What you should do with you life is up to you and not anyone else or there would be no point in it being "your" life. Procedes to give life advice anyway ;) I've been in a similar situation to you so I know how it feels to not get on with your parents but in my oppinion it is best to make the best you can of a bad situation. i tried the whole moving out of home thing and ended up in so much debt I had to eat humble pie and move back home which was so humiliating and left me worse off than before. What I wish I had done was carry on with school then go to college. Get an education then you can be self sufficient and them if you really want you can cut all your ties with your parents, but just be careful not to burn your bridges too early. Think of the plus points of living with your mum like free food and a roof over your head even if you can't get on, just stick it out, it's only a few years out of your life and if you make good now then you can do whatever you want in the future.
I hope this helps, but at the end of the day the decision is yours, i wish you the best of luck :)
...and yes people do tell me I talk too much :D