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Everything posted by Caine
[QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna]Why don't they just do what we do in Canada? French and English are the two predominant languages, so we kinda stuck them both together and got this: O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada! Terre de nos aïeux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux. Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, Il sait porter la croix. Ton histoire est une épopée, Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi trempée, Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. Although, in most English parts of the country, the French part is sung in English, it's still a nice concept to have it as the official anthem.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] that's interesting. at hockey games, its usually O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Kinda like how the Star Spangled Banner has more verses that nobody ever sings. on the whole spanish thing, why do they feel te need to translate it? They knew it would cause an uproar (they did it at the height of the immigration debate). They were trying to make a statement, but they knew that they would offend people. I honestly don't understand why they feel the need to change it. Also, because of rythm, its sometimes difficult to translate a song. Most songs don't translate exactly, and changes need to be made if they're to be sung. Since this was sung, I would like to know how the lyrics translate.
while i agree that usually the more noticeable people are guys, this isn't always true. Also, its not like all guys are flashy show offs using leet and getting banned. Quite a few guys are subdued, and its not easy to know who's a guy and who's a girl just from their sig, avatar, and posts.
Starwind is kind of right. Well the number of the beast originally was intended as a reference to Nero, it does appear in the Revelation (Apocalypse) of John. It is mentioned, though 616 is usually considered a more accurate translation. Also of interest is the whole bar-code conspiracy. Bar codes all contain a certain number, and Revelations speaks of a mark needed to purchase anything... My favorite is the people who had labor induced yesterday to make sure their child wasn't the antichrist. I wouldn't be surprised of somebody named his son Damien just because he was born today.
I don't know what happens after death. I figure we just move on to whatever happens next. If you believe in heaven and hell or some other form of afterlife that rewards the righteous, that's your belief. I personally figure that we go on, and lacking much in the way of evidence as to what happens, I say it can't hurt to live a good life, but I won't let anyone else define for me what "good" is.
[QUOTE=silver_blade]Although they usually have a big influence on each other, money and grades are not always related. I think it is what you are exposed to. My mother loves to read and is very intelligent, so I grew up learning lots of random facts from her. Your environment impacts much of what you learn. My mother only makes $15,000 a year, and she is a single parent. Meaning if I do not get a scholarship, there is no way I am getting into a really good college. Personally, though, it has not made my learning ability decrease. I took Advanced English and made 103. I have a right to expect the President to speak his language correctly.[/QUOTE] My point about Bush wasn't about grades or intelligence. His grades weren't spectacular, certainly not enough to get him into Yale, but he got in anyway. With grades like those, sounds like you should be getting a scholarship to deal with other issues, I want to point out that we've had an English problem since before AIM really caught on, so we can't blame the internet for everything. I think Cygnus is on the right track. In this case, I think the problem isn't as much the bias towards stupidity (which is a huge problem) as it is the bias towards having a different way of speaking. When it comes down to it, most teenagers speak the way their friends do, and that tends to be with very poor grammar. Different groups speak differently, but very few cliques of high school kids use proper English. Ultimately, it is a choice. Poor kids aren't as likely to be pushed toward learning proper grammar because they don't tend to have as good schools and teachers, but a poor kid who really tries can learn proper English, and rich kd who doesn't care can wind up not being able to speak properly.
When it comes down to it, the president didn't go to Yale and Harvard because he was smart, he went there because he was rich. Ther rich can buy there way in and many of the poor don't care and don't have any decent education offered to them.
[QUOTE=Dagger]When it comes to novels, I believe that a series with four separate books is usually called a quartet. That aside, [url=http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/8756.html][u]this ICv2 article[/u][/url] touches on why "formidable obstacles actually make an X4 unlikely--at least with the same cast." ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Indeed, using the same cast is unlikely. So what? Do you really think that something as trivial as that will stop them? Especially since I heard something about marvel wanting its own studio, I think they're going to take this as far as they can.
Rascism, yeah, its there. I've never it seen it that overtly, but i would say that in that restaurant, while I can understand why you just sat back and let the woman do it, forcing a confrontation might have been better in the long run. If it made her angry, she would be less likely to do something so stupid again. I'm not criticising you, but sometimes standing up for yourself helps. Also, i want to point out that some people who complain about rascism help to pertpetuate it by seperating themselves. The black kids in my school never mix with the white kids, they always set themselves apart. They sit apart at lunch, they sometimes even play seperate games during gym. back to your story, yeah people will look down on you, and you can't change hoe they look, but you can sure stop them from trying to get better treatment. btw, where in the US was this? I'm white, and I don't think I've ever been discriminated against for it.
[QUOTE=Doukeshi][SIZE=1]And I'm just wondering [spoiler]why the hell they didn't just throw the kid at Jean instead of Wolverine going all suffering hero.[/spoiler] Having said that there were some things I liked. Kitty had an excellent performance, despite my previous gripes about her role, especially [spoiler]when she is running through walls from Juggernaught a la Levi[/spoiler] I think Collossus' part was just right, and there was a bit of a geeky moment when he [spoiler]performed the fast ball special with Wolverine[/spoiler] Though it seemed to be that [spoiler] two guys relying heavily on metal going against Magneto seemed rather pointless, though it was not acted upon by the great magnetic one[/spoiler][/SIZE][/QUOTE] how would they throw leech that far? They can't use their powers, remember? Even the strongest of them can't throw a scared kid that far with any hope of positive results without powers. I don't understand why Kitty didn't just walk up to magneto holding a dart, stick it into him, let go of it, and walk away. I heard somewhere that one guy was signed on through X-5, I'll try to find the link EDIT here it is, Vinnie Jones [URL=http://www.superherohype.com/news/x-mennews.php?id=3776]signed for X-Men 3, 4,5[/URL]
What do you do when the power goes out?
Caine replied to CyberPandaLove's topic in General Discussion
the power doesn't go out too often, but if it does I can do any of the following 1) sleep 2) watch anime on my portable DVD player 3) go biking (really fun when the power's out because of ice) 4) read 5) be bored out of my mind ( i try to avoid this one) -
May Day, his holiday call (La-la-la-la-la la lafontaine), but my favorites are "momma hides the cookies" and "where Jimmy Hoffa is" .:EDIT:. GOD DAMN. We lost, without 4 of our 6 defensemen, without one of our best forwards, but we still lost. At least we look like we'll be better next year. [font=trebuchet ms][color=DarkGreen]Caine, double posting isn't allowed so I've merged your two consecutive posts together. In future use the EDIT button instead of posting twice in a row. --Raiyuu[/color][/font]
[QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna]Huge hockey fan... and I mean obessivly huge. I'm one of the biggest Montreal Canadiens fans you're likely to find. Even though they were eliminated in the first round I'm still not disapointed... we had a really fun season. As for the Cup, got to go with the Canadian team. I watch pretty much any hockey game I can (Playoffs and regular season, thanks to NHLCenterICE), and the Oilers have been the best throughout their lineup. I'd like the Sabres to get to the finals aswell, both because I love the guy who calls their games (And he said the one thing he wants is to call a Buffalo final) and they're fun to watch. Still, Edmonton is going to win! BTW, I'm currently laughing my *** off at the Leafs signing McCabe for 5.5-6 million/year for 5 years. Hahahahahahahaha![/COLOR][/QUOTE] YES! Somebody else knows who Rick Jeanerret is, but I'm pretty sure he handled play calling duties back in 99, I know he's been calling since before then, so I think he means a Buffalo Cup victory. I have his greatest play calls ever on CD lying around here somewhere. sorry about Koivu, with him you might have eliminated the 'Canes and saved us all this trouble.
If the Oilers go up against the 'Canes, then I root for the Oilers (GO ROLLIE), despite, or maybe because, you guys have Peca. Game 7 is always interesting, especially when its the #1 home team against the #1 road team GO SABRES
I see great stories all the time on fark my favorite was the one about how because the Oilers are in the finals, Edmonton is running low on beer
Are there any other hockey fans here? I'm obviously a Sabres fan, and I'm wondering if anybody else is paying any attention at all to the SCP
Generally liked the movie, if you're looking for faithfulness to the comics, well, you should know better. I though there were too many subplots that weren't dealt with very well, though a few may be dealt with in future movies. This movie is successful just because [SPOILER]They got in the line "Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, *****!"[/SPOILER] [spoiler]I can't wait to see Rogue get her powers back, that scene could be made [I]really[/I] funny. So could what happens if mystique gets her powers back, for that matter[/spoiler]
as far as i can tell, it isn't easily transmissible yet. If it reaches that point it might kill a good deal of people, but I'm not sure we should be too worried about it. On the people who died, weren't they mostly very poor and already in poor health?
If you could meet other OtakuBoards members, would you?
Caine replied to a topic in General Discussion
I'm new here, but I think it would be interesting to meet most of you people. Then again, interesting isn't always fun. -
"you can accomplish a lot if you don't worry about who gets credit" pretty self explanatory. also the one from my sig "the point of war isn't to die for your country, its to make the other guy die for his" this is basically a reminder of reality "Happiness has got to be paid for" everything has a price we have to decide whether or not we can pay it "No one can serve two masters" one of my favorite biblical quotes, because its so true. You have to choose and dedicate. if you put something first in your life, you have to keep it first and not compromise "You'll get more with a kind word and a shileighleigh than you will with just a kind word" True. If you do something, you have to back it up.