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Everything posted by Tank!

  1. That is part of the story, the conflict between what he has been taught [the teachings of the buddha] and what needs to be done in order to save the world or what have you. I'm glad you're not used to my style. It is not meant to be "serious" more within the vein of something like Samurai Jack. Most manga, in stores, the art work is all the same, no one really has their "own" style. I could possibly be posting my work in the wrong forum. Maybe my work doesn't fit into the "manga" gerne. ;) never the less, feed back is inspiring.
  2. This is a piece that has been in development for sometime. I have a whole story plotted out in my head, but nothing continious on paper, just a few one page comics. Let me know what ya think. [img]http://www.freewebs.com/retrovertigostudios/battle_buddha_500.jpg[/img]
  3. This is something that has been sitting around for awhile while no dialog. Jana [girl] is our Topless, Robot, Ninja. is in some sort of conflict with the giant robot. [img]http://connsquad.com/Gallery/albums/album01/trnissue_blank_500.jpg[/img]
  4. I'm more interested in the art work, than the story. I think I just have to sit and draw, until I get it all out. You know kinda like one of those exercise where you just doodle whatever, until your ready to dive into what you're set to do.
  5. my biggest issure with starting a book, is I have the story down, plot etc. but when it comes to getting it down on paper. Nothing is every good enough. Then I end up getting frustrated.. leading to nothing getting drawn. Or what has been drawn, ends up earsed or in the trash. :animestun
  6. I still use Corel Painter 7. It's more user friendly than Photoshop, but I am starting to use Photoshop more and more. It's more what you are comfortable with. I've been working on coloring for a year or so now and I'm still not pleased.
  7. Hello everyone. I am a 28 year "comic" artists. in Connecticut, USA, looking to find my way into the comic/manga world. I have been drawing since I was about 3 years old, or atleast that's as far back as I can remember. Comic books, cartoons, suprheros, sci-fi have always been a huge part of my imagination. I am Fortunate to have kept these in my life and keep my imagination growing. Minus my rant, please feel free to view some of my artwork. @ [url]http://tk4434.deviantart.com/gallery/[/url] [ I have my art on DA because it is a free place to store my work, I'm tired of DA it's a bit "stuffy"] Thanks -enjoy
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