[SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]So, I skipped most of page two and all of page three, but Zhara's glowering down at the computer screen from over my shoulder, so I better let her do her thing.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[quote name='Grace']I was just at work going over some major problems we have in-game. I was sitting at my desk and drinking a delicious Blended Vanilla Bean from Starbucks (^_^). Then I came across this one report, which made me very, VERY, upset.[/quote]
[FONT=Garamond]You know, unless they've changed that particular rule since I last went to church, you aren't allowed to drink coffee. [/FONT]
[quote name='SunfallE']The LDS/Mormon Church is infamous for keeping their members as ignorant as possible.[/quote]
[FONT=Garamond]Speaking of which, I remember how in Sunday school, the woman "teaching" us told us how tanning agents are in coffee, and if you drink it, your stomach will turn to leather. Now, I was only six, so I believed her, and didn't drink coffee for the longest time. But then I hit middle school and realized I had been brainwashed for years!
Now, I don't believe in any god at all, and I honestly don't see why anyone would. It's weak. But that's just my opinion, so whatever. I just don't think we should place blind faith in a figure no one has ever spoken to. And don't go quoting your messiah and prophet crap to me, because no one knows if they really exist. Honestly, would it be so hard to accept the fact that yes, we evolved from apes? [/FONT]