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Lava Lamp

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Everything posted by Lava Lamp

  1. [quote name='vegeta rocker']why would the otakuboards change an entire forum's setup when all you have to do is take into something as simple as MS Paint or as complex as Photoshop?[/quote] maybe some people dont have those things on their computers, or dont know how to use them
  2. so, today i was looking for a new avatar on the net, and i found some really cool ones. the trouble is, they were 100 by 100 pixels, and OB only lets you use 150 by 80 pixels. this bothered me alittle, and i was wondering if it could be changed to 100 by 100 pixels. what do you think?
  3. Name: Sephiroth Age: 29 Weapon: 10 ft sword Materia: full cure, Fire, Shield Appenrce: long blue-grey hair, green eyes, black coat, 1 wing, boots Background: sephiroth has just been remade and is now growing stronger and is looking for followers
  4. its a bit long, but its what i live by. (yeah, its the theme from fruits basket) "FOR FRUITS BASKET" I was so happy, you were laughing With a smile that melts everything away Spring is still far away, inside the cold earth, Waiting for the time to sprout For instance, even if today is painful And yesterday's wounds remain I want to believe that I can free my heart and go on I cannot be reborn But I can change as I go on, so Let's stay together always Smile only at me and touch me with those fingers This simple desire is everlasting I want things to be simple Let's finally get across this sea of mournful sorrow For instance, even if today is painful Someday it will become a warm memory If you leave everything up to your heart I understand the meaning our living here It is to know the joy of having been born For instance, even if today is painful Someday it will become a warm memory If you leave everything up to your heart I understand the meaning our living here It is to know the joy of having been born Let's stay together always Let's stay together always
  5. ha! this tread makes me laugh! here's 1: play "i spy" and when its your turn say "i spy something hot" (or another adjective) and when they cant figure it out, say "you!" i got this one from personal exeperience... heh
  6. DNAngel360 wrote this. I'm just posting it. Anybody happen to catch Nightline last night on ABC? In case you didn't, one of the hot topics discussed was MySpace. It is no secret to anyone who reads the newspaper or watches the 6 o'clock news that MySpace has been in the limelight because of "sexual predators" trying to "abduct and corrupt" the youth of the world. To this I say, wtf?! I see dozens of profiles a day showing 14 year old girls dressed like sl*ts, wearing four inches of make up and 32 layers of eyeliner, displaying their age as 18 years old and profile lines stating "Oh, I'm So Sexy" or "Hey There, Wanna Check Up On It?" Come the **** on! The youth of today's world are already corrupt enough due to the undying need to be "older" than they really are. I seriously doubt there are tons of people on MySpace stalking "innocent young girls" who just happen to have tramped up profiles and ages 4 years greater than their own. On Nightline, there was a story of a 12 year old girl who was a drug-addict and attributed it all to MySpace. She claims that MySpace allowed her to easily fing drug dealers in her area, as well as older men to do it with. Now, at the age of 14, she has been checked into a drug-rehabilitation clinic and has been away from her family for 5 months. Her parents would rather place the blame squarely on the shoulders of MySpace instead of their daughter, who even admitted that at the age of 12, had already tried weed, crack, X, and had slept with numerous guys older than herself...but of course, it wasn't her fault, it was all because of MySpace. Once again, COME THE **** ON! When are parents and children going to stop passing the blame and grow up enough to take responsibility for their actions and the actions of their children.. Parents, monitor your children online, take some responsibility for YOUR children. Children, if a profile name sounds like something that comes out of a cheap horror movie, like "DARK ANGEL OF DEATH WHO EATS THE BRAINS OF GIRLS"...chances are you DO NOT WANT TO ADD THEM AS A FRIEND. Apparently there is new legislation in Congress now to block MySpace in all public schools and public libraries across the United States. All because little girls want to act grown and don't want to accept the consequences and parents don't want to accept the fact that their "innocent little girls" are posing as 18 year old crack wh*res trying to buy drugs. Eventually, if this continues, MySpace could be totally outlawed from the Internet. Restrictions will be put in place in order to make MySpace "safer". I don't know about you, but I use MySpace to keep in touch with my family and friends, use it for messages, and just to have a space that is my own. Just because some children want to act grown, does that mean I may have to eventually give up my MySpace? If you feel the same way I do, please, repost this in your blogs or bulletins, or both as "STOP BLAMING MYSPACE". If enough people post this and spread the word, maybe people will get the picture and stop blaming MySpace for every little thing that their children do wrong. As user of MySpace, we should all repost this and take some sort of action. This is not a chain letter, and nothing will happen to you if you don't repost this in 321654987 seconds. However, of all bulletins you will read today, I am sure that this one is the only one that actually has a point to it. So please, have some common sense, and repost this. Thanks. Again, I did not write this..... DNAngel360 did. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I agree, this thread needed to be placed into the 'Myspace' thread. Next time just be sure to look for a similar thread before posting. I'm leaving this open for discussion for now. ~ Pumpkin [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. my math teacher calls me molly-molly... (long story)
  8. I loved this site for a long, long time, but i dont know what an otaku is! i heard it means "manga lover" is that true?
  9. i have to agree with Tatsubei Yagyu... bobobo bo-bobobo is the strangest. my friends that dont even read manga laugh about the name
  10. kakashi would never break dance.... and here's something lee SHOULD do... he should get his eyebrows waxed
  11. hi everyone.... im not proud to admit this, but i cant pronounce Japenese names! i always pronounce it some weird way. would someone tell me how?
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