[QUOTE]Does that get explained in Chain of Memories? Speaking of which, is Chain of Memories really worth playing, or should I just go read a summary if I'm curious about how its plot ties in to KH2's plot?[/QUOTE]
I would recommend CoM to any KH/KH2 fan! While the battle system can get frustrating at times it becomes kinda fun once you get the hang of it. It is worth it alone to play the extra Reverse/Rebirth after you beat the game. Also it gives you a little introduction to DiZ, Namine, and Axel.
Just thought I would clarify the Organization XIII member's deaths in the game. [spoiler]Sora kills Larxene & Marluxia, Axel kills Vexen, Riku kills Lexaeus, & Riku's clone kills Zexion.[/spoiler] Ya things get kind of crazy.
Also, I really enjoyed KH2. I loved what they did with Riku. All game I was freaking going, "I want Riku!" And then you finally find him and it's great. Well worth it to not have him around all game [spoiler]to have him fight side by side with you on the final boss in the end.[/spoiler] :cool: