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Everything posted by Tsume

  1. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2]I was really impressed by this anime and I?ll definitely have to check out the movie(s). I had never even heard of it before seeing and AMV based on it at Otakon this pass summer. It intrigued me and I stored the name of it in the back in my mind. A couple of weeks ago I saw a thin pack box set at the store for pretty cheap and picked it up as an impulse buy, and let me tell you, I was not disappointed. I really liked the way each episode is kinda its own story. You actually care about the supporting characters Kino meets on her journey even though you see them for no more than an episode. That?s what really makes this anime work. Had the story not be so well written and executed, it probably would have seemed like an anime full of filler episodes. Just finished it a few nights ago too, and that last episode was probably my favorite (although the flying machine episode was pretty sweet too). One thing I wanted a little more of was Kino?s back-story and if the movies touch on that, then that makes me want to see them even more, hehe.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE]Does that get explained in Chain of Memories? Speaking of which, is Chain of Memories really worth playing, or should I just go read a summary if I'm curious about how its plot ties in to KH2's plot?[/QUOTE] I would recommend CoM to any KH/KH2 fan! While the battle system can get frustrating at times it becomes kinda fun once you get the hang of it. It is worth it alone to play the extra Reverse/Rebirth after you beat the game. Also it gives you a little introduction to DiZ, Namine, and Axel. Just thought I would clarify the Organization XIII member's deaths in the game. [spoiler]Sora kills Larxene & Marluxia, Axel kills Vexen, Riku kills Lexaeus, & Riku's clone kills Zexion.[/spoiler] Ya things get kind of crazy. Also, I really enjoyed KH2. I loved what they did with Riku. All game I was freaking going, "I want Riku!" And then you finally find him and it's great. Well worth it to not have him around all game [spoiler]to have him fight side by side with you on the final boss in the end.[/spoiler] :cool:
  3. I think when trying to decide on what factors of a game you?re going to focus on, you need to sit back and determine your audience. If you are going with an RPG than a good story is a must have. Action/adventure is mostly gameplay. Racing games then you?re looking at graphics and so on. Just try and figure out what type of genre and then look at your audience. Of course there are always exceptions to this rule. In my personal opinion, I think that gameplay is the most important of the bunch. If you look at games on the NES (Super Mario Bros, Metriod, Legend of Zelda) these games can still be played today because they are so much fun due to the great gameplay. If I?m not having fun then I don?t want to play it no matter how nice it looks. My general top 5 would be: 1. Gameplay 2. Story 3. Music/Voice Acting 4. Originality 5. Graphics This may be in a different order for others, but if your game succeeds in these 5 categories then your game wins. :D
  4. Man, reading a topic like this makes me very happy that I went to college for Engineering. :animesmil I hated learning about Transcendentalism (I think that's what it?s called) back in High School. Hopefully you paper turned out ok. If you ever got any Math/Science questions though, I would be happy to help.
  5. I love this song! One of the best songs on the soundtrack and I wish they could have used it more effectively in the anime. :animeangr Well enough with my complaining, I'll try to answer your question... I don't think just reading the lyrics does it justice as you need to listen to the song to get a feel for it. With the tempo of the song matching the lyrics so well (as well as the lone trumpet playing in the background giving you sense of sadness almost) the song defiantly makes you want to set off on some kind of journey. Whenever I hear it I want to drop everything I'm doing and just head off to some unknown destination. Maybe that's why the song leaves some kind of void inside of you. You might be longing to go off on some kind of adventure almost. Very beautiful song in my opinion. Hope this helps!
  6. The prettiest song I ever heard was [I]Radical Dreamers ~Unstolen Jewel~ [/I] from the Chrono Cross Soundtrack. It's the ending song to the game and plays during the final credits. If you have never heard it, it is basically just an acoustic guitar playing with a female singing vocals in Japanese. It is very simple but nice to listen to and fits well with the theme of the game. The melody is soft and sweet and the singer has a tremendously beautiful voice. I actually don't know the lyrics to the song as I don't speak Japanese, but I don't think I would ever like to know what she is actually singing about. Some things like that are just better left unknown. :D
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