Name - Xyrus
Age - N/A ( Doesn't wish to share )
Description - A tall and darkly dressed Romaina, that wears black bandeges across his mouth and has dirty blonde colored hair that shaggs over bright blue eyes
Bio - Very little is known of Xyrus's true past but he has faded images that bluster in the back of his mind that fade in out on variously.
Allignment - Does what he must
Country - Romainia
Gundam - Dismay ( Shadowvale Model Gundam )
Weapon - Main / Twin metal swords sidearms/ Long range beam sniper rifle and Twin Head machine guns
Color - Crimson /w Black parts
Conversion - Retractable Laser Demon Wings
Special - 1000 Nightmares ( Special Attack ) Dismay grows out it's signature demon wings and surrounds itself and the oppunent in a pitchblack smokescreen, within the screen the Dismay moves at un-heard of speeds and relentlessly attacks the oppunent.
There I added my charater in for this thread...