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Anime Dreamer00

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Everything posted by Anime Dreamer00

  1. Out of the Blue dorms where two people dueling."Go,Sonic Shooter!Attack him dicrety!"Gale said but the other buy just laughed."You forget my monsters on the field!"Gale smiled"No I didn't,Since you have no spells or tarps face down He can Bypass your monsters & attack you ending this!!"Sonic shooter attacked & the other boys life points wen t to zero."How did I lose?"He said"You lost be cause you don't play with your heart like I do."Gale put his deck up & walked away.
  2. Drou took off his cloack & had a mesh shirt on under that.He looked at Tifa & started to run.His chains came out of his shirt & moved around.One was a symbol meaning swordsmen & the other was a dragon pendent.'The zeal crytasl wont be easy to steal....'Drou thought.He rembered how the last two ammpents he made & they bothed failed.'Poor souls who got kiulled in those trys..incudeing the teams...'He thought to him self again.
  3. "Do You...Like me??"Drou turned abit red. "Yes I do."Tifa looked at Drou & give him a kiss on the cheeck. Drou turned even red."I just can't contorl myself when i have to fight....I try but I never can..."Tifa smiled"I'll help you with that."Drou looked shocked"Really?"Tifa Smiled more."Really."
  4. "I Don't care..."Drou took a piece of toast & started eating.He toyught back to his past.When he had to fight. "You Will help my son train young man."Said a old cubby rich man.He shoved drou into the ring & gave him a sword"Get to it!"He had a mean tone in his voice.A boy of 7 ran at drou with sword ready & all Drou could do was dodge the attack."I Don't want to fight!!"The old man smiled"Then i guess you will die..."A chill went down his spine & he fight with the only thought in his mind....To stay alive. Ronyo & Tifa Where looking at Drou for he had a killer look in his eyes."You alright??"They both asked at the same time."Huh?Oh yeah..."Drou had spaced out as well."You had a evil look in you eyes..."Tifa said abit worryed."Something happened to me where i had to fight Or Die....& that came out last night with those guys..."Drou looked down to avoid their gazes.
  5. Love it, Hate it, Or just flat out ingore it, The Bo-BoBo manga in the us has only one thing for it but oh a graphic novel it is.his You can talk about the Manga, Not the anime.The manga is way funnyer then the Anime & if you have read it, Good for you!Tell me your Fav. part of the manga.My Fav. part in it is when [spoiler]Yu-Gi-Oh pops out of Bo-Bobos head[/spoiler] Which is Drop dead funny!I was reading it on my bed & all most fell off When I read that part.
  6. Name- Gale Miazakia Age- 17 Gender- Male Rank- Obilesk Blue Appearence- Blonde hair,Green eyes,Wears jacket like cape,Black shoes,Green shirt Deck Type- Gale Tornado(Wind) Best Card- Simorgh, Bird of Divinity Bio- Gale is an over all nice guy but when in a duels he changes.His first deck had harpies in it & he built the de ck around them adding in the Rare wind monster,Simorgh.Some say that Gale is the next Zane or Jaden but he just uses his brain & his gut feelings.
  7. I have to say BOBOBO-BO BO-BOBO is mine...You may think theres nothing worng with it but always makes me laugh so hard i need to my room & read to clam down down.I love this show...It's bad that Shonen jump only put out one thing of the manga...I always have something Bo-bobo in my head,like right i have the theme song in my head.
  8. Name: Drou Miazakia a.k.a Gale Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Very nice & out going but can be very thick headed at times & loves to fight Race: Elven Appearance: Blonde hair,Blue grey eyes,Black onats & a Mesh shirt. Weapon:White bladed sword. Magic/Abilities: Has a jewel that thourgh it he can harness the wind bujtg it doesn't all ways work,His best move is canneling thw power to his sword & reasling it as a torando on it's side,He calls it Gale Tornado.
  9. Droui woke up & put hgis black hood/robe on."Mayhony thinks i know everything but I don't.."Drou walked down stairs with the black hood up"Hey Ronyo."Drou took a seat."Sorry about last night....I must have messed up & made my tracks easy to follow..."
  10. Drou phosilhed the stars till they shone & put them up."I wonder what Zin wanted...He wasn't like that when I was last fighting him...Unless...No,I'm overthinking it."Drou changed into blue shorts & a mesh shirt to keep dry.Drou put his black robe on & walked out side with the hood on.Drou walked into the forest & Found something that sent a chill down his spine."No way...."Sitting there was a rocket laucnher & lots of ammo for it.Drou grabed it & some ammo & brought it back to the house."Thats what he was planing...."Drou set the stuff down on the floor of his bedroom."It'll come in handy though."Drou put the robe on a hook to dry.
  11. "Zin was a class A tracker & He would have killed everyone here if not for me..."Drou walked to the door & as he passed tifa his hand touched hers again.He made his way to his room & started to clean his stars off."I mainy wanted to keep Tifa safe."Drou said to himself.
  12. I would like to thank who ever Made Japan!!!Yes the firdst person to makejapn a counrty should be prayed to for with out him & the way Japan has become how would we have Anime Manga or video games.
  13. I had a very werid dream last night...Naruto, Cloud & Bo-bob where fighting may Sephiroth clones & all three used the sext jutsu..Cloud looked like Tifa & Bo-bobo looked like Yuffie & all the clones faces turned red & had massive nosebleeds... :wigout:
  14. Drou walked to the back of the house & stood there thinking'I wonder if Tifa knows that I like her..I hope..'Before Drou could finsh that thought,A gun shot rang out & a bullet whized past his head.Drou turned to his side & there stood Zin Maydale,Class a theif tracker & his gang of ten man."Long time no see Drou!""ZIN!!!!"Drou pulled out ten stars & killed every guy with Zin With a star in their thoarts."Now it's only me & You Zin!!"Drou drew his sword & put it with the blade next to his arm."You kill me Drou??HA!!!You couldn't kil,l me on your last job!!!"Drou's eyebrow twiched."Thats because you ran away..."Zin rasied his gun."So?"Drou ran at Zin."YOU FOOL!!!!"Another shot rang out & Drou rolled forward to dodge it & when he got up he bourht his sword up & a upward slash & cut Zin head off.His body fall back sparying blood on the ground."Poor Zin...I only killed you because you where a theart for this job..."Drou brought his sword down to his side.
  15. Drou got up Thinking"I've seen it..It's easy to get but theres some amiss..."Drou thought when he saw it & it had laser system & Persure plate on it'those will be easy..'He thought'It's everything else....'He thought of the narrrow halls all around it.
  16. Drou looked at Tifa & turned abit red.He got up & as he passed Tifa going to his room his hand touched hers for a moment.
  17. "I'm great at close rang & far range kills But I'm a very nice guy once you get to know me.This sword was passed down in my family & all i have left of my family."Drou looked down real quick then looked up.
  18. "No i really don't..."Drou shook his head,His left hand on resting on his sword handle.
  19. The one last night was Inyuasha & I was Miroku....Needless to say....I'll never laugh at him when sango slaps him...I woke up & I felt ilike i got slapped... :animesigh
  20. "thats very neat.I argree with Mayhony.That power of yours could be help full."Drou smiled
  21. I would have to talnk Rlfaph Bearfor making one of the frist video game systms ever made,Thne magnavox Odssey,Tjhis little black & whitre machince had some werid games like tic tac toe on the tv but it is on of the first granddads of the systems we know & Love today.It was made in 1972,1973.Lets all thank this man for one of the favotie past times of otakus & non-otakus alike. :cool:
  22. "You're right..My pranets where killed because of a debt they couldn't pay of & You think being adopted by a rich family would be good but they used me to help their sons lrean swordsmenship but they could never beat me & I fought their dad to leave..I won but I got this scar...."Drou ran his fingers tips all thw way down the scar.
  23. Drou touched the scar running down his right arm."Hello,My name is Drou."
  24. Drou held up his sword to the light insepcting it & put it back up."Mayhony right??My name is Drou."
  25. I had one last night but it wasn't anime....I was link going Majora's mask & I've beat it yet...& Before that I dreamed i was my Naruto OC saving Naruto *& Them & they took me out for ramen..It was funny :animeswea
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