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    Watching and drawing anime

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  1. Aw Bulmavegeta I know exectly how you are feeling. My first clarinet duet in front of my school was horrible, I was shaking with nerves but the adrenaline got me through. And if all else fails just remember that even if it all goes horribly wrong, everone will be too polite not to clap and smile at the end anyway :D Good luck.
  2. And we wonder why our world is in such a state when ignorant small minded people like that are at the top levels of our institutions!?! I hope your friend gets as much publicity as he can and that the principal gets what he deserves. On a side note, no fuss was made when a female friend of mine went to the prom in a suit. And the day I dress "like I work in a bank" will be the day hell freezes over. :flaming:
  3. What you should do with you life is up to you and not anyone else or there would be no point in it being "your" life. Procedes to give life advice anyway ;) I've been in a similar situation to you so I know how it feels to not get on with your parents but in my oppinion it is best to make the best you can of a bad situation. i tried the whole moving out of home thing and ended up in so much debt I had to eat humble pie and move back home which was so humiliating and left me worse off than before. What I wish I had done was carry on with school then go to college. Get an education then you can be self sufficient and them if you really want you can cut all your ties with your parents, but just be careful not to burn your bridges too early. Think of the plus points of living with your mum like free food and a roof over your head even if you can't get on, just stick it out, it's only a few years out of your life and if you make good now then you can do whatever you want in the future. I hope this helps, but at the end of the day the decision is yours, i wish you the best of luck :) ...and yes people do tell me I talk too much :D
  4. Man that is really harsh. I had a similar situation with a "mean girl" (call her that so I don't get banned) taking most of my friends off me so I know that is a really bad situation to be in. The best advice I can give you is sod them! If any of these people were your real friends they wouldn't treat you like this in the first place. It sounds extreme but steering well clear and finding people who care about you enough to treat you with respect will save you a lot of hassle in the long run. You don't want my life story (or else we'd be here all night) but in the the end I got physical with this girl and nearly got suspended but I now have way more friends than them anyway although I'm still bitter - these things always hurt - my best advice is to find some true friends and get on with your life. Good luck whatever you choose to do :)
  5. I think the change to v2 was in may sometime cause I remember being on both boards a couple of months and I joined 1 in march before I faded in july some time. Oh and hi to those who remember me, I remember you too.:) :box: :)
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson][b][size=1]*slaps forehead* Alright.... It's Death Knight.... neva mind... call me Ken.... [/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] ooops sorry DEATHNIGHT - Ken or whoever Thats what comes of trying to doctor rude pictures of your boss while having a conversation
  7. I agree with dark night it sounds like he fancies you. When I was at school this guy and I used to physically fight all the time. We met up a coulpe of years later and got together but only for about a week - kind of a passion thing, he was hot!
  8. So this is where all the "old" people are at. This really brings back memories from v1 and 2 but I've been away for so long now that most people probably don't remember me :( . I'm with wuteva on prefering 1.0 but seeing as this is only my second post here I shall give this new board a chance :) Hey to everyone who used to know me out
  9. My favourite books..... Stranger in a strange land - Robert A Heinlen Childhoods End - Arthur C Clarke Imajica - Clive Barker The Uplift Trillogy (Well six actually) - David Brin The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - Phillip K Dick Impakto - Richard Caulder Hot Sky At Midnight - Robert Silverberg And many many more.........
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