every saturday.To me it's like an addiction.& some of you have it all wonrg about the plot.NBo-BoBo & his gang are bascilly by them sleves are overtrowing the Bald empire.It's so stuipd that i fell in love with it.The ,manga is funner & when their hit they have blood out of their mouths.
  10. Drou dug trew his bag & pulled out a few more balls. Ronyo: More balls? Dawn: Looks like. Tifa: What do they do? Vahn: One is a white smoke ball which shows hidden stuff & Drou:The other a a flame ball..God for bruning string that most traps are used with. Drou trew the white smoke ball into the middle of the place & After that went off & showed tons of string,He trew the flame ball into the same spot & all the string burned setting off a lot of traps. Tifa: That was good!!
  11. Drou pulled a ball out of his pocket. Drou:You all might want to close your eyes. Dawn:Why?? Drou: This a a flash ball.Anything light senstive will be blinded by this..It also makes quite a nosie like an army thourgh dead leaves. Everyone closed their eyes & Drou trew the ball & it made a bliding flash,setting off some traps while the nose set off a few more. Drou: That set off a few atleast... Dawn:That was a good try. Tifa:Yeah. Ronyo: atleast we know you're not a one trick pony. Vahn: Thats ture & now we know how some of the traps are like.
  12. Deep in the woods in a well hidden palce there was three guys."To bring him back we need the blood of the one who killed him & the one he was after."The short one said."Yes but we can do that easy if they have a Genin squad with them."The tallest of them said."Luckly my little bro will be a Genin this year form my seanking around Kohona,So we can get their blood easy."The green haired one said"Ahh,But we must act now!!"The short one said jumping up & down."Alright...I'll handle this."The green haired one said & disapered. Over in Kohona,Naruto was meeting Saskue & Sakura by the acdamy."I wonder what this Genin will be like."Naruto had a big smile on his face."I don't know but one of them is form the Miazakia clan."Sakura said deep in thought."Isn't that the clan that can use plants & stuff as weapons?"Saskue asked abit puzzled."Yup,thats the one...The only thing that trobles me is that one of them was with Orochimarus minion...Sakura said abit worryed."Worng!!I still am!!!"A circle of grass came up around the three."This won't stop us."Naruto said with clamness in his voice but when he touched the grass blades..They where blade like & sharpness."Damn,You've made it sword like..Right Gale??"Saskue said with his Sharigan in force."Yup.You can't even burn it with your fire jutsus Saskue."Just as he planned the grass cut both Naruto & saskue & he collected the blood form the grass."Thanks for your blood Naruto & Saskue.I'll be going now."Gale dissapered & the grass went back to nomarl."Why was he after our blood?"Naruto looked puzzled.Just at that time Kakashi walked up"I can tell you why,Their trying to bring him back & to do that they needed the blood of the one he went after & the one who killed him."Naruto looked at Sakura & Saskue"Then he's coming back & we need to stop that!"Naruto said proudly."Keep iyt at the back of your mind & worry about the Genin Naruto,Bye."Kakashi walked off. BNack in the woods"Well Gale how did it go??"The short one said with plants in his arms."Not bad Zin,Just have you got everything for the revial?"Gale layed to vials of blood down."Of course i did!I'm not like you!!"Zin put the plants on the vials."& i have a possen of his to use."The tall one set a sound headband that had some of his blood on it on the other stuff."Thanks Hahema,now stand back!!"Gale made a hand sign & They both could see Gale's chakra."Bakoshino no jutsu: Revial stye!!!"His placed his hands on the stuff & then passed out but on the table layed a nude Orochimaru."Zin get me some clothes.He siad."Right away sir."Zin hobbled off."Hahema,Get Gale into a bed please,He's out of chakra right now."He said sitting up."Right away sir." Back in kohona,Naruto,sakura & saskue walked into the school to ge3t Their Three genin each."I can't wait."Naruto said with a smile."Yeah well keep your Ninja centerfold to your self."Saskue retorted."IO haven't done that move in a while!"Naruto was ready to punch Saskue."Sttle down you two We're here."Sakura said as she opened up the doors where the last nine genin sat. ------------------------------ Sign up: Name: Age: Jutsu: Bio: Persontaiy: Looks: -------------------------------- I'll make the teams up in a fair way.Once I have eight sign ups(besides myself)I'll take the names & make the teams up that way.
  13. Gale shook a finger as both monsters where destoryed."You forgot my field spells power boost so now your Defenseless!"Gale drew."I summon Harpie Lady 1 in attack mode & atiavte Call of the haunted To bring back Harpie's brother in attack mode!!" Harpie Lady 1 Wind atk/1300 def/1400 Effect:This cards name is treated as Harpie cLady.As long as this card remains on the field,increase the atk of all WIND monsters by 300 points. Harpie's Brother Wind Atk/1800 Def/600 "Now,Time to learn more about this Field spell...Whenever I summon a Harpie Lady Or Harpie lady sisters,I can destory one face down on your field!!"The card was destoryed."Now the two effects power up Harpie's Brother up to 2300 in attack power!!Go,Harpie's brothe,Talon slash & Harpie Lady,Claw & Foot slash!!"
  14. I'll put mine up first: Name: Drou Miazakia Age: 13 Signature Jutsu: Bakoshino no jutsu or Plant wielder jutsu Persoatily: Out going,Nice,caring Bio: Drou as always worked hard his whole life & Now it has started to pay off now that he is a genin,His older bro,Gale,Left on a mission & Never came back,There in Drfou worked hard to master the jutsu & it's many attacks. Looks: Blonde hair,Blue grey eyes Mesh shirt,blue pants & Sandals --------------------------- By the way,I'll nbring in Gale & i need a person who is willing to play mr snake dude.
  15. Naruto & the gang have all grown up & do their owns things but there is a unknown evil waiting to kill Them & Their only hope is a new group of 9 Genin. "What our plan master??"A small boy asked a pale skinned man"That's smipl,Kill Naruto & his buddies.The pale man you ask?A more powerful Orochimaru said. Back in Kohona,"Sakura?Saskue?Your teaching new Genin as well?"The blode haired Ninja,Naruto said."Yup But we didn't know you where too Naruto."Sakura said with a smile."The only thing is this place is differnt then when we where Genin.."Sasuke said"Your dream right?If he is back We'll stop him."Naruto said with a grin. Sign-up: Name: Age: Signature Jutsu: This is a given. Persoatily: Bio: Looks: -------------------------------------- I will draw in a fair way for the teams & 8 more Genin & Naruto,Sakura & Sasuke needed as well.I hope you guys have fun!
  16. Drou: Damn hot shot!I morfe then anyone know the traps around the place then anybody else! Drou moved ahead at a dead run & & found a clearing up ahead & right before he got there a huge trap went off.Frist Drou jumped back then rolled forward & then he punched the last thing shattering the last part of thr trap into tiny pieces of wood. Drou: Child's play. Dawn: Your really thick headed at times aren't you? Drou: Damn right. Drou walked around the clearing getting herbs & plants for his wound & placed on the wound,toren in some places & put the bandana back on. Drou: where is Mayhony?
  17. OOC: We all RP in differnt ways & makes mistakes too.I'll just have to cacth them. BIC:[font=Arial] He thinks his good..[/font][font=Tahoma]Drou thought to him self.[/font] Drou: Just let m..us do this our own way. Drou took off this time dodgeing what he could & stoppinhg the rest.until... Drou: SHIT!!! Drou went down on one knee brecause there was a good gash on his leg form a spike.He took a bandana form his back pocket & warpped it around his leg & stood up very shakly. Dawn: Can you go on? Drou: Damn right I can,This is nothing.
  18. Gale smirked."Sorry,Go trap card!!Sakuretsu Armor!!I couldn't use this on your Draco." Sakuretsu Armor Trap you can only activate this card when your opponent declares an attack.Destory the attacking monster. "Your monster goes Bye-Bye.I draw & Summon to the field Sonic Duck!!" Sonic Duck Wind Atk/1700 Def/ 700 "& don't forget the field speel,He gains 200 points to his attack & Defense!Go Sonic duck,Super Sonic Quack!!"'If only I had one more monsters so i can summon HIM.'Gale thought to him self.
  19. Name: Drou Miazakia Age: 18 Gender: Male Description: Brown hair & blue grey eyes,Tall with eyeglasses& a good smile Character notes: Shy but at times very out going. Dreamer Name: Zin Ahamake Description: Blonde ahir& green eyes with a black robe like hoodie & a mean sword that can change edges. Class: Sentail
  20. I also think that all of the differnt "Fists" He made are all so cool.There could be millions of the fists made in the Bo-bobo world but we only know a handle full.I won't go into details but all I'll say is Softon's,In my opion, is the best
  21. Drou: Wonderful...I'll have to use most of my tricks. Drou saw a easy to spot one & cut the wire disaraming the trap But sending a new one which he stoped with a kick. Drou: Shes right about the traps. Dawn: It seems like. 'Great...With her in tow it'll take even longer then by myself'Drou thought to him self."Follow me & let me do most of the work." Dawn: Just wacth out... Drou took a stick & trew it taking care of five traps & setting off five more as well."She really me3ans binuness but so do I!!"Drou ;picked up Dawn on his back & Move as fast as he could setting off traps before he got there."Too easy..."Then a seris of spikes came up & drou barely dodged them."Damn.Too close for comfort."Of coruse they all most got Drou In the Family jewels. none the less.
  22. OOC:Sorry guys!!!I can't contorl the weather sadly.. BIC: "Damn!"LP:3100"Alright my move!"Gale drew a card."I play a new field spell, Harpie's Hunting Ground!!& Now I summon Slate Warrior In attack mode!!!" Slate Warrior Wind Atck/1900 Def/ 400 New Atk/ 2100 Def/ 600 Effect:FLIP:Increase the ATK & DEF of this card by 500 points.The ATK & DEF of a monster that destorys this card as a result of battle is decreased by 500 points. "Go Slate Warrior!Grinding Slates.Your move."
  23. OOC:This is my real wind deck. BIC:"Mine's Gale."Gale shuffled & put his deck in the duel disk & drew 5 cards"Alright I set two face down & the field spellHarpie's Hunting Ground & the I summon Harpie's Brother In attack mode." Harpie's Brother Wind Atk/1800 Def/ 600 New atk/2000 def/800 "He gains a boost thanks to my field spell of 200 to Attack & Defesnce.Alright,Your move!"
  24. OOC:Sorry about nbot posting!!My internet mesed up...:animecry: BIC:Gale came upon a duel & just smiled.'A Ra & A Slifer huh?'Gale moved his deck holder just waiting to see what will happen.'I wonder if one of them could stand my wind deck.?'He thought to himself.Hw saw the girl laying down."Hey,you with th Mp3,Wanna duel??"Gale smiled thninking about the duel he might be in.
  25. Drou ran faster & his sword swayed wildy.His chains hit him in his face every now & then but he ingored those.Drou jumped over a hole in the ground & passed Tifa & made it to Mayhony"This jobs not going to be easy." "I already know that."Mayhony said. "No..I mean the last two trys I was on them & Me & one other person & tryed twice where killed,Thats what i mean."Drou had a tone in his voice "I'll take that into considersion Drou."Mayhony smirked for alittle bit.
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